
  • 网络barriers
  1. 培训中心仅有两间教师,但同时也是面向语障和听障儿童的一所学校。

    The two-room structure also doubles as a school for the hearing and speech impaired .

  2. 言语治疗师须为语障学生备存完整的学生名册、详尽的评估报告及治疗记录,并妥善存档。

    The speech therapists ( STs ) are required to keep a register , detailed descriptive assessment reports and clinical notes properly for the SLI students at school .

  3. 随着因特网在国内的迅速普及,网上的语障问题越来越突出,翻译软件的进展情况受到了人们的普遍关注,本文就国内翻译软件的现状进行了概述,并预测了今后几年的发展动态。

    Along with the development of domestic Internet , the problems about language hinders are raising , people pay attention to translation software . This article can render some assistance .

  4. 从语法关系的角度来识别语障,在识别过程中,通过英汉两种语言的对比,指出语障在这两种语言中的异同。

    This article deals with the identification of barriers in terms of grammatical relation and , at the same time , ties to reveal the differences and similarities between these two languages in the identification of barriers .