
  1. 当前,甲型流感疫苗不提供对其他流感病毒的免疫保护,而目前的季节性流感疫苗也不包含甲流病毒,因此有必要接种甲型流感疫苗和季节性流感疫苗。

    The pandemic influenza vaccines are not expected to provide protection against other influenza viruses .

  2. 两头被检测出甲流病毒的海象均没有表现出患病症状,这说明它们可能感染甲流病毒但不会发病。

    Neither infected seal appeared to be ill , indicating marine mammals may be infected without showing clinical signs of illness .

  3. 海象身上都有标记并被卫星跟踪,在海中不太可能与人直接接触。研究人员因此推测,海象接触到甲流病毒或许在上岸前。

    They suspected that exposure occurred in the seals before they reached land , either while at sea or upon entering the near-shore environment .

  4. 经检测,研究人员在两头海象身上发现了甲流病毒,另在28头海象身上发现甲流病毒抗体,这说明或许有更多的海象接触到甲流病毒。

    They detected H1N1 infection in two elephant seals and antibodies to the virus in an additional 28 elephant seals , indicating more widespread exposure .

  5. 近日有消息称,大陆的甲流病毒已发生多种变异,导致死亡病例人数增加。

    Recently there is news that the mainland 's A flow of the virus have occurred in a variety of mutations , leading to increased deaths .

  6. 研究人员表示,2010年2月两头海象从陆地进入大海前,它们的甲流病毒检测还呈阴性,但当它们4、5月从海里返回时,检测却呈阳性。

    The researchers said the seals tested negative before they went to sea in early 2010 but they tested positive when they returned from sea in spring 2010 .

  7. H1N1/09型甲流病毒传播到了南半球,使该地域目前处于流感髙发季节。

    World health officials are carefully watching the H IN 1 / 09 swine-flu virus as it makes its way through the Southern Hemisphere , which is currently in the thick of its flu season .

  8. 相同的甲流病毒在2009年在人类身上首次出现,而这是首次在海洋哺乳动物身上发现甲流病毒,美国加州大学戴维斯分校的研究人员当天在美国《科学公共图书馆综合卷》上报告说。

    The H1N1 strain is the same one that emerged in humans in 2009 and it 's the first report of that flu strain in any marine mammal , researchers at the University of California , Davis reported in the journal PLOS ONE .