
shǒu jin
  • handkerchief;hand towel
手巾 [shǒu jīn]
  • [towel;handkerchief] 毛巾

  • 用手巾擦把脸

手巾[shǒu jin]
  1. 希尔斯登沾湿了一条手巾,将它敷在她的额头上。

    Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead .

  2. 他用一块干净的手巾擦了擦双手。

    He wiped his hands on a clean towel .

  3. 她常在手巾上洒香水。

    She perfumes her handkerchief .

  4. 他们每个人的眼睛都被一块红色大手巾蒙住了

    They were each blindfolded with big red handkerchiefs .

  5. 黑眼睛的吉卜赛姑娘,用华丽的手巾包着头,突然地闯了进来替人算命

    Black-eyed gipsy girls , hooded in showy handkerchiefs , sallied forth to tell fortunes .

  6. 那是上次手术留在里面的一条手巾。

    It was a towel that somebody left the last time .

  7. 她边抽泣边用手巾纸拭擦眼泪。

    She was sniffing and wiping her eyes with a tissue .

  8. 在洗涤槽中有七条手巾和七块肥皂。

    There were seven towels and seven soaps in the sink .

  9. 他(用手巾)轻轻把脸拍乾。

    He patted his face dry ( with a towel ) .

  10. 有耶稣面像的手巾。

    A cloth bearing a representation of jesus 's face .

  11. 请给我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?

    Could I have some ketchup and napkins , please ?

  12. 在设定圈套之后,以一条大的手巾包括它。

    After setting the trap , cover it with a large towel .

  13. 她用一张手巾纸擦擦眼睛,擤擤鼻子。

    She wiped her eyes and blew her nose on a tissue .

  14. 他会告诉他们关于手巾的事情。

    He was always gonna tell them about the towel .

  15. 离墙几英尺放手巾的水平横木。

    A horizontal bar a few inches from a wall for holding towels .

  16. 这可能有点脏乱所以应在手边备有一块干净的手巾。

    This can be a little messy , so have a towel handy .

  17. 从我皮箱里把消毒手巾拿出来。

    Get my hand sanitizer out of my case .

  18. 有供应可饮用水的洗手池,有提供给员工使用的肥皂和手巾。

    Sink plumbed with potable water , plus soap and towels provided for employees .

  19. 为了保护您的皮肤,请使用薄手巾包裹冰袋。

    To protect your skin , wrap the ice packs in a thin towel .

  20. 饭店的床单和手巾每天都送到洗衣房清洗。

    The hotel 's sheets and towels are sent to the laundry every day .

  21. 粗糙的宽松的沐浴手巾。

    A bath towel with rough loose pile .

  22. 他继续讲下去,偶尔用手巾擦一下脸。

    He went on talking , occasionally wiping at his face with a towel .

  23. 教练员最后把手巾扔在地上(放弃比赛)。

    The fighter 's trainer finally threw in the sponge ( or towel ) .

  24. 他到账台里打开那手巾包来。

    He carried it over to the cashier 's cage and unbound the cloth wrapping .

  25. 洗过的连衣裙、手巾、小刀

    A clean dress , towel , knife

  26. 她不断地紧握和松开手。粗糙的宽松的沐浴手巾。

    She clasped and unclasped her hands . a bath towel with rough loose pile .

  27. 不要随处打喷嚏或擤鼻涕,而是要对着手巾或者卫生纸。

    And don 't sneeze or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or Kleenex .

  28. 手巾寮是一种独具地方特色的传统民居类型。

    Shou-jin-liao ( Zonary Bungalow ) is a type of traditional dwelling with unique local flavor .

  29. 由你决定该怎么做&决定权在你手巾。

    It 's up to you what to do & the ball is in your court now .

  30. 我们一坐下来,服务员就给了我们每人一个大的围兜、湿的手巾和一个木锤子。

    We sat down and waiter gave us each a large bib , wet naps and wooden mallets .