
  • 网络ge ren jue
  1. 毫无疑问,A-选项要比选项A差,但与A很相似,这使得比较两者很容易,而且使人觉的A选项不光比A-选项要好,而且比B选项也要好。

    This option is clearly worse than option ( A ), but it is also very similar to it , making the comparison between them easy , and suggesting that ( A ) is not only better than ( - A ) but also better than ( B ) .

  2. 有些人觉是很难使自己适应新的工作环境。

    Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new working conditions .

  3. 用事不使人觉的完美境界&钱钟书用典研究之一

    Perfect State of Using Allusions Without Being Detected & Research on Allusions Used by Qian Zhongshu

  4. 结果:①老年人觉知的家庭支持显著高于其它支持,其它支持显著高于朋友支持。

    Results : ① The elders perceived that support from family was significantly higher than that from others and friends .

  5. 箴20:17以虚谎而得的食物、人觉甘甜.但后来他的口、必充满尘沙。

    Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man , But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel .

  6. 不过他的语调却很诚恳,让人觉不出来,言语迟钝是一种毛智力迟钝者权利宣言

    But his tones were sincere enough to make his hesitation no defect . Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons

  7. 即使是经常接受政府救助的国有的印度航空公司所提供的票价都让人觉这是一家廉价航空公司开出的票价。

    Even Air India , the state-owned recipient of seemingly endless bailouts , offers fares that would be more suited to a budget airline .

  8. 喝酒可能让人觉的暖和,但它真正做到的是让减弱人体保温的能力。

    And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm , but what it really does is weaken the body 's ability to hold heat .

  9. 当离开我的工作间的时候,我希望我的物品能让人觉的我对工作很认真,并且从实际出来发做事情。

    Upon leaving my workspace , I hope my possessions would convey that I am serious about my work , but I approach it with practicality and a grain of salt .

  10. 菊,特别是这样的野菊,加上飒爽的几丝凉风,还有秋天里干净高爽的一切,总是能让人觉出一种“悠然”来。

    Chrysanthemums , especially in such a Daisy , coupled with the cool breeze , as well as fall , everything always easy and clean , to sense a kind of " leisurely " too .

  11. 很长时间以来大多数人都觉的辣椒能帮助减肥。

    It 's long been thought that chillies can help us lose weight .

  12. 智能功率测量仪正常人振动觉阈值

    Measurements of Seismesthesia Threshold of 314 Normal Persons

  13. 晤谈神会使人不觉日夜之长。

    Sweet discourse makes short days and nights .

  14. 结果表明,正常人振动觉阈值与性别和手别无关。

    The results showed that vibratory sense threshold of the normal group was not correlated with sex and hands .

  15. 总之,不管他自己怎么想,现实就是这样,普通人会觉他格格不入,而且令人恶心。

    The reality , whether he liked it or not , was that most ordinary people would think of his feelings as alien and nauseating .

  16. 他的房间里平时都开着一百瓦的电灯,亮堂堂的空间反倒使人倍觉渺小和孤单。

    Usually , there was a lamp of100 watts in his room in the night , it was shining , but the enlightened space made him much more insignificant and alone .

  17. 当人开始觉知到自己思想的运动时,他会看到思想者与思想、观察者与被观察者、经验者与经验之间的分裂。

    When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts he will see the division between the thinker and the thought , the observer and the observed , the experiencer and the experience .

  18. 尼日利亚小姐(左):身着以黄色和绿黄色为主的多彩服装。秘鲁小姐(右):豪华的服饰让人不觉联想到秘鲁茂密的大山和森林。

    Miss Nigeria ( left ) appeared in a colorful yellow and lime number , while Miss Peru ( right ) vaguely looked to the mountains and forests of her country for inspiration for her regal outfit .

  19. 我独自一人,倍觉这种乡村生活的怡情悦性。

    I am alone , and pleased with life in this countryside .

  20. 我可没跟我高中课本上的人睡过觉。

    I didn 't sleep with someone on my high school yearbook .

  21. 床上的被褥都弄乱了,好像有人睡过觉。

    The bedclothes were tumbled as though the bed had been slept in .

  22. 他身材魁伟,在他面前走过的人都不觉回头看看。

    He was a dashing figure and one that people turned to look at .

  23. 正常人视觉运动觉的测试

    The test of motion perception in normal subjects

  24. 目的研究我国正常人视觉运动觉特性。

    Vision Objective To study the properties of motion perception ( MP ) of normal Chinese subjects .

  25. 风一点一点穿透了我们的衣服,两人都渐渐觉出冷了。

    Bit by bit the wind was biting into our clothes and we began to feel a cold chill .

  26. 当你无法在生活中从你至关重要的人身上觉到被爱时,你的自信开始消失了。

    When you don 't feel loved enough by the significant other in your life , your self-esteem suffers .

  27. 根据一项研究,具有创造性的人表现联觉的比率,是一般大众的七倍高。

    According to one study , the condition is seven times as common in creative people as in the general population .

  28. 但他心里想,“呸!睡个一晚上没人打扰的觉比什么都强。”

    But secretly he thought , ' Bah ! A night of unbroken sleep is a more useful thing to have ! '

  29. 所谓的复得线索是指,在现实生活中的事恰巧触发了梦中的记忆,而梦中的记忆若不被触发,则会被人在不觉中抛进遗忘的角落。

    A retrieval cue is a coincidence in the real world that triggers a dream memory which otherwise would have gone unnoticed .

  30. 他们给我在沙发上铺好被褥当作床.床上的被褥都弄乱了,好像有人睡过觉。

    They made up a bed for me on the sofa . The bedclothes were tumbled as though the bed had been slept in .