
yā xià liànɡ
  • reduction;rolling reduction
  1. 以30s-1应变速度压缩时,在470℃时极限压下量陡然下降,说明变形速度很大时变形温度不宜过高。

    But as the strain rate is 30s-1 , the ultimate reduction falls suddenly . So the temperature is unfavorable too high when the strain rate is very high .

  2. 增加轧制单道次压下量,杂质含量对合金轧制成形性能的影响更加突出。

    When increasing the reduction per pass , influence of impurity concentration on rolling forming property is more notable .

  3. H型钢轧制翼缘不同压下量的应力应变分析

    Stress and strain analysis of H beam universal rolling in different flange reductions

  4. 结果表明,H型钢矫直时断面畸变主要是腹板凹陷,其对矫直压下量设定的影响不可忽略;

    The results show that the section deflection of the H-beam in straightening process should not be neglected , in which web falling plays a dominating role .

  5. 提出一种用于轴类零件自动压力校直压下量计算的方法,编制了相应的MATLAB计算程序。

    In this paper a calculation method of the straightening stroke is proposed for the automatic pressure straightening of axis , and a corresponding MATLAB program is designed .

  6. 在C处理工艺条件下,当加热温度较低及压下量较大时可获得较小的再结晶晶粒尺寸,δ相的存在阻碍晶粒的长大,从而降低再结晶晶粒尺寸。

    The small grains can be obtained under low heating temperature and large cold rolling reduction conditions in the case of C pretreatment . The existence of δ phase will prevent the grain growth and reduce the recrystallization grain size .

  7. 冷轧压下量对铁素体区热轧Ti-IF钢冷轧板深冲性能的影响

    Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction on Drawability of Hot Rolled IF Steel Sheet in Ferrite Region

  8. 提高泡沫铝轧制能力的具体方法为降低基体中的Si含量,提高材料组织性能的均一性,轧制工艺中采用适宜的道次压下量和较低的轧制速度。

    The way to improve the roll ability of aluminum foam is to decrease its Si content and ensure the homogeneity of its microstructure and mechanical properties and especially adopt proper pass reduction with low rolling speed .

  9. 用ansys有限元分析软件可以方便的设置压下量和滚压力,并能直观的显示细长轴的应力状态,为揭示细长轴在加工过程中应力状态的变化提供了有效的途径。

    With the ANSYS analysis software , we can set the movement of the rolling sets and the rolling pressure , and it can display the stress status of the spindly shaft during its rolling process .

  10. 其直接加热、大压下量轧制、机架间控制冷却和冷床上的控制冷却技术使得热轧带钢的力学性能与传统的热轧带钢(CCR)相比有明显的优越性。

    The process methods of direct heating , large reduction rolling and cooling between stands and in the cooling bed give hot-rolled strip superior mechanical properties compared with traditional process .

  11. 提出支承辊的锻造工艺宜采用上宽平砧下平台+宽V形砧大压下量(FM+KD)锻造法,辊身喷冷后终冷温度在220~250℃为宜。

    Which presents that the forging process for the backup roll shall be top wide anvil , bottom platform + wide V type anvil with large percent reduction , and the final temperature of the roll proper shall be better within 220 ~ 250 ℃ .

  12. 研究了不同铁素体区热轧压下量和终轧温度下一种Ti-IF钢的冷轧和退火后性能和织构的特点。

    The properties after annealing and texture of a Ti-IF steel were investigated after different hot rolling reductions in ferrite region at different finished rolling temperatures .

  13. 本文利用大型有限元软件MARC模拟了不锈钢复合板的热轧过程,并讨论了不锈钢复合板轧制过程最佳相对压下量问题。

    The manufacture craft of stainless clad strip which is belong to bimetal composite plate is carried out in this paper , and the hot-rolled process of stainless clad strip is simulated using the large finite-element software MARC .

