
  • 网络swing method
  1. 着重介绍了钢管骨架架设方法中的两种主要方法:缆索吊装法和转体施工法。

    Two main methods of the cable crane-assembly method and the rotation method forming span of steel tube skeleton are emphasized . 2 .

  2. 无支架缆索吊装法和转体施工法是大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥拱肋安装中常用的施工方法,接头支撑法则很少采用。

    Cable erection without supports and rotary construction are the common construction methods in the erection of large span steel pipe concrete arch bridges , but joint bracing method is seldom used .

  3. 本论文主要介绍了以下几个方面的内容:①大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥的两种施工方法:缆索吊装法和转体施工法。

    This thesis was chiefly introduced the content of following several aspects : ① two kinds of construction methods of big span concrete filled steel tubular arch bridge : The thick rope hoists law and the turn construction law .