
yǔ wén kè
  • Chinese course;Chinese subject;language and literature course/class
  1. 展览中,新加坡艺术家蔡名智(ChuaMiaTee)的两幅作品对这个城市国家的身份显得尤为重要。一幅是1955年的《马来亚史诗》(EpicPoemofMalaya),一幅是1959年的《语文课》(NationalLanguageClass)。

    Two works important to the city-state 's identity are " Epic Poem of Malaya " ( 1955 ) and " National Language Class " ( 1959 ) by the Singaporean artist Chua Mia Tee .

  2. 几个月前MMissParker泊一堂主题为“我在宇宙中”的语文课,让越杰对太空、宇宙、行星这些主题大感兴趣。

    Yuejie is crazy about space . A few months ago , Miss Parker gave a lecture called " I am in the universe ", helping him become interested in all things relating to space , the universe and planets .

  3. 大学语文课在高等教育中的地位和功能

    The Role and Function of College Chinese Courses In Advanced Education

  4. 新课程的语文课应如何探究

    How to Do Research work in Chinese Class under New Curriculum

  5. 语文课如何渗透心理健康教育

    How to Infiltrate Psychological Education into the Lecture of Chinese Language

  6. 医学写作是中专语文课的重要内容。

    Medical writing is an important part of secondary vocational education .

  7. 高职大学语文课的知识体系与授课模式

    The Knowledge System and Teaching Model of Chinese Course in Vocational College

  8. 语文课改应根植于民族的土壤

    Reform of the Chinese Courses Rooting in Its National Culture

  9. 大学语文课面临和存在的主要问题及其解决方法

    Main Problems Encountered and Existed in College Chinese Course and Solving Methods

  10. 新概念作文对语文课教学的负面冲击

    The new concept compositions ' opposite influence on Chinese teaching

  11. 示范性高职院校语文课教学模式改革与实践

    Language Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges Model Reform and Practice

  12. 我们星期一有语文课,数学课,美术课和体育课。

    We have Chinese , math , art and PE on Monday .

  13. 语言课与语文课具有不同的性质和任务。

    Chinese and language course have different targets and tasks .

  14. 高中语文课改初论

    Discussion on the Reform of Chinese Education in the Senior Middle School

  15. 语文课如何体现素质教育

    How to Embody Character Education in Ch in ese Class

  16. 谈初中语文课的语文知识学习

    On the Learning of Chinese Knowledge in Chinese Curriculum of Middle School

  17. 审美观照下的比较与辨析&关于大学语文课中的外国文学作品教学

    Aesthetic Differentiation and Comparison : On Foreign Literatures Teaching in College Chinese

  18. 简论语文课的工具性与人文性

    Brief Commentary on the Instrumentality and Humanity of Chinese as a Course

  19. 略论语文课诵读教学的意义

    On the Significance of Recitation Teaching of Chinese Lessons

  20. 中国传统文化与培养当代改革型人才&论大学语文课的性质和作用

    Traditional Chinese Culture and Training of Contemporary Reformative-Oriented Talents

  21. 试论大学语文课的教学目的教学内容和教学方法

    Teaching Purposes , Content and Methods of College Chinese

  22. 语文课中古代年龄称谓摭谈

    A Brief Talk on " the Ancient Age Addressing " in Chinese Lessons

  23. 所以我们的语文课充满了乐趣。

    So our Chinese class always full of fun .

  24. 我们下午没有语文课。

    We don 't have Chinese in the afternoon .

  25. 论语文课审美教育之手段

    On the education of aesthetic judgement in chinese teaching

  26. 从参加工作以来,我已经上了许多年的语文课。

    I have been teaching Chinese since I worked .

  27. 他们是星期五上语文课吗?

    Do they have a Chinese class on Friday ?

  28. 对大学语文课现状与对策的思考

    On the state and strategy of College Chinese Course

  29. 语文课的存在范式为审美&情感范式。

    The paradigm of Chinese class is aesthetic appreciation-emotion .

  30. 中师语文课前说话初期指导

    Instructions on Pre-class Talk of Normal School Chinese Class in the initial Stages