
  • 网络WAP;GPRS
  1. 近日,获得3G牌照的三大电信运营商纷纷下调手机上网资费。

    Recently , the three biggest telecommunication operators , which have obtained the3G licences , have reduced the WAP charges one after another .

  2. 因此手机上网的RADIUS流程需要进行优化。

    Therefore , the RADIUS process needs to be optimized .

  3. 全美71%的手机上网用的都是iPhone!

    71 % of US mobile browser usage !

  4. 基于WAP手机上网的软件测试技术研究及应用

    Research and Application of Mobile Software Testing Based on WAP Protocol

  5. 基于WAP协议手机上网中分页等技术的研究与实现

    The Study and Excution of Pagination of Handset Being on Net

  6. 解决手机上网浏览的技术目前景看好的是WAP。

    The best Web - browsing techno-logy for mobile handsets is WAP .

  7. 那些已经拥有第一代iPhone,但想要更快的手机上网速度的人,可能也会有购买兴趣。

    The same goes for those with existing iPhones who love the device but crave faster cellular data speeds .

  8. 每个队员都想用手机上网,但是有些队员用的不是3G手机,所以有点难度。

    Everyone wanted a phone with internet , but not everyone had a3G phone , so it was not an easy task .

  9. 每个移动运营商部建有自己的wAP手机上网代理网关,终端通过wAP代理访问网络,用户则具有相同的IP地址。

    Each mobile operators have built their own WAP gateway , the terminal through the WAP proxy to access the network , users will have the same IP address .

  10. 很多人喜欢睡前躺在床上拿iPad或手机上网、看电影或者玩游戏。最近有研究显示,这种行为会影响睡眠质量。

    Using tablet computers like Apple 's iPad and Samsung 's Galaxy Note just before bed can lead to a poor night 's sleep , according to research .

  11. 中国互联网络信息中心说,随着第三代(3G)移动电话网络在中国的推出,预计用手机上网的人数在未来几年还会增长。

    The number of mobile Internet users is likely to see further growth in the coming years with the launch of the third-generation ( 3G ) mobile phone networks in China , CNNIC said .

  12. comScore的数据不包括海外市场和手机上网用户方面的情况,而Facebook在这两个领域都有扩张空间。

    The comScore numbers don 't take into account overseas markets and the mobile sector , which are categories where Facebook has room to expand .

  13. 手机上网是指利用支持网络浏览器的手机通过WAP协议,同互联网相联,从而达到网上冲浪的目的。

    Mobile Internet means to use a mobile phone that supports the web browser via WAP protocol and is associated with the Internet to achieve the purpose of surfing .

  14. J2ME技术的完善和编写的应用程序的跨平台性为手机上网提供了技术支持,而Java手机的普遍应用又使之变为现实。

    The perfect of J2ME technology and the multi-platform of application offer technology support for mobile telephone linking with the network . At the same time , the application of Java mobile telephone makes it true .

  15. SusanTeltscher表示,发展中国家越来越多的人使用手机上网。

    And Susan Teltscher says more and more people in developing countries are using their mobile phones to connect to the Internet .

  16. 尽管胡厚昆表示,华为在美国市场仍处于开发阶段,但他提到了去年赢得的一个合同,即向加拿大第二大移动运营商贝尔公司(Bell)供应3G基础设施,用于手机上网的交易。

    Although Mr Hu says the US market is still in the development phase , he points to a deal last year to supply Bell , Canada 's second-largest mobile operator , with 3G infrastructure that enables web surfing on handsets .

  17. SteveBratt说,移动技术是其中比较重要的一部分,因为越来越多的人通过手机上网。

    Steve Bratt says mobile technology is an important part of that work , as more and more people use their phones to go online .

  18. 特别是近几年3G技术的不断成熟与应用使得手机上网突破了网络通信速度的瓶颈后,我国手机网民数量迅速增长,使用手机进行随时、随地的移动式学习的用户也越来越多。

    With the rapid development of the network technology and mobile communication technology , especially after the bottleneck of network communication speed of mobile Internet has been broken through by 3G technology , the number of mobile netizen experiences a rapid growth in our country .

  19. SUSANTELTSCHER:“如果我们可以使用手机上网,那么我们就能在改善发展中国家的互联网接入方面取得明显成效。”

    SUSAN TELTSCHER : " If we can bring Internet over the mobile phones , then we can really make a difference in terms of improving Internet access also in developing countries . "

  20. 文章详细介绍了目前手机上网的两大关键技术WAP和GPRS技术,给出了WAP的通信模型和WAP的分层协议结构,以及GPRS的网络结构、协议和GPRS较以前网络的技术优势。

    This article mainly introduces the two key technologies for mobile telephone to get access to Internet & WAP and GPRS , including the communication model and protocol structure of WAP , the network and protocol architecture of GPRS and the advantage of GPRS over the previous GSM .

  21. 这个售价100美元的电池盒专为iPhone6s设计,据称能将设备通话时间提升到25小时,将手机上网时间延长到18小时。

    The $ 100 case , designed for the iPhone 6s , the smaller of the two current iPhone models , promises to boost the device 's talk time to 25 hours and its Internet time over the cell phone networks to 18 hours .

  22. CINIC副主任刘冰说,这是手机上网人数首次超越传统PC(台式机和笔记本电脑)。

    It is the first time that the number of mobile Internet users has surpassed that of those surfing the Web in traditional ways , such as with personal computers and laptops , said Liu Bing , deputy director with the CINIC .

  23. 近年来,随着无线应用需求和市场的不断增长,无线应用业务和WAP设备得到了不断的发展,手机上网开始日益流行。

    In recent years , with the continual increase of the demands and markets on wireless application , both the business of wireless application and WAP devices have got more and more attention , and it has become increasingly popular in surfing the Internet with cellular phone .

  24. 新兴的手机上网业务的威胁则来自互联网的攻击。

    The emerging threat of mobile network business comes from internet attacks .

  25. 用手机上网要注意安全。

    And play it safe when surfing the Web from your phone .

  26. 我忙着用我的新手机上网还有写博客。

    My new phone lets me go online and even write my blog .

  27. 你使用手机上网吗?

    Kim : Do you use mobile internet ?

  28. 你们国家使用手机上网费用高吗?

    Is it expensive to access the Internet by mobile phone in your country ?

  29. 她还经常用手机上网,打游戏。

    She also actively uses her mobile phone to browse the Internet and play games .

  30. 你可以通过黑莓手机上网、查收电子邮件及编辑文本文件。

    It allows you to surf the web , check your email and edit office documents .