
  • 网络transition economics;transitional economics;Economics of Transition;economic transition
  1. 主要研究和教学领域:转轨经济学、公司金融、国际经济学、中国经济。

    Research and teaching : economics of transition , corporate finance , international economics and China 's economy .

  2. 以制度经济学和转轨经济学为理论基础,分析制度变化对中国地区服务业差异的影响。

    Based on neo-institutional theory and economics of transition , the paper analyzes how institution changes impact disparity of regional services .

  3. 认为转轨经济学是研究社会主义向资本主义过渡的经济学理论;

    Transition economics involves theories on transition from capitalism to socialism ;

  4. 北京共识问世预示转轨经济学在分析范式上要产生新的突破,认同体制转轨是阶段性的;

    The publication of " Beijing Consensus " means that there will be a new paradigm .

  5. 斯蒂格利茨与转轨经济学

    Stiglitz and Transition Economics

  6. 中俄改革的比较研究,一直是新兴的转轨经济学关注的热点。

    The comparative research of Chinese and Russian reform is always being the focus concerned by the new transitional economics .

  7. 转轨经济学界长期存在着关于转轨过程中强制性变迁和诱致性变迁以及渐进主义变迁和激进主义变迁之间成本收益比较的争论。

    There existed an argument about the cost and income compare between the induced institutional changes and coercive institutional changes , gradual and radical institution changes .

  8. 因此,研究制度与组织及其变迁机理就成为理解人类社会发展的一个窗口或一把钥匙,这也正是近年来制度经济学和转轨经济学日渐兴盛的重要原因。

    Therefore , studying the institution , organization and their changes mechanism is a window or a key to comprehend human social development It is also the reason why Institutional Economics and Transitional Economics become ever increasing popular in recent years .

  9. 由现收现付制向基金制转轨的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Transition from the Pay-as-you-go System to the Funded System

  10. 养老保险制度转轨的经济学分析

    An Economics Analysis of the Pension System Transition