
  1. 文中给出的公式和结论芜湖桥桁梁结合梁设计参考。

    The formulas and conclusions in this paper can give reference for the design of composite girders in Wuhu Yangtze River bridge .

  2. 悬索桥钢桁加劲梁吊装施工控制研究

    Construction Control Research of the Hoisting Steel Trussed Girder of Suspension Bridge

  3. 京沪高速大胜关桥钢桁梁段节段模型试验方法

    Section model test method for steel truss girder segment in the along Beijing-Shanghai

  4. 大跨度悬索桥钢桁加劲梁的选型研究

    A Comparative Study on Types of Long Span Suspension Bridge Stiffening Steel Trusses

  5. 铜九线鄱阳湖特大桥钢桁梁设计

    Sharping on line Design of Steel Truss Girder of Poyang Lake Bridge on Tongling-Jiujiang Railway

  6. 郑州黄河桥边桁下弦杆制孔工艺研究

    Institute on The Hole Drill Technique of Bottom Chord Bar of Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge

  7. 榕江特大桥钢桁梁柔性拱架设方案比选

    Comparison and Choice of the Erection Schemes for the Steel-truss-girder-flexible-arch Mega Bridge over the Rongjiang River

  8. 中宁黄河特大桥钢桁梁整体节点制孔工艺

    Workmanship for Hole Boring in Integral Panel Points of Steel Truss Girder of Zhongning Huanghe River Bridge

  9. 渝怀铁路长寿长江特大桥钢桁梁桁式比选

    Comparison and Selection of Truss Type for Steel Truss Girder of Changshou Changjiang River Bridge on Chongqing-Huaihua Railway

  10. 高速铁路三主桁道砟整体桥面板桁组合桥受力特性及计算理论研究

    Research on the Mechanical Characteristics and the Calculation Theory of Three-Truss Plate-Truss Composite Bridges with Ballast Monolithic Deck of High-Speed Railway

  11. 广东东莞东江大桥主桥是一座三主桁双层桥面刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁,这是一种较为新颖的桥梁结构形式,它同时具备悬索桥与钢桁架桥的优点。

    The main bridge of Dongguan Dongjiang bridge is a three main trusses steel bridge with rigid cable , is a new double-deck bridge structural style . , It possess advantages of both suspension bridge and steel truss bridge .

  12. 北盘江大桥是一座主跨636m钢桁梁悬索桥,钢桁梁由钢桁架及桥面系组成,是一种目前国内较为新颖的大跨度悬索桥主梁结构形式。

    The North-pan River Bridge is a steel trussed girder suspended highway bridge , with the main span of 636 meters ; the steel trussed girder is made up of the steel truss and deck hitch , in currently novel kingpost structural style .

  13. 钢-混凝土组合桁梁桥是指钢桁和混凝土梁通过剪力连接件连接成整体并考虑共同受力的桥梁结构形式。

    Steel-concrete composite truss-girder bridge is a structure that a steel truss is connected to a concrete girder to bear loads by shear connectors .

  14. 为了使上层公路桥面板能帮助主桁上弦杆抵抗巨大的纵向压力,正桥全部采用混凝土桥面板与钢桁梁共同作用的板桁结合梁。

    In order to let the slabs help the top chords of the steel trusses resist the giant compressive forces , slab truss composite structures are used throughout the main bridge .