
  1. 语言的接触不可避免地会带来借词。

    Language contact inevitably results in borrowing .

  2. 汉语青海方言词的产生就与周边民族语言的接触有着密切的联系。

    Qinghai dialect words of Chinese produced have close ties with the contact of national languages around one .

  3. 语言的接触是文化的接触,文化的接触可导致外来词的借入和双语现象的形成。

    Linguistic contact is that of culture contact which may result in entrance of foreign words and formation of bilingual states .

  4. 语言的接触性影响具有性质完全不同的两种类型。

    There are two types of effect resulted by contact between languages . The characters of the two types are very different .

  5. 各个国家之间的相互往来及不同文化的相互交流必然带来语言的接触。

    Intercommunication between different nations and cultures inevitably brings forth language contact . Language and culture are closely connected with each other .

  6. 随着不同文化之间的接触,语言的接触变得不可避免,大量的新事物、新概念有时就要用外来语来传达。

    With the contacts between different cultures , the contact of language becomes inevitable , a lot of new things and new concepts are sometimes necessary for the use of foreign language to communicate .

  7. 语言之间的接触会或多或少的改变原来语言的面貌。

    Contact between languages more or less changes the original aspect .

  8. 随着社会的发展,不同民族之间的接触会越来越频繁,相应地,语言之间的接触也越来越频繁。

    With the social development , different nations contact more and more frequently , and as are the languages .

  9. 民族融合、外来宗教的传入等因素都可或直接或间接地带来不同质素语言间的接触。

    National integration , the diffusion of foreign religions and other factors can directly or indirectly bring contact between different types of languages .

  10. 新加坡是个多语社会,不同语言的长期接触和影响使新加坡人说话时常出现语码转换和语码混用现象。

    Singapore is a multilingual society , as a result of contact with multiple languages and dialects , Singaporeans tend to code-switch ( CS ) and code-mix ( CM ) when they speak .

  11. 在人类历史的长河中,各民族之间的贸易交往、文化交流、移民杂居以及战争征服等各种形式的文化接触,都会引起语言间的相互接触。

    Intercommunication between different nations and cultures inevitably brings forth language contact .

  12. 从社会语言学的角度来看,语言之间不断的接触会导致语言的变异。

    It is believed in sociolinguistics that language contact results in language change .

  13. 随着国际社会的交往日益加深和扩展,语言间的相互接触和影响不仅不可避免,而且将日趋扩大。

    With the development of international exchanges , language contact has become not only inevitable , but also more frequent .

  14. 得出语音的发展既遵循音理,又因语言间的相互接触影响而发生演变的认识。

    So we can draw a conclusion that development of sounds relate to both the phonetic principle and the influencing of languages each other .

  15. 元代是汉语北方官话形成的重要阶段,也是北方阿尔泰语同汉语发生大规模接触的鼎盛时期,不同类型语言之间的长期接触,必然会对汉语的面貌产生某些影响。

    Yuan dynasty is not only an important phase of the formation of northern Mandarin , but also the peak period in which Altaic languages contacted with Chinese extensively . The long time contact among languages of different types should have caused some changes of Chinese .

  16. 民族语言在和汉语的接触中通过两种方式影响汉语。

    Languages of ethnic minorities affect Chinese in two ways .

  17. 这些身体语言包括过度的眼神接触(通常不眨眼!)和过分强调的手势。

    These over the top body language rituals can involve too much eye contact ( often without blinking ! ) and over-emphatic gesticulation .

  18. 在这一过程中,维吾尔族与其他民族进行广泛的交流和接触,维吾尔语也理所当然地与其他语言发生不同程度的接触,因而受到了这些语言的影响。

    Because during this process Uyghurs encountered and formed broad connections with other peoples , the Uyghurs ' language has also seen contact with numerous other languages to varying degrees , and thus been subject to their influence .

  19. 美国的语言学家布龙菲尔德认为,文化接触是一种在不同语言区域之间的语言接触,并伴有语言学交际,涉及到从一个语言群体到另一个语言群体的文化或技术内容的传播。

    According to Bloomfield ( 1933 ), cultural contact refers to a kind of language contact which spoken in different speech areas , with the linguistic contact being associated with diffusion of items of culture or technology from one linguistic group to another .

  20. 作为人类的重要交际工具,语言总是处于不断的变化中,语言的频繁接触,必然引起语言的变异。

    As an important means of communication , language is always in motion , and the contact of different languages causes their variation .

  21. 首先,由于借词是语言接触的产物,通过借词研究,尤其是对正在接触的语言的借词进行研究,可以发现不同语言之间的接触机制。

    Firstly , as the results of language contact the study of the loanwords , particularly those from the languages under the way of contact , can reveal the mechanism of language contact among different languages .

  22. 社会语言学自始至终强调语言的多样性,而个人和社会的语言多样性起源于语言之间的相互接触。

    Social linguistics always emphasizes the diversity of language , while the personal and social language diversity origins from language contact .

  23. 一种语言对另一种语言产生的影响即有积极的一面,也有消极的一面:语言的接触影响有叠层现象。

    The influence one kind of language on another kind of language has an active side , as well as a passive side ; the contact and the influence of language can be layered .