
  • 网络style
  1. 人民日报国际评论的语体风格研究

    Analysis of Style Characteristic of International News Comments on People 's Daily

  2. 古代应用文的语体风格

    The Style of Classical Chinese Practical Writing The Visualization of Archaic Applied Writing

  3. 这篇短文的语体风格突然从正式转为非正式。

    The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register .

  4. 语体风格的认知结构

    A Research on Cognitive Structure in Genre and Style

  5. 网络语体风格的软规范与硬规范

    Soft rules and hard rules for Internet language style

  6. 诵读在语体风格教学中的作用

    The Function of Chanting in the Teaching of Style of Type of Writing

  7. 语体风格问题的思考

    Considerations on the Problems of Genre and Style

  8. 正式语与非正式语&浅谈语体风格的区别

    Formal style and in formal style & A brief analysis of the differences of styles

  9. 从叙述到描绘&从语体风格看二十世纪中国文学批评的视角转换

    Changes in the Angle of Vision for the 20th-century Chinese Literary Criticism Seen through Styles

  10. 论应用文语体风格的规范性

    On the Standardization of Practical Writing Style

  11. 公文语体风格的形成

    Writing Style Formed in Official Document

  12. 不同的表述人称有不同的表达效果,切合不同行文的语体风格。

    Different person statements have different expression results , suiting different styles of type of writing .

  13. 浅论中国现当代散文语体风格

    On Style of Contemporary Chinese Prose

  14. 论现代英语广告的语体风格

    On advertising style of modern English

  15. 网络语体风格刍议

    On the network language style

  16. 应用语体风格说略

    On style of practical writing

  17. 第三节,从叙事、语言、修辞等方面来探究魏晋表文以典雅为美的语体风格。

    Section III is demonstrated an elegant beauty of the language style of Wei and Jin Dynasties memorial .

  18. 该理论对研究晚清翻译小说,研究译文读者对翻译的选材、思想内容、语体风格和文本形式的影响,提供了一个新的视角。

    The theory also provided a new view on the study of novel translation in the Late Qing Dynasty .

  19. 有时,同一个词随着语体风格或应用场合的不同也会产生不同的意义,即:语体转换也会使词义发生变化。

    Sometimes , the same word will develop different meaning when it is used in different language style or situation .

  20. 英汉议论文体主位推进模式对比分析论英汉文学翻译中的语言美&兼议英汉翻译语体风格的转换

    A Comparison of the Thematic Progression Models between English and Chinese Argumentative Writings ; On Linguistic Delicacy In English-Chinese Translation

  21. 不仅要把握一般语体风格特征,还要考虑不同文体的具体特征。

    The writer should also consider the general speech style , and the special speech style that meets the demand of specific purpose as well .

  22. 以语体风格为切入点研究人民日报的国际评论,对于改进国际评论写作具有重要意义。

    As one of the most important information sources , international news comments on People 's Daily have their own advantages over forms of explaining international events .

  23. 从量词色彩意义的三个方面看,量词在形象描绘事物、准确传情达意、塑造人物个性、突出语体风格等方面有重要作用。

    From three the quantifier additional meaning , quantifiers in the image depict things accurately , emotions and shaping personalities , prominent genre and style play an important role .

  24. 普通话的口语形式是指使用普通话时所形成的,用于表达和理解的,以口头语体风格为主的话语样式。

    The oral form of Putonghua ( Chinese common speech ) refers to discourse form which is used for expression and understanding with oral style as the main part .

  25. 文章在全面描述中国现代讽刺幽默小说发展演变轨迹的基础上,论述了它的审美特征、表现形态、语体风格及叙事方法。

    Based on a full portrait of the development and evolution of these novels he discusses their aesthetic features , forms of expression , types of writing and narrative methods .

  26. 作为一种述评结合的新闻文体,新闻评论对语言要素与表达方式的客观要求充分体现了自身独特的语体风格;

    News comment is a news style of combining the narration and review , whose objective requirements on language elements and expressing ways fully reflect the unique language style of news comment .

  27. 《马氏文通》有着自觉的修辞意识,不但在论述汉语语法现象时往往结合修辞进行,而且在句法修辞、语音修辞、辞格和语体风格诸方面都有独到的见解。

    This paper probes into the stylistic and rhetoric meanings of words based on linguistic theories as well as the positive effects that the studies impose on the definiatia of bilingual dictionary .

  28. 在实际语言教学中,各种语体风格的区别,特别是正式语与非正式语的区别,对于提高他们实际运用语言的能力至关重要,而在我们以往的教学中,却往往忽视这一点。

    In our practical language teaching , it is significant to know the stylistic differences , particularly the differences between formal and informal styles , which has long been neglected in our language teaching .

  29. 现行的规范性法律文件中普遍存在着语言表述上的问题,这些问题较明显地体现为语言的冲突、语言逻辑的错误、语言内部结构的不规范和语体风格的误区。

    It is quite a prevalent drawback that problems in linguistic expression are always found in legislative documents in current operation , which include contradictions , logic errors , structural incorrectness , and stylistic anomalies .

  30. 本文以《南方周末》报为例,通过分析报纸新闻评论的语体风格,内容形式等,阐述新闻评论在新时期与此前的不同表现手法。

    Here using 《 Southern Weekend 》 as an example , by analyzing the language style of its News reviews and the format of its content etc. it shows the different representation technique of News reviews in different period of time .