
  • 网络Sego;SATCO
  1. 30%爱苗EC和10%世高WG对菌丝生长有很好的抑制效果,而75%代森锰锌WG和75%百菌清WG对菌丝生长的抑制效果较差。

    30 % Armure EC and 10 % Score WG had better inhibition to mycelium growth ; while 75 % Mancogel sulfur WG and 75 % Chorothalonil WG had worse inhibition .

  2. 通过B-3GC柱状样84个样品的分析,获得了冲绳海槽北部全新世高分辨率沟鞭藻孢囊记录。

    Through the analysis of84 samples collected from the core B-3GC in the northern Okinawa Trough , a high resolution dinoflagellate cyst record of the Holocene has been obtained .

  3. 他在南部海岸一带的海难中死亡.华南全新世高海滩岩与海岸大震构造

    Holocene high beachrocks in South China and the strcture of coastal large earthquakes

  4. 全新世高温期我国湖泊沉积和自然环境的基本特征

    Characteristics of lake sediment and natural environments in China during the Holocene ALTITHERMAL period

  5. 在伊莫拉所做的空力套件更新中的一部分。南海北部更新世高分辨率孢粉序列与气候变化

    Middle Pleistocene high-resolution palynological sequences and climate changes in the northern South China Sea

  6. 全新世高温期气候不稳定性记录

    Climatic instability records of Megathermal period in Holocene

  7. 贵州都匀七星洞石笋剖面晚更新世高分辨率的气候地层学

    A high resolution late Pleistocene Climato-Stratigraphy of 4 stalagmites from Qixing cave , duyun , Guizhou

  8. 南海北部晚全新世高海平面及其波动的海滩沉积证据

    Beach sediments from northern South China Sea suggest high and oscillating sea level during the late Holocene

  9. 要客观地评估未来海平面变化,必须从地质历史中总结海平面波动的规律,所以重建地区全新世高精度海平面有着重要的意义。

    To assess and predict future sea level change , we need summarize the nature of sea level fluctuations from the geological evolution history .

  10. 华南全新世高海滩岩与海岸大震构造沿海大部分为岩石,但也有一部分沙滩。

    Holocene high beachrocks in South China and the strcture of coastal large earthquakes Most of the shore is rocky , but there is a sandy beach .

  11. MIS5.1,3.3~3.2期和全新世高的有机碳含量和C/N比值反映间冰期陆源有机物质输入量的增加。

    But high TOC and C / N ratio during MIS 5.1 , 3.3 to 3.2 and the Holocene reflect that the terrigenous organic matter input increased during interglacial periods .

  12. 笔者在世界上首次发现的华南海岸全新世高海滩岩中,又发现了海滩岩断代序列模式及其中蕴藏的重大科学信息。

    In the world , the authors have first discovered Holocene high beachrocks along the coast of South China , then discovered the dating sequence model of beachrock and its significant scientific information .

  13. 世高对于灰霉病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的抑制效果显著,抑制率达76.5%和54.4%;其次为百菌清,抑制率为60.6%和50.7%。

    Inhibition of10 % Score to the hyphe growth ( 76.5 % ) and spore germination ( 54.4 % ) was obvious for B cinerea , the second was Chlorothalonil ( 60.6 and50.7 % ) .

  14. 苏北沿海滩涂盐土上油葵盐肥效应研究南海北部晚全新世高海平面及其波动的海滩沉积证据

    Study on Coupling Effect of Salt and Fertilizer Application on Oil Sunflower in Salt Soil of Subei Coastal Mudflat Beach sediments from northern South China Sea suggest high and oscillating sea level during the late Holocene

  15. 本实验防效总体不是很好都在70%以下。其中10%世高水分散粒剂2000倍液防效与40%福星4000倍液相对较好。

    In this study , the overall control effect is not very good , mainly below 70 % , in which the control effect of 10 % Difenoconazole 2000 times and 40 % Fuxing 4000 times is relatively better .