
fán hé jīn
  • vanadium alloy
钒合金[fán hé jīn]
  1. 研究了碳-银基复合材料与铜银钒合金所组成的摩擦副的摩擦磨损过程,讨论了银基复合材料的成分和组织对摩擦磨损性能的影响,利用SEM对磨损表面进行了分析。

    The friction wear process of carbon-silver matrix and copper silver vanadium alloy and the effects of composition , microstructure of silver matrix on the friction wear performance were studied in this paper . The pattern of wear surface of brush was observed with SEM .

  2. 由于铌、钒合金价格不断上涨,造成低合金高强度钢生产成本显著增加。

    The prices of niobium and vanadium alloy are rising unceasingly , which leading to high cost of high strength low alloy steel .

  3. 实验结果表明:钒合金有较强的吸氢能力,合金元素Ti能显著提高合金的吸氢量。

    Results show that the vanadium alloys have high hydrogen absorption rate , which is increased by the Ti alloying element .

  4. 高钒合金系列中,V1抗磨性最好。

    For the high - V alloy series , the wear resistance of is the most excellent .

  5. 为改善钒合金的抗氢脆性能,应选用原子尺寸与V接近的合金元素,如W和Re等。

    Thus it is recommended that the alloying elements in the alloy should have close atom size in comparison with V to improve its properties against hydrogen embrittlement , such as W and Re .

  6. 氮化钒合金在400MPa级钢筋中的应用

    Application of VN alloy in 400 ? Mpa-grade reinforced bar

  7. 聚变应用钒合金抗氢脆性能的合金化设计

    Alloying design for fusion application vanadium alloys based on hydrogen embrittlement resistance

  8. 钒合金的高温氧化特性和氢致脆性研究

    Characteristics of the High temperature Oxidation and Hydrogen Embrittlement for Vanadium Alloys

  9. 钒合金化高锰钢的研究性能价格比高。

    A Study on Vanadium-Alloying Hadfield 's Steel high performance / cost ratio .

  10. 聚变应用钒合金的力学行为及氢的影响

    Mechanical Performances and Effects of Hydrogen on the Vanadium Alloys as Fusion Reactor Materials

  11. 钒合金的沉淀析出行为和时效强化

    Precipitation Behavior and Aging Hardening of Vanadium Alloys

  12. 钒合金的氢致硬化和氢脆

    Hydrogen Induced Hardening and Embrittlement of Vanadium Alloys

  13. 钛&钒合金的吸氢动力学

    Kinetics of Hydrogen Absorption by Ti-V Alloy

  14. 加钒合金铸钢试验研究

    Study on Cast Alloy Steel Containing Vanadium

  15. 钒合金具有高的蠕变强度,可以承受比不锈钢高4~7倍的热负荷。

    Vanadium alloys can withstand higher heat load than stainless steel because of higher creep strength .

  16. 钒合金的氢脆机理研究

    Hydrogen Embrittlement of Vanadium Alloys

  17. 实验结果表明:低强度的钒合金具有较好的抗氢脆性能;

    The results showed that the alloys with low mechanical strength had better properties against hydrogen embrittlement .

  18. 利用气相渗氢法,测试了几种钒合金在氢含量最高达到113mg/kg范围内的拉伸性能变化。

    The mechanical properties of several vanadium alloys were measured with the hydrogen concentration high up to 113mg / kg .

  19. 阐述了高钒合金优良的耐磨性能及碳化钒相对于耐磨性的意义,有关碳化钒形态的试验和理论研究。

    The excellent wear properties of the Fe-C alloy with high vanadium contents and the important roles of vanadium carbide phases on wear properties are described .

  20. 充分利用廉价而丰富的氮,在保证一定的强度水平下,可节约贵重钒合金,进一步降低非调质钢的成本。

    The full use of cheap and plentiful nitrogen can save expensive vanadium alloy , further decrease the production cost of non-quenched and tempered steel , provided a given strength level of the steel is ensured .

  21. 与石英砂作磨料时相比,在磨料为水泥熟料时,高钒合金系列和高铬铸铁系列对贝氏体钢系列的相对抗磨性增大。

    Compared with the sand , when the cement is selected as abrasive , the relative wear resistances of the high-V alloy series and the high-Cr white cast iron series relative to bainitic steel series are increasing .

  22. 利用渗氢后的拉伸实验,研究了氢对几种钒合金拉伸性能的影响及其氢脆断裂特性结果表明,合金元素和氧含量均严重影响钒合金的抗氢脆能力。

    The hydrogen embrittlement behaviors of several vanadium alloys have been studied by measuring tensile properties after hydrogenation . The results show that both the alloying elements and oxygen in the alloys could strongly affect their capability against hydrogen embrittlement .

  23. 作为聚变堆的候选结构材料,钒合金的高温强度,热能应力因子以及中子辐照低活化性能等等,相比铁素体/马氏体钢更优良。

    Vanadium alloys are better than ferritic / matensitic as attractive candidate materials for neutron interactive structural components of fusion energy system , because of their high temperature strength , high thermal stress factor , low activation for neutron irradiation and so on .

  24. 随着VC含量增加,高钒系合金的耐磨性迅速提高。

    However , the relative wear resistance increase rapidly with increasing the VC content in high vanadium alloys .

  25. ICP-AES测定钒氮合金中杂质元素

    Determination of impurity elements in vanadium-nitrogen alloy by ICP-AES

  26. 测定了不同成分的钒微合金化钢的静态相变点和动态CCT曲线;

    Trends Dynamic State The static phase transformation points and dynamic CCT curves of 5 kinds of vanadium microalloyed plate steels were measured .

  27. 利用氧氮分析仪,建立了钒氮合金(NV)中高含量氮的脉冲加热-热导分析法。

    High content nitrogen in vanadium-nitrogen alloy has been determined by impulse-heating thermal conductivity using LECO TC-600 nitrogen / oxygen determinator .

  28. 含钒Fe-Ni-Cr合金在H2S-H2-CO2混合气氛中的硫化腐蚀

    Sulfidation of Fe Ni Cr alloy containing V in gas mixtures of H 2S H 2 CO 2

  29. 镧对含钒Al-Mg-Zn合金组织的影响

    Influence of Lanthanum on the Microstructures of the Al-Mg-Zn Alloys Containing Vanadium

  30. 钒微合金化HRB400Ⅲ级钢筋的开发及推广应用

    The development and application and dissemination of vanadium micro-alloying HRB 400 ⅲ grade concrete iron