
  • 网络semantic grammar
  1. 苗语的形态及其语义语法范畴

    Morphology and Semantic Grammar Categories in Miao Language

  2. 领域语义语法的统计生成

    Statistical Acquisition of Domain-Specific Semantic Grammar

  3. 在充分理解了以关系型数据库描述的企业模型的完整结构后,基于XML的语义语法DTD,自定义了一套满足模型库结构要求的企业模型数据交换标准。

    After understanding the whole structure of enterprise model based on RDBMS , I define a series of semanteme and expressing-DTD .

  4. 为了满足企业建模和CIMS咨询服务的需求,提出了一种基于UML语义语法的资源建模方法。

    To meet the requirement of enterprise modeling and CIMS consultation services , a method based on UML of implementation of enterprise resource modeling is proposed .

  5. 本文根据含有[+顺序]的NP才具有陈述性,才能独立成句,借助有限语境、语用信息焦点及句子系统本身内在的语义语法关系去定位NP。

    The authors position NP in the light of indication character and independent sentence formation based on NP in + sequence by means of limit context , pragmatic information focus and intrinsic semantic as well as grammatical relationship .

  6. 单个动词作主语的语义语法考察

    The Semantic and Grammer Investigate of a Single Verb as Subject

  7. 自然语言接口设计的传统方法包括模板匹配、句法分析、语义语法和中间表述语言等。

    The traditional methods of NLI designing include pattern-matching , syntax analysis , semantic grammar , and intermediate representation languages .

  8. 本文从形式上证明了现代汉语非现实范畴是一种典型范畴,也是一种语义语法范畴。

    The article proves formally that irrealis category in modern Chinese is both a prototype and a semantic and grammatical category .

  9. 反响型量词在发展中从“语音语法”模式走向“语义语法”模式。

    Echo classifiers tend to shift from " phonetic semantic " pattern to " semantic syntax " pattern in the development .

  10. 并且对目前的汉语语法研究的三大流派“形式语法”、“功能语法”以及“语义语法”作了简明阐述。

    And the three schools of Chinese grammatical study , including formal grammar , functional grammar and semantic grammar , are elaborated .

  11. 循环迭代,可以生成一个粗糙的文法.最后,将这些抽取出来的粗糙文法经过人工校对,得到新领域的语义语法.实验结果表明了该算法是有效和切实可行的。

    Finally , the resultant grammar is post-processed by hand-editing . The preliminary experimental result shows that the method is effective and practical .

  12. 与描述组词成句规则系统的传统语法不同,语义语法以文本意思的提取规则为研究内容,其基本范畴乃是由名项及其意义或意思所确定的概念。

    Different from traditional grammars , which focus on how words are combined into phrases and sentences , semantic grammar studies the rules for extraction of text sense .

  13. 该方法利用语义语法精确的模型完整表达集成需求,并实现需求模型向集成配置模型的自动转换。

    The method uses a model of accurate grammar and semantic to express integration requirements completely , and make it possible that the requirements model can be converted to the integration configuration automatically .

  14. 同时,动词的不同形式、不同次类的动词作主语的潜在能力、实现形式、出现频率等方面均有很大差异。单个动词作主语的语义语法考察

    They have their different extended forms and the potential capability of which whether they can be realized depends on their concrete language context . The Semantic and Grammer Investigate of a Single Verb as Subject

  15. 语义语法学理论认为人类语言的本质属性是语义性,自然语言系统是建立在认知符号的范畴化和关联化基础上的语义网络。

    The theory of Semantic grammar think that the essence of natural language is the semantic . Natural language systems is a semantic web which establishs itself on the Areas and the associated of Cognitive symbols .

  16. 它与动词一样对汉语句型起着决定性的作用,对古代汉语形容词的研究可以带动对古代汉语语词训诂、短语结构、句子类型等语义语法多方面的研究。

    It can play the same decisive role in a Chinese sentence as the verb does , the research of which spurs on the study of exegesis of words , structures of phrases , types of sentences in ancient Chinese semantics and grammar .

