
  • 网络periapical periodontitis;apical periodontitis;chronic apical periodontitis;periapical inflammation
  1. 结论:根管封药可应用抗厌氧菌药物以治疗慢性根尖周炎。

    Conclusion : Some anti_anaerobic bacterial drugs can be used to treat chronic periapical periodontitis .

  2. PCR检测慢性根尖周炎临床标本中牙髓卟啉单胞菌

    Detection of porphyromonas endodontalis in chronic periapical periodontitis by PCR

  3. 前列腺素E2和血栓素B2在根尖周炎中的定量研究

    Quantitive study of prostaglandin E - 2 and thromboxane B_2 in periapical periodontitis

  4. C组:慢性根尖周炎54个牙162个根管。

    Group C ( 162 root canals from 54 molars ) which was undergoing chronic apical periodontitis .

  5. 核转录因子κbmRNA在实验性根尖周炎中的表达

    Expression of nuclear transcription factor - κ B mRNA in experimental Periapical lesion in the rat

  6. 结论FE复合酶是一种安全、有效的控制急性根尖周炎的局部使用药物。

    Conclusions FE Compound Enzyme was a safe and effective drug for controlling the local infection of acute apical periodontitis .

  7. 免疫抑制对鼠根尖周炎中IL-1α、TNF-αmRNA表达的影响

    Effect of immuno-suppression on expression of IL-1 α and TNF - α mRNA in rats periapical disease

  8. 目的探讨活性玻璃陶瓷(BGC)为主要成分配制成根管充填剂治疗慢性根尖周炎的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the effects of the paste of the bioactive glass ceramics ( BGC paste ) on treating chronic periapical periodontitis .

  9. IL-1α、IL-1β和TNF-αmRNA在实验性鼠根尖周炎中的表达

    IL-1 α, IL-1 β and TNF - α mRNA Expression in Experimental Periapical Lesions in the Rat

  10. 根尖周炎渗出液中IL-1α的检测及其临床相关性根尖周肉芽肿的扫描电镜研究

    Interleukin-1 α concentration in apical exudates of periapical periodontitis and its correlations with the clinical findings

  11. 目的研究FE复合酶缓解急性根尖周炎症状的有效性。

    Objective To investigate the symptoms of acute apical periodontitis relieved by FE Compound Enzyme , and the efficiency was compared with FC .

  12. 根尖周炎治疗前后根管渗出液中IL-1β变化及意义

    Variation and significance of IL-1 β in the exudates of periapical periodontitis in anterior and posterior treatment

  13. 方法慢性根尖周炎患牙368颗随机分为4组,每组92颗:A组(对照组)初诊行根管预备,封甲酚甲醛(FC);

    Methods The 368 teeth with chronic periapical disease were divided into four groups at random .

  14. 方法选择慢性根尖周炎急性发作的恒牙80颗,随机分为2组,替硝唑碘仿樟脑酚糊剂组(T组)和甲醛甲酚组(C组)。

    Methods 80 permanent teeth of acute periapical periodontitis were selected and divided randomly into tinidazole iodoform phenocamphor paste group ( T group ) and formocresol group ( C group ) .

  15. 整合素β1可调节由VEGF引发的血管生成,二者可能存在一定的内在联系,在根尖周炎发生发展过程中发挥作用。

    Integrin pi can regulate angiogenesis promoted by VEGF and the two glycoproteins may play roles together during the progress of periapical inflammation .

  16. 方法:应用Ar激光技术及一次程根管充填术对87例有瘘型根尖周炎患牙进行治疗和临床观察分析。

    Medthod : 87 cases of infected root canal with fistula formation were treated with argon laser and one-stage root canal filling technique .

  17. 方法选择慢性根尖周炎病例346例,随机分为观察组:氢氧化钙糊剂组116例,对照组:甲醛甲酚(FC)组116例及樟脑对氯苯酚(CP)组114例。

    Methods 346 teeth with periapical periodontitis were randomly allocated to the experimental group ( Calcium hydroxide ) and two control group ( FC and CP ) .

  18. 结论:PGE2与TXA2积极参与并影响着根尖周炎的发生、发展与转归。

    CONCLUSION : PGE 2 and TXA 2 take an active part in the occurrence and development of periapical periodontitis .

