
  • 网络speech synthesizer;voice synthesizer;vocoder;tts;voder
  1. LPC语音合成器的词汇编码优化

    Optimizing for vocabulary encoding of speech synthesizer

  2. 线性预测编码(LPC)语音合成器的设计

    Design on LPC Speech Synthesizer

  3. 他从屏幕上选择他要说的话,然后由一个语音合成器说出。

    He chose his words from the screen , which were then spoken by a voice synthesizer .

  4. 这种API规定一个跨平台的接口来支持命令―控制识别器、听写系统和语音合成器。

    The API specifies a cross-platform interface to support command-and-control recognizers , dictation systems , and speech synthesizers .

  5. 高品质的语音合成器。32至40秒的即时语音ROM。

    High quality voice synthesizer.32 to40 sec instant voice ROM.

  6. 变个数多脉冲激下低比特率高质量LPC语音合成器研究

    Research on Variable-Number MPLPC Synthesizer for Producing High Quality Speech at Low Bitrate

  7. 屏幕读取器允许用户通过创建界面的off-screen表示,并将其传送到一个语音合成器或盲文终端来与GUI进行交互。

    Screen readers allow users to interact with a GUI by creating an off-screen representation of the interface and passing this to a speech synthesizer or a Braille terminal .

  8. 本文主要介绍适合于LSI芯片设计的语音合成器的基本原理、合成模型、硬件电路等。

    In this piper , the basic principle , the synthesis model as well as the hardware circuit of the speech synthesizer suit to LSI chip design are introduced .

  9. 霍金患有ALS症,或肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,这种疾病把他限制坐在轮椅上,使他没有电脑语音合成器的帮助就不能说话。

    Hawking has ALS , or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , which has confined him to a wheelchair and leaves him unable to speak without the help of a computerized voice synthesizer .

  10. 根据汉语普通话中数字串发音的韵律规则和特点,利用LMA语音合成器,实现了一种全新的数字串报号系统。

    Based on the prosodic characteristics of Chinese digit strings and the application of the LMA synthesizer , a new speech synthesis system is introduced in this paper .

  11. 论述了语音合成器MSP50C32N的性能,以及语音数据的制作过程,结合应用实例,给出了它的设计电路及软件流程。

    This article discuss the performance of voice synthesis MSP50C32N and process of making voice data , Its design circuit and software flowchart used in application example are given here .

  12. 简要介绍了KD-863汉语文语合成项目的研究进展:建立了汉语F0曲线产生模型以及基于该模型合成汉语语调的研究,提出了一个基于LMA滤波器技术的新颖语音合成器;

    This paper presents the research progress on the project of KD 863 Chinese text to speech . The main results include a quantitative F0 contour model , which has been proposed for analysis and synthesis of Chinese intonation , and a novel speech synthesizer based on the LMA filter .

  13. 基于波形变换编码的一种语音合成器

    A Speech Synthesis System Using the Waveform Transform Coded Method

  14. 文字转换语音合成器灰部置换:英语是灰部置换的缩写。

    Text-to-speech synthesizer GCR : Abbreviation for Grey Component Replacement .

  15. 在谈到他的语音合成器的美国口音时,霍金说。

    In response to a question about the American accent of his synthesiser .

  16. 多脉冲激励线性预测编码语音合成器

    Multi-Pulse Excited Linear Predictive Coding Speech Synthesizer

  17. 模拟口声语音合成器合成的光学录音声带

    Simulate voice synthesizer combined optical sound

  18. 正文-语音合成器对传给它的所有短语的发音进行校正的一种方式。

    A mode in which a text-to-speech synthesizer attempts correct pronunciation of all phrases sent to it .

  19. 我就不说它们的名字了,因为我的语音合成器会把它们弄乱的。

    I won 't try to pronounce their names because my speech synthesizer makes a mess of them .

  20. 语音合成器型用户代理可能会改变合成参数,例如会相应地音量,音高以及频率等。

    Speech synthesizer user agents may change the synthesis parameters , such as volume , pitch and rate accordingly .

  21. 中国音韵学和语音学在汉语言语合成中的应用模拟口声语音合成器

    From Traditional Chinese Phonology to Modern Speech Processing & Realization of Tone and Intonation in Standard Chinese ; simulate voice synthesizer

  22. 奥布莱恩还问了霍金,这位73岁的物理学家可曾觉得人生孤单。众所周知,霍金需要通过语音合成器才能与人交流。

    He also asked the 73-year-old physicist , who communicates through his famous speech synthesiser , whether he ever finds life lonely .

  23. 参加试验的12名志愿者收听了通过语音合成器产生的特别难懂的单词。

    The 12 volunteers tested in the experiment were played words created through a speech synthesizer which were purposely difficult to understand .

  24. 因为缺少相关标准,使得语音合成器与其他系统的集成变得很困难。

    Because of the lack of standard in such case , it is very difficult for a speech synthesizer to integrate with other systems .

  25. 它的最终目标是让丧失某种运动能力的人,能够操作计算机及语音合成器等辅助性的设备。

    Its ultimate goal is to allow people who loss some kind of athletic ability to operate auxiliary equipment , such as computer and voice synthesizer .

  26. 该方法采用了基于发音声学原理的反射型传输线模型来实现语音合成器。

    The synthesis model is implemented with scattering process derived from reflection-type line analog of vocal tract system according to the acoustic model of speech production .

  27. 霍金只能借助电脑语音合成器来讲话,他患有神经性肌肉萎缩症,并且症状逐年加重,直至几乎完全瘫痪。

    Hawking , who is only able to speak through a computer-generated voice synthesizer , has a neuro muscular dystrophy that has progressed over the years and left him almost completely paralyzed .

  28. 舌是发音器官之一。语音发生器语言合成器

    The tongue is one of the organs for pronunciation . speech generator

  29. 语音发生器语言合成器复合同步信号发生器

    Speech generator composite sync generator

  30. 然后屏幕阅读器利用专门的文本到语音转化硬件、软件语音合成器、盲文显示,或其他组合提出信息。

    The screen reader then renders that information using specialized text-to-speech hardware , software speech synthesizers , Braille displays , or some combination thereof .