
  • 网络language ability;linguistic competence;linguistic ability;verbal skill
  1. 以语文能力培养为核心;

    Take as its core to form Chinese language ability .

  2. 基于人文素质培养和语文能力提升的大学语文教育改革论

    College Chinese Innovate Based on Humanity Quality Development and Language Ability Promotion

  3. 写作能力是语文能力的最高形式的检测。

    The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence .

  4. 试论高职学生应具备的语文能力

    Try to Discuss the Senior High Vocational College Students ? Chinese Ability

  5. 在语文能力训练中探寻人文素质教育新途径

    Explorations on New Approaches to Human Quality Cultivation in Chinese Competence Training

  6. 注重素质教育培养语文能力

    Paying Attention to Quality Education , Fostering Chinese Language Competence

  7. 儒家经典文本教育与语文能力提高。

    Confucian classical works education and language ability enhancement .

  8. 这对他们语文能力的掌握和进步都有帮助。

    This would help them to learn and improve on their language skills .

  9. 提高高职学生语文能力的实践探索

    A practical exploration to improve students ability of applying Chinese in higher vocational college

  10. 提高学生语文能力的重要途径

    Methodology to Improve Students ' Chinese Explanation Ability

  11. 注重能力培养;素质教育中语文能力考核模式的研究

    Study on Chinese Test Style and Ability in Education for All - around Development

  12. 这个目标体现了现代社会对学生语文能力的新要求。

    This reflects the modern society of students ' bilingual ability of new requirements .

  13. 中学生语文能力的提高,阅读习惯的培养主要源于课堂。

    As students improve language skills , get reading habit mainly from the classroom .

  14. 国际语言学家常设委员会语文能力工作小组〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Permanent International Committee of Linguists Working Group on Language Proficiency [ Education Commission ]

  15. 重视课外阅读培养语文能力

    Emphasizing Extra-curricular Reading and Cultivating Chinese Abilities

  16. 语文能力观补正及教育策略论

    Filler and Correction of the View of Chinese Abilities and the Theory of Educational Tactics

  17. 现代语文能力的典型时代特征

    Features of Modern Competence in Chinese

  18. 更应当是元素,语文能力本身也是学生从事职业活动的一项基本能力。

    In short , Chinese ability is a basic factor for students ' future professional activity .

  19. 语文能力请用优、良、可、差

    Language proficiency Please use one of these words : excellent , good , fair , poor

  20. 德育的渗透一定要遵循语文能力生成和发展的规律。

    Immersion of moral education has to follow the rules of Chinese ability formation and development .

  21. 能力本位课程观在强调语文能力的同时,却导致了对语文能力理解的狭窄化和培养方式的机械化。

    The last one results in narrow comprehension of ability and mechanized ways of ability training .

  22. 语文能力训练的系统思考

    Thinking on Ability Training of Chinese

  23. 关于加强理工科大学生语文能力培养的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on How to Improve Science and Engineering University Students ' Language and Literature Ability

  24. 英文科语文能力培训课程

    English language proficiency training course

  25. 参加该项计划的的士司机,均须符合基本要求,包括良好的态度、驾驶技术及语文能力。

    Drivers of the scheme should meet social skills requirement e.g.Good manner , driving skill and language proficiency .

  26. 集体教学的过度使用,使学生的主体性发挥受到了限制,影响了学生语文能力的形成与发展。

    The over-used collective teaching restricts the cultivation and development of the student autonomy and their Chinese abilities .

  27. 延伸课堂教学,开辟第二课堂,促成大学生语文能力的转化;

    Extends the classroom instruction , opens the second classroom , facilitates the university student language ability the transformation ;

  28. 传统的观点认为,语文能力就是听、说、读、写四种能力。

    In traditional view , Chinese abilities refer to the abilities in listening , speaking , reading and writing .

  29. 因此,注重高校非中文专业学生专业能力与语文能力的培养成为不容忽视的问题。

    Therefore , great emphasis should be attached to the cultivation of major abilities and Chinese language abilities of non-Chinese majors .

  30. 政府另一项教育措施是致力提高教师及学生的语文能力。

    The other new initiative was related to the government 's commitment to enhance the language abilities of teachers and students .