
  • 网络Liang Kun;Leung Kwan
  1. 26岁的梁坤(音译)供职于广州一家贸易公司。一次午餐时间,他与同事讨论了自己的收入情况;然而就在上周,他不得不辞掉这份工作。

    Liang Kun , 26 , had to resign from his job at a trading company in Guangzhou last week after discussing her income with colleagues during a lunch break .

  2. 直到一位老员工去找老板,询问为什么我的工资比她高时,我才意识到事情的严重性。梁坤说。

    I didn 't realize it was such a serious issue until a senior member of staff went to find the boss , asking why I got a higher salary than her , said Liang .