
  • 网络ALN
  1. 浅谈陶瓷金属化电镀Ni的质量控制

    Quality Control of Ceramic Metalized Electroplate Ni

  2. 活化剂MgO在氧化铝陶瓷金属化过程中的影响

    Effect of MgO Activator in the Course of Alumina Ceramic Metalizing

  3. 应用XRF法对陶瓷金属化厚度的检测

    Measurements of the Thickness of Metallization Layer on Alumina Ceramic through XRF

  4. 应用SEM微区分析和小束XRD扫描,对95%氧化铝电真空陶瓷金属化后的表面斑点等异常现象进行剖析。确认了表面黑点是由变价金属离子形成的;

    The speckles and other abnormalities found on the surface of metallized electronic-vacuum ceramics containing 95 % alumina were investigated by way of micro-zone SEM analysis and microbeam scanning XRD , from which it is concluded that the black speckles are formed by variable valency metal ions .

  5. 综述了AlN制品的某些新进展,包括其原料和处理、填料和坩埚、陶瓷金属化和共烧技术以及作为微波衰减材料等,强调了AlN制品的应用前景。

    Recent advances in AlN products , including raw material and treatment , AlN filling and crucible , ceramic metallization and co-fire technology as well as AlN microwave lossy materials are overviewed , with emphasis on the development prospects and application of AlN ceramic materials .

  6. 浅谈陶瓷金属化质量的可靠性控制

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Reliability Control of Ceramic Metallization Quality

  7. 多层共烧氮化铝陶瓷金属化工艺研究

    Research of Metallization Process of Multilayer Co-fired AIN Ceramic

  8. 国内外电真空用氧化铝陶瓷金属化层显微结构分析

    Microstructure of Metallized Alumina Ceramics Applied in Vacuum Electronics Components of Domestic and Oversea

  9. 陶瓷金属化批量生产实用工艺技术

    Mass Production Process for Ceramic Sintered Metal Layers

  10. 氧化铝陶瓷金属化工艺的改进

    The Technology Improvement of the Alumina Ceramics Metallization

  11. 陶瓷金属化配方的设计原则

    Design Principle of the Ceramic Metallizing Formulae

  12. 陶瓷金属化厚度及其均匀性

    Ceramic Metallizing Layer Thickness and Its Uniformity

  13. 陶瓷金属化涂料的研制

    Development of Dope in Metallized Chinaware

  14. 通过二/三次金属化烧结实验,对提高陶瓷金属化质量进行初步探讨。

    Through the experiments on two / three times sintering processes of metallization , improvement measures of the quality of ceramic metallization were studied .

  15. 为提高陶瓷金属化层的焊接性能,提出了一种陶瓷二次金属化镀镍工艺。

    In view of the poor solderability of metallic film formed on ceramic surface , a secondary metallization of ceramic surface by nickel plating was advanced .

  16. Al2O3陶瓷表面金属化

    Surface Metallization of Alumina Ceramic

  17. PZT陶瓷表面金属化的研究&(Ⅳ)后处理的实施及其作用

    Metallization of PZT ceramic surface ──(ⅳ) post-treatments and their effects on metallization

  18. PZT高频陶瓷表面金属化薄膜及其结构

    Thin films by surface metallization of high-frequency PZT ceramic and its structure

  19. AlN陶瓷厚膜金属化研究进展

    Advances in Research of Thick Film Metallization for AlN

  20. 利用熔盐热析出反应法对AlN陶瓷表面金属化研究

    Ti Metallization of AIN Surface by Molten Salt Reaction

  21. PZT陶瓷表面金属化&化学镀的条件控制

    A Study on the Metallization of PZT Ceramic Surface ── Control of Conditions in Electroless Plating

  22. AlN陶瓷厚膜金属化浆料用玻璃体系的制备和研究

    Study on the Preparation of Glass Frit Used in Thick-Film Paste for AIN Metallization

  23. 本文报导了这种后处理的实施过程、控制条件及其结果,并讨论了后处理对于PZT陶瓷表面金属化及对PZT陶瓷元器件的电学性能的影响。

    The experimental procedures of the post-treatment were investigated , and its effects on the metallization of PZT ceramic surface and the properties of the PZT ceramic components were discussed too .

  24. 等静压成型氧化铝陶瓷高温金属化技术研究双极金属氧化物半导体技术高性能金属氧化物半导体技术

    The Research of High-temperature Metallization Technology for Isostatic Press Molding Alumina Ceramics

  25. 锰铬体掺杂氧化铝陶瓷及其金属化

    Study on Properties and Metallization of Alumina Ceramic Doped with Manganese and Chromium

  26. 氮化铝陶瓷及其金属化工艺

    AIN Ceramics and its metallizing technology

  27. 陶瓷纳米金属化技术

    The Ceramic Nano - Metallizing Technology

  28. 真空开关陶瓷器件金属化封接面抗拉强度测试方案设计及强度指标实测与计算

    Tensile Strength Testing Scheme Design and Intensity Measuring and Calculating of Vacuum Switch Ceramic Devices ′ Sealed Surfaces Metallization

  29. 采用化学镀作为先导工艺,使陶瓷表面金属化。然后在辉光炉中进行了陶瓷陶瓷或陶瓷金属的无钎剂钎焊。

    The chemical plating is used as a precursory procedure to metallize ceramics surface , and then ceramic to ceramic or to metal is brazed in glow discharge furnace without flux .

  30. 本文以陶瓷体金属化徽型线路上的化学镀镍为例,论述了在绝缘材料上印有复杂金属膜图案的化学镀镍问题。

    With electroless Ni plating on microcircuit of metallized ceramics as an example , the electroless N platig on insulators printed with complex pattern of metal film is discussed in detail .