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  • 网络Lie Nu Zhuan;Biographies of Exemplary Women;Biographies of heroic women;Lienü zhuan;legend of virtuous ladies
列女传 [liè nǚ zhuàn]
  • [stories about the famous women] 西汉刘向编著,讲古代一些有名妇女的故事。现在流行的本子共八卷(第八卷《续列女传》是后人续的)。刘向(前77-前6),原名更生,字子政,汉朝沛县(现在江苏省沛县)人。汉高祖刘邦的后代。曾任光禄大夫、中垒校尉等。著名的经学家、目录学家、文学家

  1. 刘向的《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》、《列仙传》等书是不是“小说”,学术界久有争论。

    For a long time , it has been a controversial issue that whether Liu Xiang s works of Xin Xu , Shuo Yuan , Lie Nu Zhuan , Lie Xian Zhuan are " novels " or not .

  2. 试论《列女传》的语言艺术

    On the Language Art of Biography of Women

  3. 据汉刘向《列女传·母仪·邹孟轲母》记载:

    In Biographies of Outstanding Women · The Biography of Mencius'Mother , Liu Xiang recorded :

  4. 历代的《列女传》也成为了研究当时女性的重要史料。

    Every " Female Biography " became important history materials that studied the women at that time .

  5. 《列女传》中的女性形象有些成为后代小说、戏曲的取材原型。

    Some of the images in Biography of Women become an offspring novel , drama of the drawn prototype .

  6. 从《明史·列女传》析明代妇女的贞节观念

    Analyses Women 's Chastity idea of Ming Dynasty through Biographies of Chaste Female in the History of Ming Dynasty

  7. 旧志《列女传》像一面镜子照出了中国古代妇女的命运。

    The " Biographies for Chaste Women " reflects the ancient Chinese women 's fate as clearly as a mirror .

  8. 引言部分是对《列女传》的相关材料、选题缘由、研究方法的简单介绍。

    In the preface , we introduce some imformation about the book , reason of the topic and approach of the study .

  9. 《列女颂》是汉代看图作颂风气下的产物,宋人以《列女颂》为依据划分《续列女传》的作法是不周密的。

    In the Song dynasty , some scholars classified " Female Song " on the basis of " Female Homecoming ", which is not correct .

  10. 在《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》中,刘向运用前人的材料来表达自己的思想观点。

    In New Recount , Collection of Stories and Biography of Women in Ancient China , Liu-xiang conveys his ideology and viewpoint through predecessor 's materials .

  11. 论《列女传·母仪传》早期教育故事加尔各达的特里莎是一个罗马天主教的修女,是传教士慈善事业的创始人。

    On Early Education Stories of " The Collected Biographies for Women " Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a Roman Catholic nun and founder of the Missionaries of Charity .

  12. 迷失的本性&从《明史·列女传》中的妇女守节现象析明代妇女的贞节观念

    Natural Instinct lost & Analyses Women 's Chastity idea of Ming Dynasty through the Phenomenon of Chaste Women Recorded in the History of Ming Dynasty , Biographies of Chaste Female

  13. 被肯定的否定&从《清史稿·列女传》中的妇女自杀现象看清代妇女境遇

    Affirmative Disavowal : A Look at the Circumstances of Women in the Qing Dynasty through the Phenomenon of Female Suicides Recorded in the Draft of Qing Dynasty , Biographies of Chaste Female

  14. 第三章通过将《新唐书·列女传》与前代正史《列女传》进行比较,了解唐代社会重视的女性形象。

    In the third chapter , by comparing " New History of the Tang Dynasty · Female Biography " and former generation of " Female Biography ", we could know the valued female image in Tang Dynasty .

  15. 本文即以绥远地区有《列女传》的8种方志为基本史料,重点对近代(1840年)以来绥远地区存在的列女群体进行细化研究。

    This article will , on the bacis of the date drawn in the eight local records of Suiyuan area , make a detailed study emphasized on the " included women " groups existing in Suiyuan area since modern time .

  16. 第二章介绍《新唐书·列女传》编撰的缘由以及立传的目的,然后将入传女性进行分类分析,了解唐代女性形象的类型和特点。

    The second chapter introduced the compiling reason and purpose of " New History of the Tang Dynasty · Female Biography ", and then classify the women in the book to analyze and understand the types and features of female image in Tang dynasty .