
  • 网络Root nematode;Hirschnanniella oryzae;Stubby root nematodes
  1. 珍珠番石榴采取一年两次短截,彻底防治根线虫,适时套袋保果等技术措施,商品果率高达80%,平均果重200g以上。

    The commodity rate and single fruit weight in Pearl grara ( Psidium guajara ) could reach 80 % and over 200g of single-fruit-weight , respectively with two time of short-lopping per year to control root nematode and to cover the fruits by packet during their growth .

  2. 水稻潜根线虫病的危害损失和药剂防治研究

    Studies on Damages and Chemical Control of the Rice Root Nematodes

  3. 水稻潜根线虫病发生和防治研究

    The occurrence and control of the Rice-root nematode disease in Hunan Province

  4. 水稻潜根线虫的致病性和综合防治技术

    The Pathogenicity and Integrated Control Measures of Rice Root Nematodes

  5. 柑桔根线虫田间消长规律及不同砧木抗病性观察

    Population of Citrus Root Nematode in Field and Resistance of Different Rootstocks

  6. 水稻上3种潜根线虫的形态学鉴定及记述

    Morphological identification and description of three rice root nematodes occurring in China

  7. 云南水稻潜根线虫种类及生态分布研究

    Species and Distribution of Rice Root Nematode in Yunnan Province , China

  8. 水稻潜根线虫接虫期、接虫量对水稻叶绿素含量及相关生化指标的影响

    Effect of Rice Root Nematode on Chlorophyl Content and Relative Biochemical Index of Rice Plant

  9. 接种试验证实潜根线虫侵染水稻能引起减产,主要是减少有效穗和千粒重;

    Inoculation tests showed that Hirschmanniella oryzae could cause yield losses of rice , especially reduced the number of panicles and grain weight .

  10. 根结线虫种群的线粒体DNA分析

    Analysis of root-knot nematode species and populations based on mitochondrial DNA

  11. 土壤因子对B2菌防治南方根结线虫的影响

    The Effects of Soil Factors on Bacterium B_2 ′ s Control of Meloidogyne incognita

  12. 我国南方地区主要根结线虫DNA变异的RAPD分析

    DNA polymorphism of root-knot nematodes in South China revealed by RAPD

  13. 4种常见根结线虫基因组DNA的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of four most common Meloidogyne spp

  14. RNA干扰在植物抗根结线虫病基因工程应用中的研究进展

    Progress in the Study of RNAi Mediated Plant Root-knot Nematodes Resistant Genetic Engineering

  15. 南方根结线虫、爪哇根结线虫M.抗南方根结线虫黄瓜砧木的筛选

    The Screening of Cucumber Rootstocks Resistant to Southern Root-knot Nematode

  16. 爪哇根结线虫-β1,4-内切葡聚糖酶基因cDNA全长克隆和序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of full-length cDNA of β - 1,4-endoglucanase genes of Meloidogyne javanica

  17. 利用PCR技术同时鉴定番茄抗根结线虫和抗斑萎病毒基因

    Simultaneous Identification of Multi-genes with Resistance Respectively to Root - knot Nematode and TSWV by PCR Markers in Tomato

  18. 番茄抗根结线虫病基因的RAPD和SCAR标记

    Identification of RAPD and SCAR markers linked to root-knot nematode resistant genes in tomato

  19. 杂交植株含有抗根结线虫的Mi基因并对根结线虫表现抗性。

    CAPS marker showed that the interspecific hybrids had root-knot nematode resistance Mi gene .

  20. 番茄抗根结线虫病基因(Mi)分子标记的评估

    Evaluation of Molecule Markers Linked to Root-knot Nematode Resistance Gene ( Mi ) on Tomato

  21. B2菌防治番茄根结线虫病田间试验

    The Field Trial of Controlling Tomato Root Knot Nematodes By Bacterium B2

  22. 结合室内盆栽和大棚药效试验,分别研究了92%1,3-二氯丙烯EC对番茄根结线虫病的防治效果。

    In the pot and field trial , the results showed that 1,3-dichloropropene could effectively control tomato root-knot disease .

  23. 5%涕灭威GR不同施药量防治烟草根结线虫病比较试验

    Comparative Test of 5 % Aldicarb GR with Different Dosages on Controlling of Tobacco Knot Nematodiasis

  24. 本研究的创新点在于国内外首次研制成功了灵敏度达单条线虫的用于南方、爪哇和花生根结线虫检测和鉴定的特异性PCR引物和方法。

    Successful development of SCAR-based PCR assays that can sensitively diagnose a single nematode of M. incognita , M. javanica and M. arenaria is reported for the first time .

  25. 分子技术用于检测植物根结线虫种间和种内群体间在DNA水平上的根本差异,为根结线虫的鉴定提供快速、准确的方法。

    Molecule technology is used to check the DNA difference among interspecies and intraspecies of plant root-knot nematodes in many researches . It provide the fast and exact means to identify plant root-knot nematode .

  26. BABA衍生物对TMV、CMV、疫病和根结线虫亦表现出一定的诱抗潜能。

    BABA derivatives also showed potential to induce resistance against TMV , CMV , phytophthora blight and nematodes .

  27. 该菌对南方根结线虫(Meloidogyneincognita)的卵寄生率高达60%~70%。

    Egg parasitic rate on Meloidogyne incognita is 60 % ~ 70 % .

  28. 根结线虫(Meloidogynesp.)严重危害世界农业生产。

    Root-knot nematodes ( RKN , Meloidogyne sp. ) are harmful to the agricultural production in the worldwide .

  29. 通过盆栽试验观察了土壤因子对B2菌防治南方根结线虫的影响。

    The effects of soil factors on bacterium B_ 2 ′ s control of Meloidogyne incognita were investigated by potted plant trial .

  30. 南方根结线虫编码Ras蛋白基因let-60的克隆与功能初步分析

    Cloning and Initial Function Analysis of Let-60 , a Ras Protein Encoding Gene in Meloidogyne Incognita