
  • 网络pontine cistern
  1. 目的:通过头颅三维断层标本与MRI对照研究三叉神经桥池段,为影像学诊断提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide the anatomic data for imaging diagnosis of pontine cistern segment of trigeminal nerve , by a comparative study between three-dimensional cadaver sections and MR images .

  2. 三叉神经桥池段的断层解剖及其临床意义

    Sectional anatomy and its clinical significance of pontine cistern segment of trigeminal nerve

  3. 脑内病变延伸至CPA表现为病变大部分位于一侧小脑半球或脑干,向患侧CPA延伸,患侧桥池和/或环池受压变窄或闭塞。

    Intracerebral lesion which extended to CPA was manifested as constriction or occlusion of cisterna pontis and / or cisterna ambiens .

  4. 打开鞍底可进入垂体窝,鞍底后下方为斜坡骨质,磨除后进入桥前池,可观察到两侧的椎动脉合成基底动脉及其分支情况。

    Opening the saddle can enter the pituitary fossa at the end , and clival bone is located below the saddle . After removal clival bone , can enter anterior pon cistern , vertebrobasilar artery and its branches could be observed .

  5. 结果颅底部脊索瘤16例,15例破坏颅底并有硬膜外软组织肿块,1例位于颅内右侧桥前池区,骨质无破坏。

    Results There were 16 cases of lesions located in the region of skull base , 15 cases of which formed epidural soft tissue masses with marked bone destruction , 1 case of which located in the right prepontile cistern without bone destruction .

  6. 桥小脑角池和内听道气造影的正常CT表现

    Normal finding of ct / air cisternography of the cerebellopontine angle and internal auditory canal

  7. 结果(1)CPA包括三个脑池:桥脑前池、小脑桥脑池,小脑延髓池。

    Results ( 1 ) The CPA includes three cisterns : the prepontine cistern , the cerebellomedullary cistern , the cerebellopontine cistern .

  8. 内听道&桥小脑角池造影术临床应用25例分析

    Clinical application of meatocisternography & analysis of 25 cases

  9. 脑池放射性同位素造影术开放桥小脑角池对脑干听觉诱发电位的影响

    Effects of the patefaction of cerebellopontine angle cistern on brain stem auditory evoked potential

  10. 结果(1)斜坡破坏31例,6例在桥脑前池形成肿块。

    Results ( 1 ) 31 cases showed clivus involvement , 6 of which had mass in prepontile cistern .

  11. 相对于侧墙和桥墙散热,池底散热显著影响玻璃熔制过程;

    Heat loss from bottom wall has more effect on the glass melting process than those from side wall and bridge wall .

  12. 桥脑与桥前池比值(B/F)、延髓与延髓前池比值(C/G)在判断脑干的正常形态及异常改变中意义较大。

    The ratios of pons to pontine cistern ( B / F ) and medulla to medullar cistern ( C / G ) had important value in judging the abnormal brainstem of not .

  13. 就这样,周国云从英武路追过备战桥,又从备战桥追过海池桥。

    In this way , Zhou cloud over preparations for recovery from the Leonard Road , Bridge , and from preparations for the bridge to cross the harbor chasing pool bridge .