  14. 道次压下量为0.1mm时,Si质量分数为12%的泡沫铝(厚度约11mm)经10道次变形后可实现1mm的总变形量。

    , when the pass reduction is 0.1 mm , the 11 mm-thick aluminum foam in which the Si content is 12wt % can be deformed by 1 mm finally .

  15. 建立压下量分配的多目标优化函数,基于模型的控制策略,提出了采用变尺度BFGS优化算法对矫直工艺进行优化计算的新方法。

    The multiple target optimization function of intermesh allocation was also given . Based on control strategy of model , the variable metric algorithm of BFGS was adopted to calculate the optimum leveling process .

  16. 研究了异步轧制的道次压下量、轧制温度、轧制路径、异速比等工艺参数对AZ31镁合金显微组织、晶粒取向和力学性能的影响规律。

    The influence of processing parameters including pass thickness reduction ratio , rolling temperature , rolling route and mismatch roll speed ratios on microstructure , crystal orientation and mechanical properties are investigated .

  17. 其中包括压下量计算模型、DAGC的数学模型、轧件塑性系数计算的模型、监控AGC数学模型,通过对连轧张力理论的研究,建立流量AGC数学模型。

    Including the calculation model of rolling reduction , the mathematical model of DAGC , rolling plastic-coefficient calculation model , the mathematical model of monitoring AGC , and establish the mathematical model of Mass flow AGC by studying the theory of continuous rolling tension .

  18. 本文利用Gleeble-3500物理模拟实验技术,研究了含氮量不同的VN钢在不同的压下量时,对铁素体晶内形核的影响。

    The influence of the recrystallized austenite under different engineering stains on the intragranular nucleation of ferrite in the V-N alloyed steels with different nitrogen content was investigated using Gleeble physical simulation tests .

  19. 轧机生产的实际数据证明具有板形好,尺寸精度高,压下量大,道次少,成材率高和节能等优点,可轧制带钢尺寸为0.2~3.0×300~520mm。

    Good shape high precision of size , heavy reduction , reduction of pass number , high yield and good energy saving are proved by production data of the mill . Strip thickness and width is 0.2 ~ 3 × 300 ~ 520mm .

  20. 当道次压下量从5%增加到20%时,晶粒逐渐得到细化,板材的抗拉强度由道次压下量为5%时的265MPa增加到20%时的300MPa,伸长率则由18%降到15%;

    The ultimate tensile strength increases from 265 MPa to 300 MPa and the elongation decreases from 18 % to 15 % with increasing reduction in pass from 5 % to 20 % . The rolling routes affect the quantity of twins in the sheets .

  21. 轴类零件矫直压下量的实用算法

    The practical method for calculating the amount of push-down of shaft

  22. 连续挤压生产过程中,压实轮压下量是一个至关重要的参数。

    The depth of coining roller is a very important parameter .

  23. 圆坯二辊斜轧单位压下量计算方法

    Calculation Method of Unit Reduction in Two-roll Cross Rolling of Round Billet

  24. 实现初轧机压下量自动控制的系统分析

    Analysis of the Automatic Control System of Blooming Mill Press

  25. 可逆板坯轧机压下量的最小轧制时间规划

    Scheduling of draft of a reversing slab mill in minimum rolling time

  26. 新型大压下量三辊行星轧机

    A new type of heavy reduction 3-roll planetary mill

  27. 板带矫直机压下量的计算方法及其对矫直质量的影响

    Method for calculating the intermesh of straightener and its influence on straightening quality

  28. 轴类零件自动压力校直压下量计算方法研究

    Study on Calculation Method of Straightening Stroke for the Automatic Pressure Straightening of Axis

  29. 不锈钢/碳钢复合板带张力冷轧时极限压下量确定

    Determination on Extreme Reduction in Cool Rolling of Stainless Steel and Steel Clad Sheet

  30. 双金属板热轧复合模拟及最小相对压下量的确定

    Simulation on hot rolling compounding of two metal plates and determination of minimum relative reduction