  19. 目的:比较免疫抑制鼠和正常鼠根尖周炎中IL-1α、TNF-αmRNA表达,了解免疫抑制对根尖周炎的影响。

    AIM : To compare the expression of IL-1 α and TNF - α mRNA in periapical disease between rats with immuno-suppression and rats without treatment to investigate the effect of immuno-suppression on periapical disease .

  20. 用原位杂交技术,测定免疫抑制鼠根尖周炎组织中IL1α和TNFαmRNA表达,并对其进行半定量分析,与免疫正常组进行比较。

    The expressions of IL-1 α and TNF - α mRNA in periapical lesion were detected by methods of in situ hybridization , and semi-quantified analyzed compared with control group .

  21. 结果:在正常牙髓中NGF染色呈弱阳性,冠折后染色强度加深,而急性根尖周炎早期的NGF在牙髓中呈强阳性表达。

    Results : The expression of NGF was weakly positive in the normal pulp group , increased in the crown fracture group and strongly positive in the acute periapical periodontitis group .

  22. 目的:比较急性根尖周炎治疗前后根管渗出液中IL-1β、PGE2浓度的变化。

    Objective : To study the changes of the concentration of IL-1 β and PGE 2 in the exudates of acute periapical periodontitis in the course of root canal treatment .

  23. 结果:经根管治疗术一次法治疗的298例窦道型根尖周炎,265例2d后牙齿功能恢复正常,2~3周窦道消失,6个月后X线片检查可见到根尖周稀疏区消失。

    RESULTS : After the one-off root canal therapy , teeth function of 265 cases recovered after 2 days and their sinus closed after 2 ~ 3 weeks , the periapical shadows of X-ray disappeared after 6 months .

  24. 目的:比较慢性根尖周炎用大蒜素(garlicin)和甲醛甲酚(formocresol,FC)治疗前后根管渗出液IL-1β的浓度变化,探讨其意义。

    Objective : To compare the variation and significance of IL-1 β concentration in the exudation of periapical periodontitis treated by garlicin and FC in anterior and posterior treatment .

  25. 目的研究碘仿氢氧化钙糊剂(ICH)用于根管封药后对急慢性根尖周炎根管治疗期间疼痛发生的影响及治疗效果。

    Objective To evaluate the occurring of post-treatment pain and therapy effect by using iodoform calcium hydroxide ( ICH ) paste in root canals of teeth after root canal therapy with acute or chronic periapical periodontitis .

  26. 目的:比较急、慢性根尖周炎根管渗出液中白细胞介素1β(interleukin1β,IL1β)和前列腺素E2(prostaglandinE2,PGE2)的浓度;

    Objective : ① To detect the concentrations of interleukin 1 β( IL 1 β) and prostaglandin E 2 ( PGE 2 ) in periapical exudates in the patients with acute or chronic periapical periodontitis ;

  27. 结论:IL1β、PGE2主要参与根尖周炎急性期炎症反应,并在其病变过程中发挥重要作用。

    Conclusion : IL 1 β and PGE 2 are mainly involved in the acute inflammatory reactions and may play an important role in the development of periapical lesions .

  28. 方法:用标准纸尖法收集51例慢性根尖周炎病人封药前后根管渗出液,应用放射免疫分析法检测渗出液中IL-6的浓度。

    METHODS : A quantitative sampling method of standard paper point was used to collect periapical exudate from human root canals in 51 cases in pre-treatment and post-treatment with garlicin or FC . The concentration of IL-6 in periapical exudate was examined with radioimmunoassay .

  29. 方法对急性根尖周炎患牙,作常规根管处理后,随机选用FE复合酶或甲醛甲酚(FC)封入根管,并与消毒干棉捻封入根管相对照比较。

    Methods After removing the decayed dental tissues in the infected root canal preliminarily , FE Compound Enzyme or FC was selected to seal the root canal respectively and resourcefully , contrasted with sterilized dry cotton spill to seal the root canal of acute apical periodontitis .

  30. 目的:了解感染根管内产黑色素类杆菌(BPB)的定植情况,进一步探讨BPB与慢性根尖周炎临床症状的相关性。

    OBJECTIVE To study the colonization of Black-pigmented bacteria ( BPB ) in infected root canals and discuss the correlation between Black-pigmented bacteria and clinical symptoms in chronic periodontitis .