
  • 网络Yuan Dynasty Painting;paintings of Yuan Dynasty
  1. 在此过程中,整个元代绘画的风格发生了革命性的转变。

    In this process , all painting in the Yuan dynasty underwent a revolutionary change in style .

  2. 元代绘画中成就最大也最能代表元代绘画的风格特征的是山水画。

    Landscape painting is the most typical painting art which can stand for the painting characteristic of Yuan dynasty .

  3. 这些疑问之厘清有助于当今美术史家对元代绘画发展之重新认识。

    The examination of these questions enables us to appreciate anew the impact of contemporary art historians on the development of Yuan painting .

  4. 元代绘画是以表意性著称于世,但在这种表意性的前提下,不能忽视写实性对元代绘画的影响。

    Paintings of the Yuan Dynasty are famous for expression of subjectivity , but in consideration of this term , the impact of expression of objectivity in these paintings could not be omitted .

  5. 三是吸收了元代民间绘画中的墨彩效果。

    The third is the ink style of the folk paintings of the Yuan Dynasty .

  6. 第四部分:元代宫廷绘画机构的对外和对后世影响与历史意义。

    Part ⅳ: The influence of the imperial court painting organization on the outside world and the future generations , as well as the historical significance .

  7. 第三部分:解读元代宫廷绘画机构的运行取向,探讨在此运行取向下的绘画创作特性以及与之相关的书画鉴藏活动。

    Part ⅲ: To figure out the painting characteristics of the imperial court organization of Yuan dynasty as well as the related appreciating and collecting activities on calligraphy and painting .

  8. 基于此特殊背景,元代宫廷绘画创作、鉴藏也相对繁荣,对后世绘画的发展功不可没,因而元宫廷绘画机构的影响和意义也就较为深远。

    Based on the special background , the creation , appreciation and collection of imperial painting flourish to a relative extent , which contributes a lot to the future painting development .

  9. 从北宋至元代,花鸟绘画的主要表现,包括文人绘画中的花鸟画,基本上都是在变异这两种画法的基础上发生、发展的。

    From Northern Song to Yuan Dynasty , the main representation of flower-and-bird painting , including flower-and-bird painting among literati paintings , came into being and developed basically on the basis of variation of the two painting methods .

  10. 第一部分:对元代的宫廷绘画机构的建立及基本建制进行分析解读,揭示其建立政治文化背景,并对其基本建制进行梳理。

    This thesis is made up of four parts : Part ⅰ: To interpret the establishment and basic framework of the imperial court organization of Yuan dynasty , unveil the political and cultural background for its establishment and arrange the basic framework .

  11. 元代中后期山水绘画选择性的继承了前代的山水图式与理念,并创造出独具一格的写意逸格山水表达。

    Landscape paintings in the late Yuan Dynasty partially inherited the styles and ideas of the previous dynasties and created a unique style of impressionistic patterns with boundless freedom in its expression .

  12. 政治的不幸反而成就了元代文化艺术的辉煌,其中元代绘画就是一个很好的例子,而以绘画为基本素材的题画诗创作在其引领下,同样繁荣一片。

    Political misfortune achieves the art on the resplendence . Among them the Yuan Dynasty painting is a good example . Under the guidance of the painting , painting inscription poems relying on the painting get a same prosperity .