
xiānɡ duì nián dù
  • relative viscosity
  1. 全血高切相对粘度、全血高切还原粘度、红细胞刚性指数在43℃以上时明显高于37℃检测值(P<0.01);

    When the temperatures were above 43 ℃, the whole blood relative viscosity , reduced viscosity and erythrocyte index of rigidity were significantly higher than that at the 37 ℃( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  2. 结果(1)白芨胶为一种均质的胶状物,有一定粘滞性,相对粘度2324.6mm2/s,不透X线,易经4F导管注射;

    Results The bletilla colloid was a homogenous viscous colloid whose relative viscosity was 2324.6 mm 2 / s.

  3. 仅0.25wt%的木质素磺酸盐或0.5wt%的阿拉伯胶,即可使Al2O3含量达45wt%左右的泥浆的相对粘度降至2以下。

    The relative viscosity of this water based alkaline slurry containing about 45wt % Al_2O_3 can be lowered to a value less than 2 by adding 0.25wt % lignosulfonates or 0.5 wt % gum arabic .

  4. 本文通过对聚合物PAM/PVP与表面活性剂SDS混合体系的相对粘度和表面张力研究,证明聚合物PAM/PVP与表面活性剂SDS之间存在着明显的相互作用。

    This paper studied the relative viscosity and surface tension of the solution mixed with polymer PAM / PVP and surfactant SDS , confirming the existence of the interaction between them .

  5. 用高分子溶液流过时间对浓度作图的外推值t0重新计算相对粘度,则高分子溶液比浓粘度与浓度之间满足线性关系。

    It has been found that there existed a negative deviation from linear relationship at lower concentrations in the plot of the reduced viscosity versus concentration .

  6. G3和G5分别在36h和24h内将相对粘度约为6.5瓜儿胶培养基的黏度都降到1左右。

    The relative viscosity of the guar gum medium was reduced completely from 6.5 almost to 1 by G3 and G5 at 36h and 24h of cultivation time , respectively .

  7. 实验结果表明,PDEA在上述三种溶剂中粘度的温度依赖性不同,PDEA-THF体系的相对粘度随温度升高而增大;

    Our results showed that the viscosity of PDEA in three different solvents was influenced differently by temperature .

  8. 研究了γ-辐照PP和TPU的颜色变化、凝胶含量、力学性能、熔体流动速率及γ-辐照TPU溶液的相对粘度。

    The color change , the gel content , the mechanical properties and MFR of the γ - radiated PP and TPU under the different radiation dose were investigated . The relative viscosity of the γ - radiated TPU solution was studied .

  9. 这两种处理均可抑制柿果呼吸速率、乙烯释放量和果皮细胞膜透性的上升;促进果实正常成熟软化,降低果汁相对粘度低,提高果肉出汁率,但对TTS含量影响较小。

    These two treatments retarded respiration rate , ethylene production and permeability of persimmon fruits skin . It also enhanced normal ripening and softening , reduced relative viscosity of fruit juice , improved extractable juice rate , but had little effect on TSS content .

  10. 利用限制性核酸内切酶PstⅠ在不同的有机介质中的催化反应,研究了水含量、相对粘度,介电常数和渗透压等介质的物化性质对PstⅠ原活性和星号活性的影响。

    Through the catalyzed reactions of the restriction endonuclease Pst ⅰ in different organic medium , the effect of the four physico-chemical properties such as total water content , relative viscosity , dielectric constant and osmotic pressure on the prime and the star activity of Pst ⅰ was studied .

  11. 浅谈锦纶6切片相对粘度的影响因素

    Discussion on the influencing factors of relative viscosity of nylon 6

  12. pH4&8范围内,相对粘度基本不变。

    The relative viscosity is constant in the range of pH 4-8 .

  13. 测定了此种尼龙1012的物理力学性能和相对粘度。

    The physical and mechanical properties were determined .

  14. 结果表明:胺催化剂对反应初期的催化作用较强,反应初期的相对粘度增加也较快;

    The results show that the amine catalyst speeds the reaction in the first stage and the viscosity increase greatly ;

  15. 添加01份改性剂后,尼龙6在热加工过程中相对粘度及端氨基含量的变化程度减小;

    When the content of amine modifiers was 0.1 phr , the variational degree of relative viscosity and amino end group content decreased ;

  16. 也讨论了影响四种常用流变模型的各种因素,并给出了在浆体物性参数已知的情况下,相对粘度和刚度系数的计算式。

    And gives out the formulas for calculating the relative viscosity and the coefficient of rigidity , if the physical parameter of slurry is set .

  17. 通过三因素三水平正交试验,研究了均质条件对色泽、稳定性、相对粘度的影响,确定均质的最佳条件为:温度50℃、压力28MPa、次数2次。

    The orthogonal test was adopt to test the effect of temperature , pressure and times on quality and optimize the craft by three factors and three levels orthogonal test .

  18. 方法30例T管引流的连续病员,用NX3型毛细玻管粘度计测定相对粘度,并对胆汁作需氧、厌氧培养和菌落计数。

    Methods Bile viscosity was studied with NX 3 type capillary viscometer in 30 consecutive T tube drainaged patients . Bile was cultured aerobically and anaerobically and aerobes were counted .

  19. 结果表明:二甲基亚砜和甲酰胺不宜作高相对粘度尼龙6的冻胶纺丝溶剂,硫酸、甲酸和间甲酚比较适宜;

    The results showed that dimethyl sulphoxide and formamide were not rational choices for gel spinning process of high-relative viscosity nylon 6 when m - cresol , sulfonic acid and formic acid were reasonable .

  20. 结果:全血粘度及相对粘度和还原粘度药物组同模型组相比存在明显差异,但血浆粘度、血球压积及血沉均无明显变化。

    Result : the whole blood viscosity , relative viscosity and reduction viscosity in the medicine group were greatly different from those in the model group , but no marked changes were detected in plasma viscosity , packed cell volume and esr .

  21. 不论吸附与否,在高浓度区均采用外推时间作为溶剂流出时间用于粘度计算,绘制相对粘度-浓度曲线。

    Whether absorbed or not , for solution of heavy oil fractions at high concentration region , the extrapolation time is used in the calculation of relative viscosity instead of the solvent flow time and then the curve of relative viscosity versus concentration was plotted .

  22. 结果治疗组全血高切、低切还原粘度,全血低切相对粘度,血浆粘度,红细胞聚集指数等指标较治疗前明显下降,与对照组相比有显著差异。

    Results For treatment group , the high shear rate , low shear rate , the whole blood low shear relative viscosity , whole plasma viscosity , aggregation of RBC and other data decreased greatly after treatment and there was a significant difference from those of control group .

  23. 根据淠河特大桥钻孔灌注桩细砂层较厚的地质特点,通过试验确定了相对密度、粘度、含砂率等控制指标,以指导施工,并取得了成功。

    According to the geological character of thicker fine sand layer of cast-in-situ bored pile for Pi River extra large bridge , the relative density , viscosity and sand content which control the construction has been made by test and it has been successful .

  24. 当把这些组分脱除后,脱蜡油凝点明显降低、相对密度升高、粘度指数升高。

    After removing wax , the freezing point of the dewaxed oil dropped , the density elevated , and the viscosity index rose .

  25. 硅灰加入量(0~4%)增加,浇注料的相对屈服应力、相对塑性粘度和触变性均随之降低。

    With the increase of silica fume addition ( 1 ~ 3 % ), the relative yield stress , the relative plastic viscosity and thixotropy were decreased .