
  • 网络Song Dynasty Painting;Paintings of Song Dynasty
  1. 宋代绘画与宋代田园诗

    The Painting and the Idyllic Poetry in the Song Dynasty

  2. 宋代绘画本质论的变迁

    Development of Theories About Essence of Painting During Song Dynasty

  3. 宋代绘画是中国绘画艺术发展的高峰。

    The painting in Song Dynasty is the summit of Chinese painting art .

  4. 谈宋代绘画中的理学观念

    Song Painting on the Concept of Jurisprudence

  5. 论宋代绘画收藏风习

    Collection Habbit of Song Dynasty Painting

  6. 宋代绘画对宋代田园诗产生了深远影响。

    In the Song Dynasty , the art of painting exerted a profound influence upon the idyllic poetry then .

  7. 对绘画本质的认识是宋代绘画思想的一个焦点。

    It is the focus of the thought of painting in the Song Dynasty what is essence of painting .

  8. 宋代绘画进入手工业商业行列,与更多的群众建立较为密切的联系。

    The Song Dynasty drawing enters the handicraft and commercial market , and establishes a closer relation with more populace .

  9. 以期有助于深化对宋代绘画、绘画理论以及气韵生动这一中国绘画精神的研究。

    With a view to contribute to the deepening of the Song Dynasty painting , painting theory , and the spirit of Chinese painting studies .

  10. 第一部分:在传统人物画发展的基础之上,宋代绘画展现出其异彩纷呈的面貌。

    First part : Based on the development of the traditional portrait , the Song Dynasty drawing unfolds the appearance which its extraordinary splendor numerously assumes .

  11. 这部豪华本书籍是配合洪磊2003年在前波画廊举办的个展而制作的,在该展览中,他创作了模仿宋代绘画的摄影作品。

    This deluxe edition book was created to compliment Hong Lei 's solo exhibition in2003 at Chambers Fine Art , in which he created photographic recreations of Song Dynasty paintings .

  12. 由此宋代绘画所显现的历史痕迹,是自然山水的卓然而立、文人画的兴起和抒写与表现的对立融合。

    Song revealed trace the history of this painting is a remarkable piece of the natural landscape , the rise of literati painting and describe integration and performance of the opposition .

  13. 而且,本文尝试对宋代绘画史中强国观念的变迁和图像制作产生的两种主要背景作了描述。

    And , in this text , I try to describe the change of " Great power Idea " in the paintings of Sung Dynasty and two main backgrounds of the working of images .

  14. 以宋代理学精神为核心的哲学思想,引导了宋代绘画尚写生的理念,倡导全面细微的观察绘画对象,是一个以写实著称的时代。

    The core spirit of Confucian philosophy guided the drawing theory and advocated the subtle object painting in Song Dynasty . It is a period of sketch . It has a realistic in the usage of color .

  15. 期望本文从理学的角度解读宋代绘画的独特魅力,能为研究宋代绘画艺术风格形成的原因,提供一个由哲学层面出发的论证思路。

    Expect this from the perspective of jurisprudence interpret the unique charm of Chinese painting , Chinese painting style can be formed to study the reasons , starting with a demonstration by the philosophical level of thinking .

  16. 宋代绘画艺术的高度发展影响到耀州瓷的装饰纹样,使其更具艺术性和丰富性,多姿多彩的纹样又折射出不同时期纷繁多样的民俗文化信息。

    The high development of art of paintings in Song dynasty effect the decoration pattern of YaoZhou kilns , making it more artistic and rich , and the colorful pattern on the other hand reflects the diverse folk culture information in different periods .

  17. 本文除了主要应用社会学方法外,还用了图像分析和文本分析的方法。把宋代绘画置于美术史、历史和学术史的背景中来综合考察。

    This text still used the methods of image analysis and text analysis apart from the main applied sociology method , at the same time had the investigation of the painting of the Sung Dynasty within the background of art history , history and academic history .

