
  • 网络transformer;Piezoelectric Transformer;PZT
  1. 为提高功率及转换效率,日本NEC公司推出多层三次罗森型压电变压器。

    In Japan put out multi-layer three-point Rose-type transformer in order to raise power and energy converting efficiency .

  2. 基于此材料制作的Rosen型压电变压器在负载阻抗为20MΩ,输入电压为5V条件下升压比高达420倍以上。

    The step-up ration of the piezoelectric transformer was as high as 420 times in the condition of load impedance 20 M Ω and input voltage 5 V.

  3. PZT-PMN-BF高活性粉体及压电变压器的制备

    Preparation of PZT-PMN-BF high reactive powder and its application in piezoelectric transformers

  4. 多层压电变压器基本工作特性的研究

    Study on the Basic Working Property of the Multilayer Piezoelectric Transformer

  5. 压电变压器用压电材料的研制及其性能研究各向异性材料和压电材料奇异性场研究

    Preparation and Piezoelectric Properties of Piezoelectric Materials for Manufacturing Piezoelectric Transformer

  6. 压电变压器的研究与应用前景展望

    An Overview of the Application and the Research of Piezoelectric Transformers

  7. 激光光纤测振仪测量多层压电变压器的振动

    Vibration Measurement of Multilayer Piezoelectric Transformer by Laser Fiber Vibrometer

  8. 用于液晶显示器荧光灯供电的压电变压器研究

    Research on Piezoelectric Inverter Applied to Crystal Cathode Fluorescent Lamp

  9. 压电变压器外围电路的最新研究进展

    Novel Progress in the Research of Circuit Used in the Piezoelectric Transformer

  10. 压电变压器用陶瓷材料的成分设计

    Study on the Composition of the Multi - system Ceramics for Piezoelectric Transformers

  11. 压电变压器原理研究及特性测试

    A study of principle and testing of piezoelectric transformer

  12. 压电变压器对其材料性能的要求;

    The requirement of piezoelectric transformer to material qualities ;

  13. 压电变压器工作特性及应用研究

    A Study on Property and Application of Piezoelectric Transformer

  14. 压电变压器的原理及其应用中的关键问题

    Principle of piezoelectric transform and key issues in applications

  15. 无变压器的多接开关基于并联压电变压器的单开关高压变换器

    A Single Switch High Voltage Converter based on Parallel Connection of Piezoelectric Transformers

  16. 基于这个流程所设计出的径向振动模式压电变压器已制备完成。

    A radial vibration mode PT sample based on this design process is fabricated .

  17. 本文所研究的压电变压器工作在弯曲振动模式下。

    A kind of piezoelectric transformer works in the bend vibration mode is discussed .

  18. 压电变压器的高升压比和大功率输出难以同时得到保证;

    It is hard to harvest high voltage enhancement ratio and high-power output simultaneously ;

  19. 基于压电变压器的低压电源的设计

    Low Electrical Source Design with Piezoelectric Ceramic Transformer

  20. 从基本物理原理入手,介绍了压电变压器的工作机理;

    Based on the physical theory , the operating principle of piezoelectric transform is introduced .

  21. 压电变压器用Mg:LN单晶的制备与性能研究

    Study on the Preparation and Properties of MG : LN Single Crystal for Piezoelectric Transformer

  22. 压电变压器在冷阴极管驱动器中的应用研究

    The Research on the Application of the Piezoelectric Transformer in Cold - Cathode Fluorescent Lamp Driver

  23. 圆盘形弯曲振动压电变压器等效电路及特性研究

    The Research on the Equivalent Circuit Model and Characteristic of Disk Flexual Vibration Mode Piezoelectric Transformer

  24. 基于PWM/PFM的压电变压器驱动电路的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of A Driving Circuit of Piezoelectric Transformer Based on PWM / PFM Control IC

  25. 最后,压电变压器之半桥式共振反流器的系统控制晶片的系统控制电路被规划及设计。

    Finally , a control chip circuit for half-bridge inverter with a cascading piezoelectric transformer is planned and designed .

  26. 该步骤包括制作压电变压器材料的选择、压电变压器几何尺寸以及层数的确定。

    This procedure includes selection of PT materials , determination of geometries and the number of layers of the PT .

  27. 多层压电变压器具有体积小,质量轻,效率高等特点,具有许多重要的应用领域。

    Multiayer piezoelectric transformers have advantages of small volume , light weight and high efficiency , and have many important applications .

  28. 压电变压器是在谐振频率状态下工作,因此还需要较高的谐振频率温度稳定性。

    Furthermore , because the piezoelectric transformer was operated in resonant frequency , the high temperature stability of resonant frequency was necessary .

  29. 用扫描电镜对陶瓷微观结构进行了研究,并测量了压电变压器的电学性能。

    The microstructure of PZT ceramic was characterized by scanning electron microscope , and the electricity capability of piezoelectric transformer was measured .

  30. 研究表明,任何压电变压器都可以用集总式等效电路模型来表达;

    In the studies , it has been shown that any piezoelectric transformer can be expressed with the lump type equivalent circuit model ;