
zhuǎn xiàng jié
  • knuckle
转向节[zhuǎn xiàng jié]
  1. 完成了转向节的可靠性分析。

    The reliability analysis of the knuckle was executed .

  2. 针对汽车转向节的挤压锻造进行的有限元分析。

    FEM analysis of the extrusion-forging process for an automobile knuckle is also introduced .

  3. Fatigue对某型汽车的转向节臂进行了疲劳强度仿真计算,并作了相应的试验,验证了仿真的结果。

    Fatigue . A test was done to certificate the result of simulation .

  4. 利用ANSYS结构静力学分析模块进行了转向节强度分析。

    Structural statics analysis module using ANSYS conducts the strength analysis of the steering knuckle model .

  5. STEYR转向节模锻成形工艺研究

    Research on the technology of die-forging formation process for STEYR steering joint

  6. 100P转向节衬套及平面轴承耐久性试验装置开发

    Developing of Endurance Test Apperatus of 100P Steering Knuckle Bush and Plain Bearing

  7. 在线检测设备&转向节综合测量机的研制

    The Development of the On-Line Equipment ── Universal Joint Measuring Appliance

  8. 汽车转向节锻造成形工艺的有限元分析

    FE analysis of the forging process of the automobile steering knuckle

  9. 转向节挤压制坯过程工艺设计及数值模拟

    Process Design and Numerical Simulation of Extrusion Forming for Steering Kunckle

  10. 车辆转向节挤压参数优化研究

    Parameters Optimization in Extrusion Process of Vehicle ′ s Steering Joints

  11. 轻卡汽车转向节锻造成形工艺的研究

    A Study of Forging Forming Process for Steering Knuckle of Light Truck

  12. 汽车前桥转向节失效因素探析及预防

    Failure Analysis and Preventive Actions for Automobile front Axle Knuckle

  13. 转向节横拉杆接头油嘴

    Steering knuckle tie rod end pressure lubricator Grayioc tubing joint

  14. 球墨铸铁&汽车转向节的铸造工艺及计算机模拟仿真分析

    Ductile Iron-Automotive Steering Knuckle 's Casting Technology and Computer Analysis and Stimulation

  15. 斯太尔汽车转向节模锻工艺有限元模拟研究

    Research on Finite Element Simulation of STEYR Forging Process

  16. 轿车转向节柱虚拟模态分析及验证

    Virtual Modal Analysis and Validation of Automobile Steering Knuckle

  17. 汽车转向节成形过程数值模拟及模具设计

    Numerical Simulation and Mould Design of Auto Connecting Rod

  18. 盘式转向节模锻的有限元模拟与实验研究

    Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Study of the Disc Steering Knuckle Die Forging

  19. 向转向节上安装煞车分火头护罩。

    Install the brake rotor shield to the knuckle .

  20. 1041转向节热模锻工艺及模具设计

    Hot Forging Process and Die Design for 1041 Knuckle

  21. 轿车转向节闭塞挤压成形过程研究

    Numerical simulation of car steering knuckle obliterated extrusion forming

  22. 汽车转向节形变热处理

    Thermomechanical Treatment for the Automobile Steering Knuckle BRAZING OF HEAT EXCHANGERS IN AIR-CONDITIONER

  23. 轻型汽车转向节制造技术

    Manufacturing of Steering Knuckle for Light Trucks AUTO DIAGNOSIS

  24. 轿车转向节臂振动加载试验与仿真

    Loaded Vibration Test and Simulation for Steering Knuckle Arm

  25. 客车左前轮转向节断裂分析

    Analysis on Fracture of Coach Left Front-Wheel Drive Section

  26. 奔驰重卡转向节挤压锻造复合工艺的有限元分析

    FEM analysis of the extrusion-forging compound process for knuckle of Benz heavy truck

  27. 高精度转向节销的数控车削加工

    CNC Turing Machining of the High Precision Swivel-pin

  28. 异形转向节工艺设计及成形分析

    Process Design and Forming Simulation of Abnormal Knuckles

  29. 转向节主销热处理工艺改进

    Heat Treatment Process Improvement of Steering Knuckle Pin

  30. 转向节轴承装配质量实时监控系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of a Real-Time Quality Monitoring System for Assembling Steering Knuckle Bearing