
diào chuán
  • fishing boat
  1. 通过节约燃油的重量,计算风帆助航鱿鱼钓船每年可以减少的CO2排放量。

    Through saving the weight of fuel , we calculate the number of reduced CO2 emissions when the sail-assisted squid fishing vessel .

  2. 现代助航风帆类别有很多种,根据鱿鱼钓船的特点,本文选择了NACA型和圆弧型两种风帆作为辅助帆型。

    There are many types of sails on modern sail-assisted ships , according to the characteristics of squid fishing vessels ; we choose NACA and arc-shaped sail as research sail model .

  3. 1996年7~10月份在西北太平洋作业的鱿鱼钓船经济效益普遍不太好,主要原因是渔场鱿鱼分布稀疏时,钓机的CPUE(单位努力渔获量)低。

    The output of squid jigging boats in Northwest Pacific during the time of July and October in 1996 was low . The main reason is that when squid resource is poor , the CPUE of jigging machines is low too .

  4. 深冷型远洋金枪鱼延绳钓船的技术经济分析

    Economic and technical analysis of super freezing deep-sea tuna long liner

  5. 鱿鱼钓船集鱼灯功率配置的经济性分析

    Economical analysis for allocating power of fishing lamps on jigger

  6. 金枪鱼延绳钓船是捕捞金枪鱼的最有效的装备之一。

    Tuna longline is one of the most effective tools for tuna fishing .

  7. 远洋鱿鱼钓船营运成本分析

    Analysis for Cost of Production of Oceangoing Jigger Fleet

  8. 渔船编队规划模型远洋鱿鱼钓船营运成本分析

    FISHING FLEET PROGRAMMING MODEL Analysis for Cost of Production of Oceangoing Jigger Fleet

  9. 金枪鱼延绳钓船的经济性


  10. 摄影小组搭乘商用小钓船在黎明时出海

    The team sets out at dawn on the Hog Snapper , a commercial fishing boat .

  11. 鱿钓船水上集鱼灯的光照度分布及钓捕效果分析

    Analysis on intensity of illumination distribution of gathering-fish lamp and its fishing efficiency in the squid jigging boat

  12. 金枪鱼延绳钓船超低温速冻装置是金枪鱼远洋捕捞的关键设备。

    Ultra low temperature quick freezing device for tuna extension rope fishing ship is the key device for ocean fishing of tuna .

  13. 智利外海茎柔鱼是我国鱿钓船的主要捕捞对象之一,集鱼灯灯光配置是高效捕捞技术的重要内容。

    Dosidicus gigas is one of important fishing targets in the Chinese squid jigging fishery which is distributed in the high seas off Chile .

  14. 在掌握大量相关资料的基础上,用系统分析的方法,对深冷型远洋金枪鱼延绳钓船的技术经济特征进行了分析。

    The economic and technical properties of super freezing deep-sea tuna long liner are analyzed by using system analysis method based on plentiful relevant data .

  15. 阐述了远洋鱿鱼钓船总布置的基本原则及其特征,同时根据远洋鱿鱼钓船捕捞作业的特点,介绍了总布置的形式和加工鱼获的有关设备布置及流程。

    According to the operating chracteristics of jigger , the general form is also presented . At the end fish processing procedures and equipment arrangement are introduced .

  16. 一代人以前,日本有逾800艘远途金枪鱼钓船,但渔业效益的不断恶化以及更为严格的国际捕捞配额,导致钓船数量下降了一半以上。

    Japan had more than 800 long-range tuna ships a generation ago but the worsening economics of fishing and tighter international quotas have reduced that number by more than half .

  17. 对定速航行模式下鱿鱼钓船风帆系统的经济性进行分析,估算了船舶主机可以减小功率的百分比和每年节油吨数。

    For constant speed navigation mode calculate the economic benefits and estimate the squid fishing vessel reduce the percentage of engine power and save the number of tons oil per year .

  18. 其结论可供渔船设计时参考,其计算表达式可作为深冷型远洋金枪鱼延绳钓船技术经济分析及船型论证的重要依据。

    The conclusion can be used as reference for ship designing and the formula can provide an important foundation for the economic and technical analysis or ship type demonstration of tuna long liner .

  19. 在鱿鱼钓船上安装风帆,必须对鱿鱼钓船上的甲板机械进行重新布置,结合风帆助航船风帆布置的特殊要求,本文合理地将风帆布置到了鱿鱼钓船上。

    Installing sails on the squid fishing vessel , the deck machinery must be re-arranged . This paper reasonably arranges sails to the squid fishing vessel , combining the special requirements of sail-assisted ships decoration .

  20. 本文分别对深冷型延绳钓船和冰鲜型延绳钓船进行了经济性计算和分析,探讨了发展这两种船型的可行性。

    In this paper , a calculation and analysis was made in respect of economy between deeply-freezing type of longline boat and freshly-freezing type . The feasibility for developing the 2 types of boats was discussed too .

  21. 根据作业情况对鱿鱼钓船的集鱼灯配置功率从经济性角度进行分析,认为8154拖网改装船的集鱼灯功率不宜超过184kW。

    In this paper , economical analysis is completed for allocating power of fishing lamps on jigger , and a conclusion that the power of fishing lamps can not be larger than 184 kW is obtained for 8154 trawler .

  22. 金枪鱼延绳钓船的主要性能参数航速及其主尺度船长与钓钩数量有着密切关系,它们之间的匹配将直接影响渔捞效果和经济效益。

    There is a close relationship between the main performance parameters such as ship speed and ship length of a tuna long liner and the hook number . The match of them has a direct impact on the fishing production and further economic results .

  23. 拖钓是钓线捕鱼法的一种:在渔船的两侧装上许多长竿,竿上垂着钓线,由船拖着钓鱼。

    Trolling is a kind of line fishing in which boats trail lines from poles hanging over their sides .