
  • 网络relative stiffness;Relative Rigidity
  1. 梁板相对刚度对现浇板弯矩影响的修正研究

    Study on Revising Slab 's Moment Influenced by Beam-to-Slab Relative Stiffness

  2. 装配式圆形隧道与软土地层的相对刚度分析

    Analysis of relative stiffness between fabricated circular tunnel and soft ground

  3. 采用ANSYS对竖向荷载作用下钢筋混凝土梁板体系中梁板的相互作用关系进行研究分析,通过调整梁板相对刚度α来分析梁的刚度对板弯矩的影响。

    By means of finite element analysis software ANSYS , the influence of beam-to-slab relative stiffness on the moment of the slab in RC floor system under the vertical load is mainly investigated .

  4. 利用Laplace数值逆变换在时间域中得到瞬时、移动等响应模式条件下的数值结果,并讨论了衬砌和土体的相对刚度对隧洞动力响应的影响。

    Numerical results for several response modes such as breathing mode and translational mode were obtained by inverse Laplace transformation , and were used to discuss the influence of relative rigidity of liner and soil on the dynamic response of the tunnel .

  5. 在验证有限元软件ANSYS进行空间钢框架结构稳定分析可行性的基础上,建立了多高层空间钢框架模型。取不同的楼板厚度和杆件截面尺寸,表示不同的构件相对刚度。

    Based on the feasibility verification about using the finite element program of ANSYS to analyse the global elasto-plastic stability of spacial steel framed structures , multi-storied and high-rise steel frames are modeled , in which the thicknesses of floor slabs and cross-sectional heights of members assumed numerous values .

  6. 作者通过相对刚度1/P~2和对数减量△随温度或时间的变化,来表征不同组分的MMA-AN共聚物的多重转变。

    The polymeric molecular motions of MMA-AN copolymer are studied by changes of the relative rigidity 1 / p ~ 2 and logarithmic decrement which change with temperature and time .

  7. 桩筏基础相对刚度及合理板厚的确定

    Definition of relative rigidity and proper raft thickness of pile-raft foundation

  8. 浅基础相对刚度对地基沉降的影响分析

    Analysis on Effect of Relative Stiffness of Shallow Foundations on Foundation Settlement

  9. 埋地管道管土相对刚度的分析

    Analysis on relative stiffness of pipeline soil for buried pipelines

  10. 十字隔板相对刚度对舷侧结构碰撞性能的影响

    Effect of cross-frame 's relative stiffness on shipboard crashworthiness

  11. 从某种意义上,可引用结构力学的固端弯矩分配系数概念,按它们的相对刚度分配。

    In a sense , fixed ends bending moment distribution coefficient concept may be drawn .

  12. 结果表明:等效化误差率取决于相对刚度硬化系数η;

    The results show that the equivalent error rate depends on the relative hardening stiffness coefficient η;

  13. 当结构的相对刚度过于悬殊时,桥梁结构行为会表现出某种奇异的特性。

    It was realized that the structures with great disparity of relative stiffness will exhibit some unusual behaviors .

  14. 衬砌与土的相对刚度越大,土体位移和应力响应的幅值越小,衰减的速度也越快。

    What 's more , the attenuation of the responses becomes more apparent as the rigidity of liner increases .

  15. 基于管土相互作用模型对埋地管道的管土相对刚度进行了分析。

    The relative stiffness ( RS ) of pipe-soil system is analyzed based on the pipeline soil interaction model .

  16. 笔者对这种螺栓联接进行了受力与变形分析,得到了弹性元件刚度对螺栓相对刚度系数影响的解析式。

    And the function equations on effect of stiffness of elastic cell upon relative stiffnesss coefficient of bolt are get .

  17. 通过大量实例分析提出了一个桩筏基础相对刚度表达式。

    The inner force , settlement of raft , pile force were studied with the increase of raft-supported soil relative stiffness .

