  • only;merely;barely

  • nearly;close to
  • 不过,才:不~如此。绝无~有。~只(仅仅)。

  • 将近,几乎:士卒~万人。


(仅仅; 只) only; merely; barely:

  • 不仅如此

    not only that; nor is this all;

  • 仅次於

    second only to;

  • 仅够

    barely enough;

  • 绝无仅有

    the only one of its kind; unique;

  • 世所仅见

    have no parallel anywhere;

  • 仅存一人。

    There was only one survivor.


[书] (将近) nearly; close to:

  • 仅百人

    close to a hundred people

  1. 那段婚姻仅维持了一星期,期间从未同房。

    The marriage lasted only a week and was never consummated .

  2. 俱乐部仅对会员开放。

    Access to the club is restricted to members only .

  3. 那家商号仅在本州就有34个零售店。

    The business has 34 retail outlets in this state alone .

  4. 她希望庆祝活动仅限于家人参加。

    She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair .

  5. 火灾之后仅两个星期,这所学校就重新开学了。

    The school was reopened just two weeks after the fire .

  6. 我们仅拍摄了两个镜头就把这部分戏拍好了。

    We managed to get it right in just two takes .

  7. 仅从一个事例进行归纳的做法是愚蠢的。

    It would be foolish to generalize from a single example .

  8. 他们在拼命抢救他们仅余的业务。

    They are fighting to save what is left of their business .

  9. 这个账户给你投资的回报仅是微不足道的1%。

    This account offers a paltry 1 % return on your investment .

  10. 我仅听到他们谈话的结尾。

    I only caught the fag end of their conversation .

  11. 他们在加时赛中仅踢进一球即获胜。

    They won by a single goal after extra time .

  12. 两人都是医生,但他们的相似之处仅此而已。

    They are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends .

  13. 仅他一人回到了家。

    He returned home without any of the others .

  14. 他上场仅52分钟就赢得了胜利。

    He won after only 52 minutes on court .

  15. 政治常常仅与政界人士的个人虚荣有关。

    Politics is too often concerned only with the personal vanities of politicians .

  16. 仅以此短笺感谢您安排的美好的夜晚。

    Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening .

  17. 仅那一次进攻就死伤达6000人。

    The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6 000 .

  18. 他们仅用三分钟就换了轮胎。

    They changed the wheel in three minutes flat .

  19. 我对事情的了解仅限于官方的版本。

    I only knew the official version of events .

  20. 以下规定仅适用于2003年1月1日后入住的房客。

    The following applies only to tenants in occupation after January 1 2003 .

  21. 去年汽车盗窃案的侦破率仅为13%。

    Last year the detection rate for car theft was just 13 % .

  22. 俱乐部的会员资格仅可通过推荐获得。

    Membership of the club is by nomination only .

  23. 他仅上场了五分钟便因膝部受伤被替换下场。

    He was subbed after just five minutes because of a knee injury .

  24. 这仅是无恶意的愚蠢行为。

    It was just a piece of harmless frivolity .

  25. 仅根据一组结果进行概括是十分不可靠的。

    It 's far too risky to generalize from one set of results .

  26. 他们的婚姻仅过半年就宣告取消。

    Their marriage was annulled after just six months .

  27. 我们仅从星期一工作到星期五。

    We only work from Monday to Friday .

  28. 这部剧仅上演了三个晚上就停演了。

    The play closed after just three nights .

  29. 他们的生日仅隔三日。

    Their birthdays are only three days apart .

  30. 新职位仅限于内部招聘。

    The new posts were only advertised internally .