
  1. 松江宋氏家族与几社之关系

    Relationship Between the Song Family of Songjiang and Ji Association

  2. 松江府宋氏家族世系及文学成就概述

    A Survey of Song Family 's Lineage in the Songjiang Prefecture and Their Achievements in Literary Creation

  3. 明清之际,松江宋氏家族作为中国传统文化家族的典范与几社命运共始终。

    The Song family of Songjiang , a model of the Chinese traditional family culture , shared successes and failures with Ji Association in the period of late Ming and early Qing Dynasty .

  4. 宋氏家族不仅是此际诗坛上实力最雄厚的创作群体,而且词曲创作亦造诣极深。

    The family is not only the literary group with the amplest strength in the poetic world of that time but also have a lot of academic attainments in creation of Ci and qu.

  5. 中国的这位第一夫人是赫赫有名的宋氏家族的成员,她的兄弟姐妹全都是中国现代史册上的风云人物。

    This first lady of China was a member of the fabulous Soong family , consisting of three sisters and several brothers , all of whom bulked large on the pages of recent Chinese history .