
  • 网络Language acoustics;speech acoustics;acoustics of speech
  1. 基于音素聚类的多语言声学建模方法

    Multilingual Acoustic Modeling Method Based on Phoneme Clustering

  2. 结论:语言声学分析可评价腭裂手术疗效及术后语音训练的效果。

    Conclusion : Speech acoustic analysis can evaluate the operation and speech therapeutic effect in cleft palate .

  3. 本文涉及语言声学的语音学研究、文语转换技术、语音识别技术及自然语言处理等方面。

    This paper is involved in aspects of linguistic acoustics , including phonetics , text to speech , speech recognition and natural language processing ( NLP ) .

  4. 计算机语音技术涉厦到人工智能、模式识别、微机技术、语言声学、语言学和认知科学等许多学科领域。

    Computer technology of phonetics relates to many disciplines , such as Artificial Intelligence , Pattern Identification , Computer Technology , Linguistics , Language Acoustics , Cogniza-tion , and etc.

  5. 本文分析它的句法结构及其表达功能,同时试图通过语言声学实验描述其结构特征,作为探讨现代汉语句式的一种尝试。

    Here in this article the author tries to make an analysis of its syntactical structure and its expressive function and at the same time to describe its structural characteristics by means of acoustic experiment of language , as an attempt to approach modern Chinese sentence patterns .

  6. 对新闻广播语言的声学特征的分析,为建立汉语合成的韵律调节规则提供了理论依据。

    Acoustics analysis of news broadcast speech provides theoretical basis for building up prosodic rules .

  7. 汉语语言识别的声学模型和语言模型

    Acoustic Model and Language Model for Speech Recognition Systems for Chinese

  8. 该系统充分利用了语言底层的声学信息和音位结构分布信息。

    The system makes full use of acoustic information and phoneme and phonotactics .

  9. 县、市级广播电台语言录音室声学设计

    Acoustical Design of Audio-Recording Room at country-level Radio Station

  10. 仅仅依靠语音信号的声学模型来进行语音识别,存在着不能利用语言的非声学知识的固有缺陷。

    Traditional speech recognition system has an intrinsic defect that , commonly only use the acoustic model of speech and unable to use non-acoustic knowledge of language to recognize speech .