  17. 系统中的元数据互操作是基于语义、语法和协议三个层次来实现,本系统在参考国际相关元数据标准的基础上,结合藏文古籍文献的特点采用了DC元数据标准。

    Based on referring international metadata standard , combining ethnic characteristics of ancient literature , the system uses DC metadata standard .

  18. PK的语义、语法功能及其他

    The Semantic and Grammatical Functions of " PK " and Relevant Concepts

  19. 如果能从语义、语法、语用三个方面去观察、去分析,则能对转折句里出现的A、B之间所具有的相反相对的意思作出合理的解释。

    Maybe a reasonable explanation to the opposites between the meanings of clause A and clause B can be attained if they are studied and analy from semantic , grammatical and pragmatic aspects .

  20. OWLFull可以与RDF完全向上兼容,不管语义还是语法都可以保持兼容:任何合法的RDF文档同时也是一个合法的OWLFull文档。

    OWL Full is fully upward-compatible with RDF , both syntactically and semantically : any legal RDF document is also a legal OWL Full document .

  21. 本文在研究了命题投影时序逻辑PPTL(PropositionalProjectionTemporalLogic)的语义和语法的基础上,详细阐述了它的判定过程和表达性。

    This thesis investigates the decision procedure for checking the satisfiability of Propositional Projection Temporal Logic ( PPTL ) and its expressiveness .

  22. 该Toad扩展可以对数据库相关代码进行语义和语法上的验证。

    The Toad Extension does semantical and syntactical validation of the database related code .

  23. 为克服以上缺陷,本文在完成ER模型分类研究、ER模式语义与语法形式定义的基础上,利用AnswerSet编程完成了ER模式的逻辑表示。

    To overcome these shortcomings , based on accomplishments of research on the ER model classification , the formal definition of syntax and semantics of ER schema , this thesis utilizes Answer Set programming to represent ER Schema .

  24. 讨论了MLMS的模态逻辑语义和语法。

    And logic syntax and semantics in MLMS are given .

  25. 上面列出的语义和语法优点并不是我将YAML用于应用程序的真正最重要的理由。

    None of the semantic and syntactic benefits listed above are really the strongest reason for using YAML for my application .

  26. 本文以网络新词X族、X客、X友(以下简称三词)为研究对象,从历时、来源、语音、语义、语法、隐喻等角度进行考察和对比。

    This paper mainly study the new words " X Zu , X Ke , X You "( hereinafter referred to as " the three words "), from the aspects of diachronic times , source , phonology , semantics , syntax , metaphor inspection .

  27. 针对企业建模研究中存在的问题,提出了基于结果链的建模方法(RCM)的语义、语法和应用规范。

    Based on some problems existing in the research of enterprise modeling , the semantic , syntax and application criterion of RCM ( Result-chain based modeling ) method is put forward .

  28. 本文主要介绍:PROLOG语言的语义、语法扩充,主要是函数定义、函数调用和表达式计算;对WARREN抽象机数据结构、指令的增加和修改;

    The main contents of this paper are : semantic and syntactic extention of Prolog , augmentation and modification of WARREN abstract machine , important components and running procedure of the compiler , and seven definition rules for syntactic structure coding .

  29. 本文介绍了CQL语言的语素、语义、语法及语用的定义,同时给出了CQL编辑器、编译器和查询结果可视化的设计方法。

    This paper summarizes the CQL language , and introduces the definition of morpheme , semantics , syntax and pragmatics of CQL . Meanwhile , the paper gives the design method of CQL editors , compilers and visual inquiry results .

  30. MWP协议是本文设计的应用层协议,文中规定了MWP协议的语义、语法和时序,并在设计中加入了滑动窗口协议和拥塞控制算法以保证数据传输的可靠性。

    MWP protocol is an application layer protocol designed by the paper . In this paper the semantic , syntax and temporal order of the MWP protocol are stipulated , and the slide window protocol and congestion control algorithm are planed to ensure the reliability of data transmission .