
  • 网络hybrid courses;blended learning;Mixed Courses;hybrid curriculum
  1. 其中,48个学生只接受了学习技能方面的指导,而其他的学生参加了有关学习技能、成长思维模式以及如何将其应用于学业中的混合课程。

    Forty-eight of the students received instruction in study skills only , whereas the others attended a combination of study skills sessions and classes in which they learned about the growth mind-set and how to apply it to schoolwork .

  2. 周二和周四,私人教练詹妮弗?塞奇(JenniferSage)会到林恩夫妇家进行融合了灵活度、力量训练和平衡性锻炼的混合课程。

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays , a personal trainer , Jennifer Sage , comes to their home for a mix of flexibility , strength training and balance exercises .

  3. 这就是混合课程是两个世界最佳方式的原因。

    And that 's why the blended programme is best of both worlds .

  4. 质量对在线和混合课程的设计和教学有着巨大的影响。

    This has serious implications for the design and delivery of online and blended courses .

  5. 我们做了一个试验性的混合实验课程,再一次关于电路与电子技术同加利福尼亚州的圣何塞州立大学合作。

    So we did a pilot experimental blended courses , working with San Jose State University in California , again , with the circuits and electronics course .

  6. 对于帝国理工商学院(ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool)混合式学习课程——全球MBA——项目主任戴维•勒费夫尔(DavidLefevre)来说,这些发现十分中听。

    Such findings are music to the ears of David Lefevre , programme director of Imperial College Business School 's blended learning course , the Global MBA .

  7. 基于公共互联网服务的混合式学习课程建设&以《人类学习与认知》课程为例

    Constructing a Blended Learning Environment Based on Public Internet Services : A Case Study

  8. 出现两种轻器械交替使用进行授课,将轻器械基本动作与有氧舞蹈的基本步伐相结合,配合节奏鲜明的特色音乐,衍生出舞蹈踏板等其他混合型的课程。

    Two light equipment to be used interchangeably to teaching , combining the basic steps of the basic movements of light equipment and aerobics , with the distinctive rhythm of the characteristics of music derived from dance pedal and other hybrid courses . 2 .

  9. 混合全日制技工程度课程

    Mixed full-time craft level course