
  1. 本校文远楼大讲堂的音质分析及改建设计

    Big and Good Matter Acoustical Analysis and Alterations to The Lecture Hall of Wen-Yuan Building in Our University

  2. 鉴于我校文书立卷工作还存在着一些薄弱环节,本文对此进行分析,并提出一些做好文书立卷的可行性设想,以便把好此关,使之更好地为学校工作服务。

    This article analyses some vulnerable spots in this kind of work and presents some practical methods to solve them in order to serve the overall work of the college better .

  3. 本文分析介绍了我校文、史、哲国家文科基地在培养适应社会发展需求的高素质创新人才方面所进行的教学模式的改革与创新

    This paper analyzed and introduced successful reform and innovation of teaching modes on how to train innovative talent with high-diathesis and being able to adapt to social development during construction of national humanities base in our university

  4. 从华中师范大学的正门到该校文学院是一段风景优美的斜坡,但就是这么一段路程,令20岁的大三学生陈佳明(音译)感到筋疲力尽,所以她要去校门口的商店买东西之前都不得不考虑再三。

    It 's a scenic walk on an elegant slope from the main gate of Central China Normal University to the school of Chinese literature . But Cheng Jiamin , 20 , a junior , finds it so exhausting that she has to think twice before visiting the shops near the gate .

  5. 正是基于这种需要,作者设计并实现了一种校信通系统,文中具体阐述了系统的构架、组成、功能和采取的通信策略。

    This paper designs a school communication system , introducing the system framework , functions and the technology of the communication strategy .