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  • photo album
  1. 写真集的消费有着丰富的心理蕴涵:它体现了女性的虚荣心理、追求时尚的心理、百变女神的审美幻想。

    The consumption of photo album has rich psychological implication which embodies female vanity and female fashion-seeking psychology and aesthetic fantasy of changing beauty .

  2. 你真的会出版美国写真集啦?

    You 'll really publish Family Album , U.S.A. ?

  3. 泰勒·斯威夫特化身迪士尼童话人物长发公主,为全新的迪斯尼明星童话写真集拍摄广告。

    Taylor Swift poses as the Disney Princess Rapunzel in this brand new Disney Dream Portrait promo image .

  4. 宋承宪今年2月28日在日本通过出示写真集再次和日本影迷见面。

    SSH will meet with his fans in Japan again this 28 Feb , through the release of his pictorial book .

  5. 把老照片与最近的照片放到一起,并使用网站上的工具来创建一个充满回忆的写真集。

    Combine the older pictures with newer images and use the tools on the site to create a photo book full of memories .