
  • 网络Writing teaching;Teaching of writing;teaching writing;Focus on Writing
  1. 哈桑的GSP理论与英语写作教学

    Hasan 's GSP Theory and College English Writing Teaching

  2. 构筑训练体系&高校应用写作教学的必然选择

    Natural choice in practical writing teaching : building a training system

  3. Internet上英语写作教学资源的探索与利用

    Using the Internet for Teaching English Writing

  4. 论Internet辅助英语写作教学

    On Internet-assisted English Writing Instruction

  5. 基于博客(Blog)的大学英语写作教学的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on the Teaching of College English Writing Based on Blog

  6. MBA案例教学法在应用写作教学中的适用性

    Application of MBA Case-study Method to Teaching Applied Writing

  7. EFL写作教学的新思考

    On Teaching Methodology of EFL Writing

  8. EFL写作教学中的词汇短语研究

    Lexical Phrases in EFL Writing

  9. 中西方思维差异对英语写作教学和CET写作测试的影响

    On the Influence Brought by Differential Perspectives Between Chinese and English in the Writing Course of EFL Teaching and CET Writing

  10. 把博客技术应用于大学英语教学,尝试在CMC环境下利用过程法进行写作教学。

    It sets out to apply Blog technology into college English teaching environment . Specifically , it attempts to apply process approach into writing instruction under CMC context .

  11. 数据驱动学习与英语写作教学中的语域知识传授&基于CLEC语料库的个案研究

    Data-Driven Learning and the Teaching of Register Knowledge in English Composition Pedagogy & A CLEC-Based Case Study

  12. 笔者希望,该教学实验可以展现一个如何将BBS技术应用于英语写作教学的范例,并希望该研究结果可以启发更多的教育工作者进行更深入的研究。

    Hopefully , the teaching practice will demonstrate a specific example of how the BBS technology can be employed to conduct EFL writing instruction and the findings of the research will be enlightening to the further research of more educational practitioners .

  13. 以策略培训为基础进行的写长法大学英语写作教学尝试

    A New Experiment of Teaching College English Writing with Length Approach

  14. 指代、照应与英语写作教学

    On Deixis , Anaphora and the Teaching of Writing in English

  15. 写长法是对传统写作教学法的改革和一种新的写作教学尝试。

    The length writing approach represents an attempt for its improvement .

  16. 关于应用写作教学中互动理论的实践探讨

    The Theory and Practice of Interactive Teaching Mode in Applied Writin

  17. 毕业论文写作教学中存在的问题及改进措施

    Exploration on the Problems and Improvement in the Teaching Graduation Theses

  18. 大学英语写作教学琐得

    Application of Imitation to English Writing in College English Composition Course

  19. 因果链注意窗理论在写作教学中的应用

    An Application of Causal-Chain Windowing Theory to the Teaching of Writing

  20. 财经应用写作教学方法的优化

    Optimizing of Teaching Method of Applying Writing for Finance and Economics

  21. 写作教学应注重写作主体素质的培养

    Stressing the Cultivation of the Trainees ' Quality in Writing Instruction

  22. 高校毕业生求职简历写作教学谈

    On the Teaching of Resume writing for the College Graduates

  23. 应用文写作教学去文学化探讨

    Research on " Non-Literary Style " in Teaching Practical Writing

  24. 需求与谂悉:高校写作教学的嬗变

    Demand and Familiarity & Changes in Writing Teaching at College

  25. 高职院校英语任务型写作教学的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Task-based Writing in Higher Vocational and Technological Colleges

  26. 改进作文评阅方法,提高写作教学

    Effective Methods of Responding to Student Writing and Improving Teaching of Writing

  27. 试论写作教学中的写作观教育

    A Tentative Study on the Education of Writing Outlook in Composition Teaching

  28. 在中国,英语教学中英语写作教学一直是一个难点。

    In china , it is very hard to teach English writing .

  29. 论开放型写作教学模式的建构与实践

    On the Building and Structure of Open Teaching Method and the Practice

  30. 科技写作教学评价问题刍议

    Discussion on the Problems about Assessment of Scientific Writing Teaching