
qiáo liánɡ jiǎn dìnɡ
  • bridge rating
  1. 根据现行《铁路桥梁检定规范》,用FORTRAN语言编制了常见桥型的检算程序,用VISUALBASIC设计了人机界面,形成了功能完善的既有桥梁检算系统。

    According to the active rules of the railway bridge rating , the paper plaits the rate program of common bridges with FORTRAN language , designs the interface with Visual Basic , and then forms an existing railway bridge rating system with perfect functions .

  2. PCT梁的横、竖向振动加速度值都不大,均在《铁路桥梁检定规范》规定的限值以内;

    The values of the lateral and vertical vibration acceleration of PCT beam are all under the safety limits regulated by Code for Rating Railway Bridges .

  3. 计算得到其横向基频为2.097Hz,与实测值1.95Hz吻合良好,且满足现行《铁路桥梁检定规范》相应限值1.125Hz的要求。

    The 1st lateral frequency of free vibration is 2.097 Hz . It agrees well with test-measured value 1.95 Hz . Both of them are satisfactory with limit value 1.125 Hz defined by Test Specification of Railway Bridge .

  4. 梁体在中-活载作用下的挠跨比为1/2045,满足铁路桥梁检定规范的挠跨比参考限值1/1900的要求,梁体竖向刚度满足规范要求;

    Under the action of deign live load , the ratio of deflection to span is 1 / 2045 , which is less than 1 / 1900 , then it also meet the need of Code for rating existing railway bridges ;

  5. 既有桥梁的技术检定试验研究

    Research on Technique Check for Existing Bridge

  6. 桥梁承载力的检定,常采用分析计算法、荷载试验法和实物调查比较法。

    For the checking of bridge carrying capacity , normally we use analysis account method , load test method and object research comparative method .

  7. 发现了《铁路桥梁设计规范》规定的某些桥梁横向刚度限值及《铁路桥梁检定规范》规定的某些桥梁振幅限值需要重新研究的问题;

    The re-research problems are discovered about some limited values of lateral stiffness for bridge stipulated by " Design Prescription for Railway Bridge " and some limited values of lateral vibration amplitude for bridge stipulated by " Test Prescription for Railway Bridge " .