
  • 网络language exchange
  1. 你有兴趣和我做语言交换吗?

    Are you interested in doing language exchange with me ?

  2. 我想,请大家积极发言,因为这样,对大家的语言交换很有帮助。

    I thought Please everybody to speak positively ! Because it has the help very much to everybody 's language exchange .

  3. 你有兴趣作语言交换吗?

    A : Well , are you interested in some language-exchange program ?

  4. 随着全球化的发展,语码转换成为世界性语言交换现象。

    Code-switching is a worldwide language variation phenomenon with the development of globalization .

  5. 希望能有来中国留学的学生可以长期住在我们家里,进行语言交换,我们可以提供独立的房间。

    Hope to have students studying in China live in our house long term , language exchange , we can provide a separate room .

  6. 我喜欢认识对语言交换的朋友,勇于表达自己的想法,对于其他人的生活充满好奇。

    I like people who are interestING & interestED , i.e. , people who are not afraid to express their thoughts and who are also inquisitive about other people and life in general .

  7. 法庭审判既是重要的法律活动之一,也是法律实践的最重要形式之一。人们利用语言交换信息,表达自己的态度,协调彼此关系,保证庭审活动的顺利运行。

    Trial is one of the most significant forms of legal implementation , as well as one of the most important legal activities , In a trial , participants use language to exchange information , express their attitudes and negotiate with others to ensure smooth running of a trial .

  8. JSON是在JavaScript与一些其他语言之间交换数据的最常用途径。

    JSON is the most common way of exchanging data between JavaScript and some other language .

  9. 当框架需要与各种Java语言类交换数据时,通常使用反射。

    When a framework needs to get data into and out of a variety of Java language classes , the usual way of doing this is by using reflection .

  10. 我们使用语言去交换思想,表达情感,劝说别人等。

    We use it to change thoughts , express emotions , and persuade others and so on .

  11. 一种既可以在不同的编程语言之间交换、又基于这种结构的数据格式是非常有意义的。

    It makes sense that a data format that is interchangable with programming languages also be based on these structures .

  12. 通过互联网,我们彻底实现了多语言数据交换,使庞大数量的字符使用成为现实。

    With the Internet follows an absolute requirement to interchange data in a multiplicity of languages , which in turn utilize a bewildering number of characters .

  13. 采用系统程序设计语言C设计交换软件的技术

    The Designing Technology of Exchanging Software Using Programming Language C in TP-86D

  14. 详细介绍了Matlab数学函数库与C语言的数据交换方法。

    Method of data exchange between MATLAB function base and C language is introduced .

  15. 基于VHDL语言的ATM交换高速信元流的存储设计

    Design Storage of High Speed Cell Access in ATM Switch Based on VHDL

  16. 介绍了奇偶交换排序,给出了用C语言实现奇偶交换排序的并行算法,从而找到了一种基于并行处理系统的有效排序方法。

    This paper explains and analyzes odd-even exchange sort , it also provides a parallel algorithm by language C , and finds an efficient sorting method for parallel-processing system .

  17. 利用XML对网上纳税申报数据接口进行标准化,以XML语言来描述交换中的申报数据,来解决网上纳税申报过程中数据格式不统一问题。

    Used XML to standardize the data interface , and describes the declaration data by the XML , to solve the data format unification question in on-line tax declaration process .

  18. 分析测试结果表明,本论文设计的基于C语言的分布式交换系统中的RIP协议多线程实现方案可以有效的在高端分布式交换机上可靠的动态学习路由和处理外部事件。

    The analysis of test results show that the multi-threaded design of RIP protocol in distributed switching system based on C language can be effective and reliable to dynamically learn routing and deal with external events in high-end distributed switches .

  19. 语言是用来交换思想,进行交流沟通的!

    Language is for the exchange of ideas , for communication .

  20. 语言是用来交换思想。

    Language is for the exchange of ideas .

  21. 上语言课时,交换有实际用途的信息才是真正的交流。

    In the language classroom , real interaction must involve the sharing of real information .

  22. 本文结合商务网站之间数据协作的实际需要,分析讨论了可扩展标记语言在数据交换领域里的优势与应用前景;

    Based on the requirements arose from the data exchanging between business websites , here analyzed the Extensible Markup Language ′ s advantages and prospect in the field of data exchanging .

  23. AutoCAD图形文件与高级语言间图形数据交换

    Graphic data exchange between AutoCAD graphic file and advanced language

  24. J2EE平台提供了一个多层结构的分布式应用模型,该模型具有重用组件的能力、基于XML(扩展标记语言)的数据交换、统一的安全模式和灵活的事务控制。

    It gains more and more developers ' preference . J2EE provides a multi-tiered distributed model which has reusable components , data exchange based on XML , and security pattern and traction service .

  25. IDL负责确保在不同的语言之间正确地交换数据,从而负责CORBA的语言独立性。

    IDL is responsible for ensuring that data is properly exchanged between dissimilar languages and is , thus , responsible for the language independence of CORBA .

  26. 语言的扩散与交换促进了各民族文化的共同发展,汉语言从远古以来逐步发展扩张,分布到我国广大民族地区。

    The spreading and exchanging of languages promotes the joint development of cultures of all the nationalities .

  27. 交往指人们运用语言或非语言符号交换意见、传达思想、表达感情和需要等交流过程,包括物质交往和精神交往。

    Content : Intercourse is that the people use sign language or languages to exchange views and convey ideas , express their feelings and needs , such as the exchange process , including material and spiritual exchanges .

  28. 同伴交往(peerinteraction)指同伴之间运用语言符号和非语言符号交换意见、传达思想、表达情感和需要的交流过程。

    Peer interaction is the communication process in which peers exchange ideas , convey thoughts , and express emotions and needs by using linguistic and non-linguistic symbols .

  29. 同时给出通过结构数据类型实现面向对象的高级语言和汇编语言之间的数据交换。

    At the same time , the data exchange between the advanced programming language and the assembly language is realized based on the structure data type .

  30. 不幸的是,绝大多数其他的候选的JVM语言不能让你无缝的在两种不同的语言之间交换类。

    Most of the other alternative JVM languages unfortunately won 't let you seamlessly interchange classes of two different languages .