
  • 网络VN Alloy;FeVN
  1. 钢包精炼工艺对钒氮合金收得率的影响

    Effect of ladle refining technique on yielding rate of VN alloy

  2. 钒氮合金中高氮检测的新方法

    A New Method to Analyze Nitrogen Content of VN Alloy

  3. ICP-AES测定钒氮合金中杂质元素

    Determination of impurity elements in vanadium-nitrogen alloy by ICP-AES

  4. 利用氧氮分析仪,建立了钒氮合金(NV)中高含量氮的脉冲加热-热导分析法。

    High content nitrogen in vanadium-nitrogen alloy has been determined by impulse-heating thermal conductivity using LECO TC-600 nitrogen / oxygen determinator .

  5. 脉冲加热-热导法测定钒氮合金中的高含量氮

    Determination of high content nitrogen in vanadium-nitrogen alloy by pulse-heating thermal conductivity

  6. 攀钢钒氮合金在高速钢中的应用通过验收

    Application of nitroven to high-speed steel at Panzhihua Steel accepted

  7. 二甲基吡啶钼磷酸盐铋磷钼蓝分光光度法快速测定钒氮合金中磷量

    Bismuth phosphomolybdate blue spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of phosphorus in vanadium-nitrogen alloy

  8. 采用铍盐共沉淀&钼蓝分光光度法对钒氮合金中微量磷进行测定。

    Trace phosphorus in V-N alloy was determined by beryllium salt coprecipitation & molybdenumblue spectrophotometry .

  9. 钒氮合金的应用及展望

    Application and prospects of VN alloy

  10. 从高强度钢筋市场得出,钒氮合金有着广阔的市场前景。

    The prospect of VN alloy is broad through the bazaar of high strength reinforced bar .

  11. 根据国内外对钒氮合金微合金化技术的研究现状,综述了钒氮微合金化在高强度钢中的强化机制,并概述了钒氮微合金在高强度钢中的研究开发、应用状况。

    From the research achievements of VN microalloying technology , the mechanism of VN alloy in high strength steels is analyed . This paper also introduces the researches and the applications of VN alloy in high strength steels .

  12. 方法用于钒氮合金中7个微量元素的测定,相对标准偏差为044%~179%,标准加入回收率为936%~1097%。

    The method has been used for the determination of above-mentioned 7 elements in vanadium-nitrogen alloy . The relative standard deviations are 0.44 % - 1.79 % . The recovery of standard addition is in the range of 93.6 % - 109.7 % ?

  13. 综合试验结果表明,钒氮微合金化方式优越于V微合金化,增氮效果明显,在保证相同强度水平前提下可以节约V的用量,钒氮合金比较经济。

    In a word , the effect of VN microalloying is superior to that of V microalloying , Evident nitrogen increasement result in vanadium usage saving in steel of same strength grade . Comparatively , microalloying with VN is more economy .

  14. VN12合金在钒氮微合金化钢中的应用研究

    Application of VN 12 alloy in V - N microalloyed steel

  15. 钒氮微合金化热轧带肋钢筋径向组织分布特征

    Radius Distribution Characters of Microstructure in V-N Microalloyed Hot Rolled Ribbed Bar

  16. 钒氮微合金化耐大气腐蚀钢板的研制

    Development of V-N Microalloyed Resistance Weather Corrosion Steel Strip

  17. 钒氮微合金化对Si&Mn系弹簧钢热处理特性的影响

    Effect of V-N Microalloying on heat treatment character of Si-Mn series spring steel

  18. 钒氮微合金化高强度钢的研究及应用

    Research and application of VN microalloying high strength steels

  19. 钒氮微合金化对高强度耐候钢组织与性能的影响

    Analysis on the Influence of Vanadium-Nitrogen Alloyed on Microstructure and Properties for High Strength Anti-corrosion Steel

  20. 最终探讨了钒氮微合金化硬线钢的强韧化机制。

    In the end , the strengthen-toughening mechanism of V-N microalloyed hard steel wire were discussed .

  21. 较高的氮含量有利于提高硬线钢钒氮微合金化的强韧化效果。

    Higher content of nitrogen is benefit for increasing strength and toughness for V-N micro-alloyed hard wire rods steel .

  22. 研究认为钒氮微合金化硬线钢主要通过细晶强化和沉淀析出强化,从而提高钢材的强韧件。

    It is considered that the V-N micro-alloy high carbon wire rods obtain the high strength and toughness mainly due to grain refining and precipitation strengthening .

  23. 本文绪论概述了耐候钢的发展历史及其在国内外的发展应用与趋势,并介绍了钒氮微合金化技术和研究进展,对钒氮微合金化钢的主要强韧化机理进行了探讨。

    The history and the development trends of anti-corrosion steel in domestic and international industry are summarized , and the vanadium-nitrogen alloyed technology and its application status are further introduced in this paper . The main strengthening-toughening mechanisms of vanadium-nitrogen microalloyed steels were studied in this article .

  24. 基于此,本文从机械连接的需要出发,主要采用力学性能试验和金相组织观察研究了Φ25钒氮微合金化钢筋以及Φ32、Φ25余热处理钢筋径向组织和性能的分布特征;

    In this paper , based on need of rebars ' mechanical connection , the distribution of microstructure and mechanical properties along radius of Φ 25 V-N micro-alloyed hot rolled rebar and Φ 32 Φ 25 tempcore rebar were investigated by means of mechanical properties test and microstructure examination .

  25. 钒氮复合微合金化77B、82B钢索氏体团更加细化,索氏体片层间距有所增大。

    In the V-N complex micro-alloyed 77B and 82B steels , Sorbite clusters get more finer but the sorbite interlaminar spacing increase . 3 .

  26. 研究了钒、氮微合金化钢筋的强化机理。

    The strengthening mechanism of V N micro alloyed steel is investigated .

  27. 钒、氮微合金化钢筋的强化机制

    Strengthening mechanism in V-N micro - alloyed reinforcing bar steels

  28. 氮化钒是钢铁冶金工业中一种重要的添加剂,钒氮微合金化技术能显著提高钢的强度和降低钢的成本。

    Vanadium nitride is an important alloy additive in metallurgical industry . V-N micro-alloying technology can increase the steel intensity significantly and reduce the cost of steel .