
fán kuàng chuáng
  • vanadium deposit
钒矿床[fán kuàng chuáng]
  1. 湖南双溪钒矿床产于寒武系下统木昌组,赋矿岩层为一套富含有机质的硅、磷、碳组合的黑色岩系。

    The Shuangxi vanadium deposit in Guzhang County , Hunan Province occurs in Lower Cambrian Muchang formation , which is composed of the black rock series rich in organic Si , P and C.

  2. 湘西北钒矿床地质特征及其成因

    Geological characteristics and genesis of the vanadium deposit in northwestern Hunan

  3. 湖南黑色岩系中的钒矿床

    Vanadium ores in black rock sequence , Hunan

  4. 而位于扬子地台东南缘的钒矿床尤其令人瞩目。

    And the V deposit in SE margin of the Yangzi platform is especially attractive .

  5. 湖南沉积型钒矿床主要分布于武陵山区、雪峰山区和湘中龙山地区等。

    Sedimentary-type vanadium deposits in Hunan are mainly distributed in Wulinshan , Leifengshan and Longshan area .

  6. 鄂西黑色页岩型银钒矿床的相控制

    The facies control of the black shale type of Ag and V deposit in Western Hubei

  7. 其中位于扬子地台东南缘的钒矿床资源潜力巨大。

    Among them , the vanadium deposits located on the southeast margin of Yangtze platform are with great potential .

  8. 黔北钒矿床地质特征及找矿远景预测瞬变电磁法在黔西北找矿成果的研究

    Geographical Features of Vanadium Ore Deposit in Northern Guizhou and the Long-Range Prediction of Exploring the Ore ; The research Of Prospecting results Of Tem in Northwest Of Guizhou

  9. 从共生的镍钼钒多金属矿床的地质特征入手,将黑色岩系中的贵金属矿化划分为镍钼-金银(铂钯)矿化和钒-银矿化两类。

    Based on geological feature of Ni Mo V polymetallic deposits and precious mineralization related to black rock series in paragenesis , the mineralization can been divided into two types : Ni Mo Au ( Pt , Pd ) mineralization and V Ag mineralization .

  10. 同时,不少镁铁质-超镁铁质层状侵入体中赋存具有重要经济价值的大型、乃至超大型岩浆硫化物型的铜、镍、铬、钴与铂族元素矿床和钒、钛磁铁矿矿床。

    Furthermore , numerous , economically important , large to giant magmatic Cu , Ni , Cr , Co , and platinum group elements ( PGEs ) sulphide deposits and Fe-V-Ti deposits are associated with mafic and ultramafic layered intrusions .