
  • 网络Voice Reminder;Remind Me
  1. 因为只需一个简单的按钮,用户就可以把Yo这个单词以语音提醒的方式发给别人,而这也是Yo的唯一功能。

    With a single tap , users can send the word Yo to one another in a voice notification & and nothing else .

  2. 因为只需一个简单的按钮,用户就可以把“Yo”这个单词以语音提醒的方式发给别人,而这也是Yo的唯一功能。

    With a single tap , users can send the word " Yo " to one another in a voice notification - and nothing else .

  3. 苹果自主研发的地图为用户提供在车辆需要拐弯时进行语音提醒的导航服务,还能显示周边商业信息。

    Apple 's own take on maps provides turn-by-turn navigation and local business information .

  4. 语音提醒系统中,调用距离判定子程序对测得的实时距离进行判定,根据判定结果选择对应的语音提醒。

    In the voice alarming subsystem , distance measurement subprogram was adopted to measure the real-time distance , according to which corresponding voice alarming was chosen .

  5. 监测系统划分为图像采集、图像处理、扩展存储、语音提醒以及电源管理等五个功能模块。

    The detecting system consists of the image collection module , the image processing module , the expanded memory module , the voice warning module and the electrical source manage module .

  6. 本系统通过超声波发送接收来检测周围各个方向一段距离内是否有障碍物存在,若存在障碍物,语音和振动提醒模块发出提醒信息,同时,光敏二极管可以有效地提醒路人对盲人进行避让。

    This system through the ultrasonic send receive to detect all directions around a range have obstacles exist , if present obstacles , voice and vibration remind module issued remind information , and at the same time , photosensitive diode technology effectively reminded passers-by to blind avoid .

  7. 这款手机除了提供25个语音拨号之外,还有语音记事提醒。

    Along with 25 speech dials , this type of handset offers you the speech memory prompt .

  8. 一旦瓦斯浓度超标,终端节点的语音报警系统便以语音方式报警,提醒矿下工作人员撤离。

    Once the gas concentration exceeds the standard , the voice alarm system of terminal node will give an alarm to make the staff escape .