  18. 这个比值视断面联结系抗剪与主梁抗弯的相对刚度而定。

    This ratio will depend upon the relative rigidity of crossframes ( against shearing deformation ) and maingirdes ( against bending ) .

  19. 随着节点相对刚度比的增加,结构在地震作用下的峰值加速度反应受输入地震波能量分布特征的控制,分布规律非常复杂。

    The peak acceleration responses are fully controlled by the relative stiffness ratio and the input seismic excitation , and their distributions are quite complicated .

  20. 参数分析结果表明,随板相对刚度增大和梁上荷载增大,板内横向曲率和弯矩减小。

    The results of parameter analysis show that transverse curvatures and moments in slabs decrease as the slab to girder rigidity ratio and loads on girders increase .

  21. 由试验结果分析可知,当上部结构质量增加时,上部结构与土体间的相对刚度降低,相互作用对系统自振频率的影响减弱;

    When the structure mass is increased , the relative stiffness of soil to structure is decreased and the effect of interaction on system modal frequencies is weakened .

  22. 考虑了桩与承台的相互作用,在对试验结果分析的基础上提出了一种新的桩–承台相对刚度表达式。

    On the basis of analyzing the test results , and taking the interaction between piles and cap into account , a new relative stiffness expression of pile-cap was presented .

  23. 这些系数均未考虑仓壁的弹性,本文通过对贮料、仓壁微元体进行受力分析,得出一侧压力系数,该系数与贮料泊松比、贮料仓壁相对刚度系ξ数有关。

    A new lateral pressure ratio is derived by considering the elasticity of steel silo wall , which relevant to Passion ratio of stored material and the ratio of rigidity ξ .

  24. 在风荷载作用下结构的侧移进行了计算,分析了层数以及连接相对刚度对结构的顶层最大位移和层间相对位移的影响;

    Then lateral displacements were computed under wind loading , with the change of different storey and connection relative stiffness , the effect on maximum displacement and storey relative displacement were studied .

  25. 文中还对耦联问题中介质特性效应、相对刚度效应、板件形状效应、土层深度效应以及非均质性影响等作了较为全面的分析。

    In addition , the effect of medium character , relative stiffness , structural shape , deepness of soil layer and the influence of nonhomogeneity of soil in coupled problems are analyzed .

  26. 结果表明:不同模式下隧洞的应力、位移和孔隙水压力响应有很大差异,且随相对刚度的增大而减小。

    It is shown that the responses of stress , displacement and pore pressure are significantly different for different modes , and decrease with the increase of relative rigidity of liner and soil .

  27. 在工程中,应根据结构可能遭受的地震作用的能量分布特征,通过结构动力分析,确定节点的最优相对刚度比,以减小结构的动力反应。

    In order to reduce the dynamic responses under the seismic excitations with possible energy distributions , the optimum relative stiffness ratio of the ductile connection should be defined by using the dynamic analysis method .

  28. 研究了桩间距、路堤高度、桩顶托板宽度、路堤填土剪切模量、水平加筋体拉伸强度及桩土相对刚度对桩体荷载分担比的影响。

    The effects of piles interval , embankment height , cap width , shear modulus of embankment fill , horizontal geotextile tensile strength and pile-subsoil stiffness ratio on pile efficacy , were also carried out .

  29. 进行了桩-土-承台共同作用的三维非线性有限元分析,讨论桩几何布置和桩-土相对刚度对群桩受力的影响;

    Developing the analysis of three-dimensional non-linear limited element analysis of pile-soil-pile caps cooperation . It discussed the effect on bearing capacity of group piles with piles geometric arrangement and the relative rigidity of pile-soil .

  30. 支承桩的桩身摩擦力和桩尖阻力的大小与入土深度及桩身、桩尖处土层的相对刚度密切相关。

    The value of frictional force of soil to pile body and resistance to pile toe has a close relation with the penetration depth and relative rigidity of soil layer at pile body and pile toe .