
qiáo liánɡ xià bù jié ɡòu
  • Bridge substructure;substructure of bridge
  1. 桥梁下部结构的维修与加固方法探讨

    The Study on Maintaining and Strengthening Method of the Bridge Substructure

  2. 本文主要探讨了桥梁下部结构的耐久性和耐荷性的评价问题,其目的在于建立一套完整的桥梁评价体系,方便桥梁管理者的使用。

    After this study , an integrated bridge evaluation system is established .

  3. 桥梁下部结构与外物碰撞的力学模型模拟

    Suppositions on simulation models of bridge substructure in collision with other objects

  4. 基于工作过程的《桥梁下部结构施工》课程的教学改革

    On Bridge Substructure Construction Course Reform

  5. 船舶撞击桥梁下部结构问题的研究

    Research on Ship Collision with Bridges

  6. 浅谈高速公路桥梁下部结构设计

    The Design of Expressway Bridge Substructure

  7. 群桩基础是桥梁下部结构设计常见的基础形式之一,且计算理论也较为成熟。

    Group piles foundation is one of the most common foundations in the designing of substruction .

  8. 分析了碰撞过程中各部分的能量转化,以及桥梁下部结构的变形响应和应力分布。

    In addition , energy dissipation in every part , deformation response and stress distribution of the substructure are analyzed .

  9. U型桥台是公路桥梁下部结构常用的构造,在工程实践中,U型桥台常常出现开裂。

    The U-shaped abutment is a common structure of infrastructure . However , the cracks often appear during the practice .

  10. 介绍在津滨轻轨桥梁下部结构设计中,由于考虑了桥上无缝线路的纵向力,出现了新的问题。

    The longitudinal force of the ballastless track brings new problems in the design of substructure of Jinbin Light Rail bridge .

  11. 目前桥梁下部结构深水施工多采用沉井、无底钢套箱围堰或有底钢套箱围堰法。

    At present , Construction of bridge substructure mostly use deep caisson , no-bottom steel boxed cofferdam methods or bottomed steel boxed cofferdam methods .

  12. 结果表明只要合理设置限位装置,依然可以将桥梁下部结构的地震响应控制在一较理想的范围之内。

    The results show that as long as a reasonable set of restrainer , the seismic response of substructure of isolated bridge can be controlled in an ideal range .

  13. 高架桥梁的下部结构设计

    Design on Substructures in Elevated Street Bridges

  14. 墩顶固结桥梁上下部结构的联合计算

    Unified Calculation of the Super and Substructure of a Bridge with the Rigid - Jointed Pier Top

  15. 由此对高架桥梁的下部结构产生了一个特殊的长轨纵向力。

    So the longitudinal force of a special long rail is occurred in the substructure of elevated bridge .

  16. 结构计算:含桥梁上下部结构的静力、动力及屈曲稳定计算。

    Structure calculation : include the static , dynamical and flection stabilization computation of bridge 's superstructure and the substructure .

  17. 为此项目设计提供了理论基础。(3)对拼宽桥梁新旧下部结构的沉降差产生的结构附加内力进行研究。

    It can provide a theoretical basis for project design . ( 3 ) The additional internal forces what with the difference settlement between the lower opart of old and new bridges is researched .

  18. 结合揭阳至普宁高速公路的工程实践,从模板选择与施工、混凝土配合比、浇灌方法、拆模养护等方面,较详细地介绍了桥梁工程下部结构混凝土外观质量的控制方法。

    According to the practice of Jieyang-Puning Expressway , this paper introduces the quality control method for sub-structure concrete appearance of bridge engineering aiming at selection of form , construction , concrete mix design data , concreting method , form stripping and maintenance etc. .

  19. 双柱式桥墩则是公路桥梁常见的下部结构,早期建设桥墩因设防标准低或抗震规范不完备,以致抗震能力偏低。

    As the seismic fortification standard is lower and the specification is not complete at early time , the seismic ability of double column piers which is a common substructure of highway and bridge .

  20. 并对不同工况下的车辆分别撞击桥梁的上、下部结构进行了数值模拟分析。

    And with different conditions of the vehicles hitting bridges respectively .

  21. 城市桥梁管理系统中下部结构的开发

    The Development of Bridge Infrastructure in Bridge Management System

  22. 支座是连接桥梁上部结构和下部结构的重要部件。

    The bearing is the important part that connects the superstructure and substructure .

  23. 普通桥梁的分段预制下部结构体系

    A Precast Segmental Substructure System for Standard Bridges

  24. 本文就城市桥梁设计中的桥梁上、下部结构及桥面系结构设计中的几个问题进行讨论。

    This paper discusses some problems about bridge superstructure , bridge substructure and bridge decking of city bridge design .

  25. 作为桥梁评估体系的重要组成部分,桥梁下部结构的评估具有非常重要的意义。

    As a significant part of bridge evaluation system , the evaluation on infrastructure has an extraordinary significance .

  26. 它将桥梁上部结构的反力和变形(位移和转角)可靠地传递给桥梁下部结构。

    The counter-force and distortion ( displacement and corner ) are reliable transferred from superstructure to substructure by the bearing .

  27. 桥梁支座是连接桥梁上下结构的重要构件,能将桥梁上部结构的反力和变形(位移和转角)可靠地传递给桥梁下部结构。

    The bridge bearing which links upper and lower structure plays an important part in the bridge structures . It can help to deliver reaction and distortion ( movement and turn angle ) from the upper structures to lower reliably .

  28. 该桥梁管理系统通过对大量的桥梁表观检测数据或无破损检测试验结果进行分析汇总,以我国规范、标准为基础,运用神经网络的方法,对桥梁的下部结构进行综合评价。

    According to our national criterion , analyzing lots of bridge visual inspection and non-destructive data , using neural network , the system can give the evaluation of bridge infrastructure .