
  • 网络School Reunion
  1. 谁也不能在回首校园时代时真心真意地说那段日子完全不快乐。

    S5 : No one can look back on his schooldays and say with truth that they were altogether unhappy .

  2. 尽管“后校园时代”必然有种种艰辛,但很多实用的应对方式会使这样的过渡变得简单轻松。

    While post-college life can certainly have its struggles , there are many useful strategies to help make this transition as easy and painless as possible .

  3. 如果我们不能重返校园时代,就只要不会因为错爱而丧失真爱去后悔。

    If we can 't go back to school days , well then make sure we don 't regret for choosing love on a wrong basis when we lost it .

  4. 在一个酒精充斥校园的时代,由啤酒商赞助大学足球赛最权威的荣誉实在是一件能避免就应该避免的事。

    At a time when campuses are awash in alcohol , a beer sponsorship of college football 's most prestigious honor is the last thing anybody need .

  5. 建设先进的、高品位的高校校园文化是时代发展的要求。

    Constructing advanced and hight-grade campus culture is a demand to the new times .

  6. 数字校园是信息时代大学智能化发展的重要标志。

    Digital Campus System is a very important symbol of the intellectual development of the universities in the information age .

  7. 题库系统在校园网络普及的时代,对教师组卷和学生针对性复习起着重要的作用。

    The ever-increasing popularity of item pool centers in Campus Network plays an important role in teachers ' generating test paper and students ' pointed review .

  8. 因此我们加强对中小学生的网络知识教育,搞好校园网吧建设顺应时代发展,发挥网络对中小学生思想教育的优势,使之成为中小学教育的新阵地。

    Therefore , we should reinforce network education of primary and middle school students , do well in the building of campus net bar and exploit its advantage of ideology education .

  9. 文章在研究新儒商文化的形成和发展过程的基础上,论证了新儒商文化引领财经类高校校园文化的现时代意义。

    It also attempts to discuss the modern significance of new intellectual businessman culture in leading campus culture on the basis of studying the formation and the process of development of the culture .

  10. 只有通过共同的努力,新世纪校园文学才会在时代的步伐里发出不同凡响的声音,校园文学的明天才会出现一片光明。

    Only through joint efforts of the new century , the campus literature in the pace of the times will be issued in an extraordinary voice , campus literature of the future will be a bright one .

  11. 建设节约型校园是当今社会为校园提出的时代要求,校园节能是已经纳入目前许多高校的重点实施计划之一。

    Building the economical campus is a requirement of times . Energy-saving has been brought into one of the emphasis projects in some colleges and universities .