
  1. 养鱼污水中鱼和树脂-半透膜囊对铜吸收的对比研究

    Comparison of copper accumulation in fish and dialysis membrane

  2. 钓丝适中,鱼饵味香,中鱼会来上钓;

    When the line is thicker and bait is fragrant , medium sized fish will bite .

  3. 模型中鱼体浸没在二维无黏流体中,在肌肉主动收缩作用的驱动下,鱼体在流场中自由游动。

    In the model , the fish body in inviscid fluid swims freely with the activation of muscle contraction .

  4. 鱼形纹饰由敬神趋鬼、巫术、宗教的观念逐渐步向了现实生活,在流变的过程中鱼形纹饰已脱去了原有的巫术性和神性。

    The fish emblazonment has gone towards the real life from the idea of sorcery and religion and has taken off the original nature of sorcery .

  5. 但人类很好奇,喜欢在自己身体上加东加西,这样就可以今天登阿尔卑斯山,隔天变成一条海中鱼。

    But humans are curious , and they like to add things to their bodies so they can go to the Alps one day and then become a fish in the sea the next .

  6. 通过各个时期各种器物上鱼纹饰的描述来展示传统民间生活形态中鱼的艺术,对今天的装饰艺术有借鉴作用。

    The fish culture and art in traditional folk life form was discussed through depiction of fish line decoration on various utensils of different time . It has reference function for today 's decoration art .

  7. 根据文献中鱼腥藻细胞大分子的含量和组成情况,计算了细胞合成所需要的小分子单体和前体代谢物的量,得到代谢意义上的细胞生物合成计量关系。

    In terms of the contents and compositions of macromolecules in an Anabaena cell in the literature , the requirements of monomeric building blocks and precursor metabolites for cell synthesis were calculated , and an appropriate metabolic stoichiometry on cell biosynthesis was derived .

  8. 上帝祝福他们说:“你们要生育繁衍,散布及开拓全世界,要做海中鱼、空中鸟与地上爬虫走兽之主宰!”

    God blessed them and said to them ," be fruitful and increase , fill the earth and subdue it , rule over the fish in the sea , the birds of heaven , and every living thing that moves upon the earth . "

  9. 另外,在斑马鱼暴露过程中,鱼的死亡与水溶液中DO值和pH相关。

    In the exposure process , the mortality of zebrafish was associated with pH and DO of sample water . 3 .

  10. 食品公司BumbleBeeFoods在8月份推出了BumbleBeeSuperFresh冷冻海鲜产品,它配备一个用于在烤箱中蒸鱼的仿羊皮纸纸袋。在此之前,该公司对25000多名消费者进行了调查。

    Bumble Bee Foods talked to more than 25000 consumers before rolling out its Bumble Bee SuperFresh frozen seafood last month , including a parchment paper pouch for steam-cooking the fish in the oven .

  11. 水泥中的鱼看我其他帖子。

    I don 't think it is good for every one .

  12. 我还看到溪水中的鱼。

    I watched the fish in the stream , too .

  13. 医生取出哽在她喉中的鱼骨头。

    The doctor dislodged the fish bone from her throat .

  14. 深海中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。

    The deep-sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water .

  15. 昏暗深水中的鱼,每只眼睛下边都有发光组织。

    Fish of deep dark waters having a light organ below each eye .

  16. 中国传统民间生活形态中的鱼纹饰

    Fish Line Decorations in Chinese Traditional Folk Life Form

  17. 然后在清水中洗净鱼,抹上盐。

    Then wash the fish in clean water and rub salt into them .

  18. 我们在微波炉中煮鱼。

    We cooked the fish in the microwave oven .

  19. 《诗经》中的鱼文化

    The Fish Culture in The Book of Songs

  20. 就是蓝色大海中的鱼。

    Was the fish in the blue sea .

  21. 河中的鱼被化工厂的排放物毒死了。

    The fish in the river were poisoned by discharge from the chemical factory .

  22. 中国传统设计中的鱼文化

    Fish Culture Reflected in Traditional Chinese Design

  23. 铅直二维定常流中人工鱼礁流场效应的数值实验

    A numerical experiment of the effects of artificial reef on vertical 2-dimensional steady flow field

  24. 空气中的鱼

    A Fish Floating in the Air

  25. 有一个叫费希尔的年轻人在一个裂缝中捞鱼。

    There was a young man called Fisher who was fishing for fish in a fissure .

  26. 许多年前的一个晚上,我独自在这里,突然海中的鱼全浮了上来。

    One night years ago , I was here alone , when all the fish surfaced .

  27. 埃及、罗马和日本古代早期的食品来源中有鱼。

    Fish has been an early source of food in ancient Egypt , Rome and Japan .

  28. 从内容上来看,唐诗中的鱼文化是相当丰富的。

    When it refers to the content , fish culture in Tang poetry is pretty rich .

  29. 温暖岛屿中吃鱼的鸟,颈长而灵活,嘴尖而利。

    Fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed bill .

  30. 渔网中的鱼。

    Fish in the net .