
  1. 英国食品和饮料联合会(FoodandDrinkFederation)的经济和商业服务主任史蒂夫•巴恩斯(SteveBarnes)表示,中国的饮食习惯与英国互补,这使中国市场格外有吸引力。

    Steve Barnes , economic and commercial services director at the Food and Drink Federation , the industry body , said the Chinese market was particularly attractive because it complemented British eating habits .

  2. 通过对中国的饮食文化、茶文化与英国的pub(酒吧)文化对比以及中英party交际文化的对比,可看出中英文化习俗的差异。

    It analyses the difference in culture and customs between the Chinese and the British by a comparison between Chinese food culture and tea culture and British pub culture , and by a comparison between Chinese party social activity and the British one .

  3. 14名TUCO成员访问了北京、广州、深圳、香港等城市,了解到中国的饮食习惯因区域不同而千差万别,为中国南方和北方人提供不同的菜单选择非常重要。

    Fourteen TUCO members visited Beijing , Guangzhou , Shenzhen and Hong Kong and learned that Chinese food varies by region , and that offering menu choices from both the north and south of China was crucial .

  4. 中国的饮食和艺术享誉全球。我为中国的文化感到骄傲。

    Chinese food and art are popular all over the world .

  5. 中国的饮食方式正在发生许多变化。

    Many changes are taking place in China 's diet style .

  6. 谁能比得过中国的饮食文化?

    No one can compare with the Chinese diet culture .

  7. 中国的饮食文化在中国文化中的地位尤其重要。

    Chinese catering culture occupies a highly important position in the Chinese culture .

  8. 马吉阿姨和特德叔叔很喜欢中国的饮食。

    Aunt Maggie and Uncle Ted like Chinese food .

  9. 论中国的饮食文化与生态环境

    On the Chinese food culture and ecological environment

  10. 中国的饮食纤维多而糖和脂肪少。

    The Chinese diet is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat .

  11. 婷婷跟马吉阿姨在谈中国的饮食。

    Tingting tells Aunt Maggie about Chinese food .

  12. 作为饮食大国,中国的饮食文化令人着迷。

    As a large nation of catering , the catering culture of China is very fascinating .

  13. 中国的饮食喜欢和西方的饮食喜欢有很大的不同。

    The eating habits in China is quite different from the ones in the western countries .

  14. 中国的饮食服务业历来犹如一盘散沙,不过全聚德的上市标致着这种情况将出现明显改变。

    The move could mark the beginning of a significant change in China 's fragmented food-services sector .

  15. 筷子和中国的饮食文化有很大的联系,许多外国人认为筷子是中国饮食文化特色的一种。

    Food in China is a part of Chinese culture and is more and more favourite with foreigners .

  16. 在我看来,改变中国的饮食分配似乎是正面和负面的。

    In my view , the changes of China 's dietary distribution seem to be both positive and negative .

  17. 让大家更好地了解中国的饮食文化,也更好地享受中国的美食。

    Then , you will know better about the culture of Chinese food , and enjoy the Chinese delicious food !

  18. 而历来中国的饮食文化极为发达,饮食在中国人的生活与观念中具有非常突出的地位。

    Chinese diet culture develops greatly in the history , diet has a very prudent position in Chinese life and opinions .

  19. 中国的饮食富含有水果和蔬菜,而西方的饮食却含有太多的糖和脂肪。

    The Chinese diet contains lots of fruit and green vegetables , while the western diet contains too much sugar and fat .

  20. 但在过去二十年间,中国的饮食传统发生了巨大变化,往日的珍馐佳肴已变成了家常便饭。

    But the huge shift in the country 's eating habits over the past two decades has turned the special into the routine .

  21. 1988年一次到北京旅游期间当我参加了国宴会时我第一次直接接触到中国的饮食方面。

    My first direct exposure to this aspect of China came when I attended a Chinese banquet during a trip to Beijing in1988 .

  22. 中国的饮食文化博大精深,火锅作为川菜的一种菜式,在巴蜀地区有着广泛的影响力。

    Chinese food culture is very profound . Hot pot is a kind of Sichuan cuisines and had widespread influence in the Ba and Shu areas .

  23. 中国的饮食文化内涵丰富、博大精深,中国菜的命名、选材和制作都体现了独特的中国文化。

    Chinese food culture is of extensive knowledge and profound scholarship . The selecting materials , making and naming of it all reflect the unique Chinese culture .

  24. 中国的饮食文化源远流长,博大精深,在整个中国文化体系中占据重要地位,并在海外享有盛誉。

    The Chinese cuisine culture , extensive and profound , takes up a significant position in the Chinese cultural system and enjoys a good reputation all over the world .

  25. 最后得出结论,厨房小家电的本土化是以中国的饮食习惯为主多方面因素共同影响的结果。

    At last , the paper gives a conclusion that the indigenization design of small kitchen appliances is a result of common influence of the Chinese dining habit and other aspects .

  26. 由于受经济、政治、地域和气候、宗教信仰和语言等因素的影响,中国的饮食民俗形成了特有的民族风格。

    Due to the influence of such elements as economy , politics , regions , climate , religions and languages , the folk customs of Chinese diet are characterized by the unique national styles .

  27. 民以食为天,食物是人类生存的必需品,而中国的饮食习惯又以生鲜品为主,因此生鲜品在日常生活中占有十分重要的地位。

    " Bread is the staff of life ", Food is a necessity for human survival , the china s eating habits give first place to fresh food , so the fresh food supply is a significant part of living consumption .

  28. 目的描述2002年中国人群的饮食行为、体力活动和体重指数(BMI)的流行水平,以及在不同教育水平、职业和地区人群中的分布。

    Objective To describe the prevalence of behavior on diet , physical activities and body mass index ( BMI ) in different populations related to factors as education , occupation and geographical distribution .

  29. 中国人的饮食纤维含量丰富,糖和脂肪的含量低。

    The Chinese diet is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat .

  30. 中国发达的饮食文化,形成了中国人独特的直觉感悟式的思维方式;

    The rich culture of Chinese diet has formed a particular way of thought in senses .