
diào xiàn
  • Fishing line;fishline;angling line
钓线 [diào xiàn]
  • [fishline] 用于捕鱼的线

钓线[diào xiàn]
  1. 第一次抛下钓线,我就钓了一条大鱼。

    At the first cast I hooked a huge fish .

  2. 一诺钓具公司的出口品牌LBFISHING钓线每个国家只供应一家代理。

    A promise the company 's export brand fishing tackle LB FISHING angling each country the supply of an agent .

  3. 他绑紧一个小巧的银色鱼钩,接着练习怎样抛出钓线。

    Then he tied on a small silver lure and practiced casting .

  4. 中午时分,突然有东西拉住了钓线。

    Around noon , something suddenly tugs at the line .

  5. 解开船;放开钓线。

    Cast off a boat ; cast off a line .

  6. 他准备好钓线,投进海中。

    He prepares his lines , and drops them into the water .

  7. 那条钓线一辈子也没碰过水。

    That line hadn 't touched water in its life .

  8. 我把婚戒用最坚韧的钓线绑妥…

    Now , I tied my ring onto the strongest line they made ...

  9. 当鱼吞饵上钩时,钓线就被拉进水里。

    The line ran out into the water as a fish swallowed the hook .

  10. 我的钓鱼线和水草缠在一起了。他收钓线把鱼拖近。

    My fishing line get entangled with weeds . He reels in a fish .

  11. 我们会尽可能的解释使用不同的钓线会带来什么不同的效果。

    We do our best to explain the differences in line options for such lures .

  12. 大鱼猛地咬住了钓线。

    The enormous fish snapped the line .

  13. 将钓线放长些,鱼正在游开,有可能把线给挣断了。

    Reel out more line , the fish is getting away and may break it .

  14. 以下列表是钓竿强度,钓线强度及假饵重量大概的级别。

    The fishing rod power categories correspond roughly to the information in the chart below .

  15. 他小心地用右手摸着钓线,却发现他的右手正在流血。

    He left the line carefully with his right hand and noticed his hand was bleeding .

  16. 垂钓者把钓线抛了出去。

    The angler cast the line .

  17. 我急拉我的钓线。

    I twitched my fishing line .

  18. 他收钓线把鱼拖近。

    He reels in a fish .

  19. 鱼儿有两次都快到手了,但两次带着钓线溜跑了。

    Twice the fish was nearly his and twice it streaked away , taking line with it .

  20. 我教他怎样不拖拉钓线,怎样在深水里钓鱼。

    I showed him how to keep his fly from dragging , how to fish the deeper pools .

  21. 那钓线可以撑住一座桥如果只撑几分钟的话

    strong enough to hold up a bridge , they said , if only for a few minutes .

  22. 约翰逊钓具:用我们的钓线,你可以在鱼儿发现你之前先找到它。

    Wilson Fishing Tackle : With our line , you detect the fish before the fish detects you .

  23. 渔民在船弦边拉着有饵或无饵的钓线钓鱼,也可把有饵的钓线放在海底。

    Fishermen trail lines of baited or unbaited hooks over the side , or leave baited lines on the seabed .

  24. 钓线这一动,小鸟飞走了,老人甚至没来得及看到它飞走。

    The bird had flown up when the line jerked and the old man had not even seen him go .

  25. 半松弛的钓线可以确保你的铅坠停留在原地,并且保持饵的自然状态。

    A semi-slack line keeps your weight in the same place on the bottom and helps maintain the natural appearance .

  26. 最准确额定钓竿的“强度”必须配合钓线与假饵的评级。

    The best way to determine the " power " of a rod is to check its line and lure ratings .

  27. 毕竟是我不对,作夜为了要解开那一根根的钓线让它太累了。

    After all I abused it much in the night when it was necessary to free and untie the various lines .

  28. 钓鱼-去湖边,垂下钓线,然后享受和煦的日光和水波流动的声响。

    Fishing - go out on a lack , cast out , and enjoy the sun and the sound of the water .

  29. 整个装置是由冬日盛开的黄色含羞草鲜花构成的,透明的单丝钓线把这些花串联起来,悬挂在水中。

    The installation was made entirely of fresh , winter-blooming yellow Mimosa blossoms suspended on the water by transparent lines of monofilament .

  30. 钓杆从未沾过水,更不用说钓鱼了,钓线因未经使用而熠熠生辉。

    The rod had never gotten wet , much less caught a fish , and the line was shiny from lack of use .