  18. 刘铮借用中国的传说故事,却运用真人来摆置出大规模的活人画面。而洪磊则将宋代传统绘画重新诠释成现代艺术语言。

    The large , carefully staged photographs of Liu Zheng comment artfully on Chinese legend while Hong Lei reinterprets Song Dynasty painting in a relentlessly modern idiom .

  19. 同时对宋代扇面绘画的艺术价值及其对明清扇面绘画的影响做一些初步的探讨。

    At the same time , discussed the value of the Song Dynasty fan art of painting , and its impact of the Ming and Qing Painting fan .

  20. 以诗入画&从郭熙《早春图》看宋代画院绘画的审美特质在这一时期的文献中,已经有了关于绘画的理论论述和绘画记载。

    Poetry Containing Painting : On Aesthetic Spirit of Academy of Painting in Song Dynasty from Guo Xi s Painting of " Early Spring "; Written theories on painting first appeared during the Warring States Period .

  21. 宋代扇面绘画题材广泛,包括花鸟虫鱼、山水、人物等题材,画家在扇面上留下了丰富多彩的艺术珍品。

    Song Dynasty Fan Paintings wide range of topics , including insects , fish , birds and flowers , landscapes , figures and other topics , the painter left the fan on the rich art treasures .

  22. 一部宋代的绘画史,就是一部画院的发展史。宋代画院作为集艺术创作和人才培养于一体的特殊机构,在宋代的绘画发展史上具有重要地位。

    A Song of painting , is a history of the development of the art academy ' s. A Song for collection and artistic creation and talents training in one of the special agencies in Song Dynasty , the history of painting is an important position .

  23. 第二章论述了宋代画院在绘画上的贡献和历史局限性,有助于当代画院发展予以借鉴。

    The second chapter discusses a song in painting contribution and historical limitations , conduce to the contemporary artist development shall be reference .

  24. 第三章指出诗中有画与画中有诗在宋人那里已然形成为一对诗歌和绘画之间互文性的理论命题,是宋代诗歌与绘画参融观念的一体两面。

    In chapter three the author argues that the proposition of paintings in poems and poems in paintings forms the theoretical and literal one between the poems and paintings .

  25. 第一章就使宋代诗歌与绘画产生关联的文化背景加以观照,较为具体地考察了宋代社会中广泛存在着的书画收藏、品画题画等习好。

    In chapter one the author discusses the hobbies such as the collection of paintings and calligraphy in details by analyzing the cultural backgrounds which is strongly connected with poems and paintings in Song Dynasty .

  26. 宋代在中国绘画史上是一个特殊的时期,他保守、内敛、纤弱、精细、富丽、写实,完全没有唐代的豪爽、壮阔和自信。

    In the history of Chinese painting in the Song dynasty is a special period , his conservative , quiet , delicate , fine , rich , and realistic , not generous , magnificent and self-confidence in the Tang dynasty .

  27. 从晋、唐至宋代以来,绘画的目的始终是努力真实地再现事物的外部特征与内在本质,并且在这种追求中逐步趋于成熟。

    From Jin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty , the purpose of painting had always been showing extrinsic characteristics and intrinsic essence of things in a most realistic way , and painting had gradually become mature in this pursuit .

  28. 论宋代之前的团扇绘画

    On the Fan-Painting Before the Song Dynasty

  29. 宋代的婴戏绘画多小幅的扇面,也存在一些大的卷轴画。

    Small slice of children at play in the Song dynasty painting , there are some big scroll painting .

  30. 宋代工笔花鸟画是宋代绘画发展水平的重要标志,也是能够体现宋代文化艺术精神核心要素的典型画种,且留下大量可供研究的画迹和画史、画论文献。

    Song Dynasty fine-brush flower-and-bird painting is an important symbol to the development of Song Dynasty paintings and also can reflect the spirit and the core elements of the Song Dynasty culture .