
  • 网络talent crisis
  1. 麻省理工学院(MIT)最近发表了一份白皮书。虽然该报告的题目听起来不免有些不吉利——《你是否已为供应链人才危机做好准备?》(AreYouPreparedfortheSupplyChainTalentCrisis?),却一语中的。

    A new MIT white paper , ominously entitled " Are You Prepared for the Supply Chain Talent Crisis ? , " bears that out .

  2. 人才危机,说到底是人才资源管理问题。

    The talent crisis lies in the human resource management .

  3. 然而,随着中国加入WTO,经济的全球一体化使得民营企业又面临着新的危机&人才危机。民营企业的发展在很大程度上因人才的缺乏受到阻碍。

    But as China entered into WTO , theeconomic globalization forced private enterprises to face the new challenge-human resource challenge , which has slowed the development of private enterprises .

  4. 地方高校图书馆人才危机现状的分析与思考

    The analyzing and thinking for the local college libraries ' Talents Crisis

  5. 初论中国制造业灰领人才危机

    On Gray Collar Talent Crisis of Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  6. 国有企业的人才危机及对策

    Trained people crisis and countermeasures for state-owned enterprises

  7. 全球性人才危机与我国的对策

    Global Talent Crisis and Countermeasures of us

  8. 简析制造业灰领人才危机

    Grey Collar Talent Crisis in Manufacturing Industry

  9. 全球人才危机和人才引进的的一本万利是引发这场人才大战的重要原因。

    Global talent crisis and great profits occurred by importing talents are the main reasons of this talent struggle .

  10. 旅游专业本科生具有很好的潜质和培养前途,是解决酒店高素质人才危机的重要人群。

    With good potential and cultivating future , tourism graduates are the keys to the high-quality talent crisis of the hospitality industry .

  11. 随着我国饭店业竞争的日益加剧,饭店人力资源管理面临着前所未有的人才危机,这种现象在欠发达地区的饭店业显得尤为突出。

    With the exasperation of competition among hospitality enterprises , human resource management is now faced with talent perplexity , especially in underdeveloped areas .

  12. 《案例》:163电子邮局点燃人才危机的导火线&探讨广州电信的人才激励策略

    Inspiring the Innovative Ability of Designer The 163 E-Mail post leads to crisis of talents & probing into the talents motivation strategy of Guangzhou Telecommunication Bureau

  13. 尤其是受全球性金融危机的冲击,酒店业的竞争日渐加剧,内在问题也越来越严重,其中最明显的表现就是星级酒店人才危机。

    Especially by the global financial crisis , the increasingly competitive hotel industry , more and more serious internal problems , the most obvious is the star talent crisis .

  14. 为迎接新世纪卫生系统改革的挑战,军队医院面临着人才危机、经费危机和经营危机等一系列困难。

    In order to get ready for challenges of the healthy system reform , the military hospital have series of difficulties such as talent crisis , funds crisis and management crisis etc.

  15. 很多企业都或多或少地面临着一定的人才危机,对人才的管理被认为是制约一个企业发展的最大瓶颈。

    A lot of enterprises face certain talent 's crisis more or less . Talents ' management is considered the biggest " bottleneck " to restrict the development of an enterprise .

  16. 高校图书馆的人才危机主要是核心人才的危机,建立核心人才继任机制是人才危机管理的必然选择。

    The college librarys talented person crisis is mainly the core talented persons crisis and the succession mechanism of core talented person is the best choice of talented person crisis management .

  17. 浅谈我国当前人才危机的成因及对策人才的外流以及人才的过剩与不足的矛盾等,都预示着中国人才危机的到来。

    The Causes and the Countermeasures of Current Human Resources Crisis in China Both the outflow of human resources and the conflicts between surplus and deficiency of human resources indicate the human resources crisis coming .

  18. 根据广电网络传播环境的变化,分析当前所存在的问题、所处的环境、资金危机、人才危机,指出发展对策和亟需做好的工作。

    Facing the transmitting environment changes in radio and TV net , analysed existing problems , the environments to lie on , crisis of fund and talent , gave the countermeasure developing and some problems .

  19. 旅游专业毕业生同样存在酒店低就业率的问题,本文以他们为研究对象,试图提高其酒店就业意向,探索缓解酒店高素质人才危机的途径。

    However , the same problem of low employment rate lies among tourism graduates . Taking them as the research object , this article attempts to seek out approaches remitting the crisis by improve their employment rate in hotels .

  20. 为了缓解由于经济、技术加速发展所带来的越来越沉重的人才危机压力,企业的人力资源开发工作就显得越来越重要了。

    In order to release the increasing pressure of elite talents crisis which becomes more and more serious brought about by the speedy development of economy and science and technology , the development of human resource in an enterprise has to play an even more important role than ever .

  21. 介绍了蛇吞象式并购的现状,并从商标问题、品牌成长、现金流紧张和人才危机四个方面探讨了跨国并购存在的并购症状。

    This paper introduces the present situation of the immediate merger and acquisition , and probes into the symptoms of immediate merger and acquisition in the international merger and acquisition from aspects of the trademark problem , the brand growth , the intension of cash flow and the talents crisis .

  22. 人才面临危机,投入严重不足。提出了加快林业科技成果转化的4个动力因素即;

    It presents 4 impetus factors to speed up the achievements transformation .

  23. 基于知识持续管理的人才流失危机管理探讨

    The Study on Crisis Management of Brain Drain : A Knowledge Continuity Management Approach

  24. 高层次人才安全危机防范研究

    Research on Preventing High-level Talents Security Crisis

  25. 人才流失危机管理对于解决目前民营企业人才流失难题、保持稳定高素质的人力资源存量是十分必要和重要的。

    Crisis management is very necessary to solve brain drain and keep human resources pool stable .

  26. 人才流失危机管理包括事前管理、危机处理和事后管理三部分。

    The crisis management of enterprise talents loss include management in advance . dealing with the crisis , management after the event .

  27. 但看好当中,这些跨国企业也看出台湾法规常不合时宜,以及缺乏世界级高阶人才的危机。

    However , the multi-national business managers also saw danger in Taiwan 's many outdated laws and regulations , in addition to a lack of world-class personnel .

  28. 该部分包括企业人才流失危机管理主客体、体系的内容、体系的功能以及体系成功运作的关键因素等内容。

    It include : main body and object of the crisis management of enterprise talents loss , content and function of the system , key factor that-can proof the system run successful .

  29. 自2000年成立至2012年,每年以45%的复合率增长,但从2012年开始企业增长呈下滑趋势,面临一系危机,包括骨干人才短缺危机;

    Founded in2000 to2012 , a45 % pound annual rate of growth , but business growth in2012 downward trend began , faced with a crisis , including the backbone of the talent shortage crisis ;

  30. 本文深入分析了人才流失危机的内涵,阐述了人才流失危机管理的程序,试图寻找一种有效的方法,帮助企业解决人才流失的困境,提高企业竞争优势。

    The paper analyzes meanings of the enterprise Talents loss crisis , set forth the process of the crisis management of enterprise Talents loss . The author wants to search a effective way to help enterprise improve the problem of the enterprise Talents loss crisis and improve competition superiority .