
  1. 《中国建筑艺术史》读评

    The Impression of Chinese Architectural Art History

  2. 从建筑语言学论走向新世纪的现代中国建筑艺术

    From the Theory of Architectural Language to Modern Architectural Art of China Facing the New Century

  3. 岭南建筑是中国建筑艺术的一朵奇葩,有着鲜明的特点和丰富的内涵。

    The Lingnan architecture is the flower of Chinese architecture , with distinctive features and rich contents .

  4. 国际知名建筑师团队,是我们典造当代中国建筑艺术端峰的旗舰力量。

    International well-known architect work group , it is flagship strength for us to build up summit of contemporary Chinese architectural art .

  5. 传统建筑叫种屋顶造型、飞檐翼角、斗拱彩画、朱柱金顶、内外装修门及园林景物等,充分体现出中国建筑艺术的纯熟和感染力。

    It consists of various roof molding , upturned eaves and wings , dougong with paintings , vermilion pillars and golden roofs , ornament gates and gardening . All of these embody the maturity and artistic appeal of Chinese architecture .

  6. 中国国际建筑艺术双年展究竟带来了什么?

    What does the I st Beijing Architecture Biennial bring about ?

  7. 牌楼是中国传统建筑艺术的结晶。

    The decorated archway is the traditional ornamental buildings of China .

  8. 参展建筑师谈中国国际建筑艺术实践展

    Architects for Exhibition Talking about China International Architectural Art Practice Exhibition

  9. 对中国现代建筑艺术情结的质疑

    A Query of the Artistic Complex of Modern Chinese Architectural

  10. 喀什民居是中国民居建筑艺术中的一朵奇葩。

    Kashi dwellings are a wonderful work of art of Chinese architecture .

  11. 中国古代建筑艺术与旅游开发

    The Art and the Tourism Development of Ancient Chinese Buildings

  12. 中国道教建筑艺术的形成、发展与成就

    Formation , Development and Achievement of Chinese Taoism Architectural Arts

  13. 现代艺术框架中的中国现代建筑艺术性问题研究

    Research on the Artistic Issues of Chinese Modern Architecture

  14. 中国传统建筑艺术中的含蓄美

    The Beauty of Connotation in Traditional Chinese Architecture

  15. 中国传统建筑艺术的永恒价值

    Eternal Value of Chinese Traditional Architecture Art

  16. 11.中国古代建筑艺术

    11 . The Ancient Architecture

  17. 接下来,全面研究和分析了中国现代建筑艺术发展的全过程和各种艺术现象。

    Secondly , the author analyses and revalues the whole history and the artistic trends of the Chinese modern architecture .

  18. 西北地区国家级贫困县县、乡体育组织、文化活动站现状调查与分析中国国际建筑艺术实践展休闲娱乐中心

    Research on Current Situation and Management Running Mechanism of Sports Organization and Cultural Recreational Center of National Level Poor Countries in Northwest Region of China

  19. 故宫建筑气势雄伟、豪华壮丽,是中国古建筑艺术的精华,其规格之巨和独具特色的建筑艺术享誉世界。

    The grand and magnificent imperial palace embodies the essence of ancient Chinese architecture , thus it enjoys worldwide fame for its scale and unique architectural detailing .

  20. 当代中国传统建筑艺术形态正面临着现代化发展全方位的挑战,人们在热衷于现代建筑的同时,传统建筑文化似乎在逐渐从我们身边消退。

    Contemporary Chinese Traditional architecture art form is faced with the broad challenge of modern development . With being enthusiastic about the modern architecture , the traditional architecture culture is gradually vanished .

  21. 中国古建筑艺术作为一个系统的统一体,无论从建筑组群布局还是建筑内部空间环境的设置,均依建筑的性质有序地展开,来表现和谐统一的建筑美。

    Ancient Chinese architectural art , as a system entity among Chinese culture , shown the artistic beauty of harmony and unity by means of Building group layout and interior environment settings .

  22. 中国古代建筑艺术以其深刻的哲学内涵、高超的营造技术和丰富的审美特征以及独特的民族性而享誉世界,在世界三大古代建筑体系中占有一席之地。

    Ancient Chinese buildings enjoy worldwide renown for their profound philosophical connotations , superb architectural technology , rich aesthetic features and unique as one of the three great ancient architectural systems in the world .

  23. 中国古代建筑艺术,是结构与造型及装饰工艺经长期发展而成的协调统一的艺术体系。

    Through a long path of historical development the are of ancient chinese architecture has become an old , mature and unique style in the world . Within in the structural system , the artistic form and the decorative feature are harmoniously integrated .

  24. 中国的建筑艺术要想缩小与世界先进国家的差距,并且真正达到令世人瞩目的水平,就必须认真正视这些问题,及早采取改革的措施。

    These problems should be faced directly and some reform programs must be set up early , if we want to minimize the difference of architectural art between China and developed countries in the world , and want to actually reach a remarkable level in the world .

  25. 中国近现代建筑艺术是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Chinese modern architecture is our nation 's valuable cultural heritage .

  26. 中国古代建筑造型艺术解析及其现实意义

    Analysis of formative arts of Chinese ancient architecture and the current significance

  27. 中国古代建筑的艺术传统

    Traditional Characteristics of tht Art of Ancient Chinese Architecture

  28. 研究中国近现代建筑艺术的意义与价值

    Significance of Studying Chinese Modern Architecture

  29. 中国园林的建筑艺术也对其他国家产生了巨大的影响。

    The technique of Chinese garden building has also exerted a great influence on other countries .

  30. 模糊美、曲线美、和谐美&中国传统建筑的艺术美

    The Vague Beauty , the Harmonious Beauty and the Curvilinear Beauty & The Artistic Beauty of Chinese Traditional Architecture