
  • 网络world art
  1. 水墨画具有悠久的历史和优良的传统,在世界美术领域中具有自己独特的体系。

    Ink has a long history and fine tradition in the field of world art has its own unique system .

  2. 这些为他的晚年艺术带来了全新的改观,成为世界美术上的新亮点。

    These art for his old age has brought a new change , a new bright spot on the world art .

  3. 首先,相对世界美术而言,地域美术更具情感价值。

    First , compared with world fine arts , regional arts obtain more emotional value .

  4. 世界美术大典。

    The big box of art .

  5. 《神奈川冲浪里》,日本浮世绘技法和风格的扛鼎之做,世界美术史的重要组成部分。

    This particular woodblock is one of the most recognized works of Japanese art in the world .

  6. 在中国乃至世界美术领域,女性主义艺术批评缺乏学理上系统梳理和人类学意义上的建设性省思。

    In the art field in China and the world , the feminist lack of the research and construction .

  7. 认为美术教学由技能性教学向人文性教学的转变是符合世界美术教学改革发展趋势的。

    Changing from the technical ability teaching into human teaching fits the developing current of the Art teaching reform in the whole world .

  8. 这种对光的处理,既有民族“基因”,又有现代性,因此它必然能与世界美术接轨。

    This light treatment , both national " gene ", another modern , so it is bound to convergence with the world of art .

  9. 西方美术的信徒&崇拜西方美术,淡漠第三世界美术、民族美术和民间美术。

    The follower of western art & adoring western art , feeling indifferent of art of the third world , national art and popular art .

  10. 随着时代的发展,自改革开放以来中国社会进入迅速发展的现代化进程,各种思想、文化涌入中国,当代山水画正处在与世界美术的频繁交流以及日新月异的现代生活当中。

    All kinds of thoughts and culture rush into China . Chinese painting is the middle of frequent exchange with the world art and changing modern life .

  11. 国内作品选择了富有中华民族艺术精神、独具风格和气派的中国画,在与各国代表作品的对应中,显示了世界美术丰富多彩的气象。

    The alone style and the style traditional Chinese painting , in represented the work with the various countries in the correspondence , has demonstrated the world arts richly colorful .

  12. 世界美术史上最具伟大精神的里程碑,“现代艺术”的创始者巴勃罗·毕加索诞生于西班牙,那是西班牙后代艺术家得天独厚的运气。

    The great spiritual milestone in the world 's art history ," Modernism Art " founder Pablo Picasso was born in Spain , that is unique lucky for the Spanish artist .

  13. 俄罗斯十九世纪至二十世纪著名的绘画大师谢洛夫,集天赋、勤奋、机遇三大成功重要因素于一身,在俄罗斯乃至世界美术史上占有极其重要的位置。

    Valentin Alexandrovich serov , the most famous artist from 19th century to 20th century in Russia , combined with gift , assiduity and luck , plays a very important role in the history of fine arts in Russian or even in the whole world .

  14. 参加世界和平美术大展与在韩国当代美术大展取得最优秀奖以及在中国代表拍卖公司之一的保利拍卖会上取得好评的最近值得关注的艺术家。

    He attended World peace art exhibition and won the outstanding prize of Korean Contemporary art exhibition , and he also had good result in Poly auction which is famous auction company in China .

  15. 这些作品的收藏者也遍布世界各地的美术馆和基金会。

    Their work is held in museums and collections all over the world .

  16. 世界上很多美术馆都收藏他的作品。

    His work is represented in numerous collections including the Victoria and Albert Museum .

  17. 托马塞利的作品被许多世界著名的美术馆所收藏,包括卡内基美术馆,匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州;

    Tomaselli 's work is included in numerous distinguished museum collections including the Carnegie Museum of Art , Pittsburgh , PA ;

  18. 罗浮宫,系世界著名的美术博物馆,收藏过千副油画。但系每年吸引万众游客直奔去欣赏的还是“蒙罗丽沙”&在法国称为“乔孔达像”。

    The Louvre , the biggest art museum in the world , has thousands of paintings , but most of the millions of visitors a year make a bee-line for the Mona Lisa , known in France as La Joconde .

  19. 目前,世界上许多国家美术学科的名称有了改变,其中,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国已把美术(ART)改称为视觉艺术(VISUALARTS)。

    At present , the name of the art subject has changed . In the US , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , etc , The term ARThas changed into VISUAL ARTS .

  20. 全世界最有趣的美术馆之一。

    One of the most interesting picture galleries in the worid .

  21. 网络时代的美术馆按照不同载体来划分,可分为存在于现实世界中的传统美术馆和存在于虚拟世界中的网络美术馆。

    Art museums in the Internet age can be divided , in accordance with different carriers into traditional art museums existed in the real world and network art galleries survived in the virtual world .